3 research outputs found

    Adaptaci贸n del proceso editorial y la importancia del acceso abierto durante la pandemia del Covid-19

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    Scientific production in health sciences, aimed at publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals, has always been a reliable source for medical decision-making, particularly in public health decisions, but it took on a crucial role from the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic. Where politicians, physicians, scientists, academics and even the press, demand valid and relevant knowledge, because of this, the scientific journal medical science (RCCM) published by the Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Universidad Mayor de San Sim贸n (SCEM-UMSS) , like many other scientific journals of health sciences in the world, have had to adapt as soon as possible to the international health emergency situation, being, that the government of Bolivia through the supreme decree No. 4199 on March 21, 2020 declares the beginning of the total quarantine for all Bolivia, which forced the university educational institutions to close their doors, due to the strict quarantine, where one of its measures was to implement the safe physical distance, therefore, the editorial committee of the RCCM had to adapt in the most timely manner to follow the editorial process of the 2020 management, in order to contribute to Latin American science more now, in time of health crisis.La producci贸n cient铆fica en ciencias de la salud , encaminada a publicarse en revistas cient铆ficas arbitradas, han sido siempre una fuente confiable para la toma de decisiones m茅dicas, en particular en decisiones en salud p煤blica, pero tom贸 a partir del inicio de la pandemia del COVID 19, un papel crucial. Donde los pol铆ticos, m茅dicos, cient铆ficos, acad茅micos e incluso la prensa, demandan un conocimiento v谩lido y relevante, debido a ello, la revista cient铆fica ciencia m茅dica (RCCM) editada por la Sociedad Cient铆fica de Estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Sim贸n (SCEM-UMSS) , al igual que muchas otras revistas cient铆ficas de ciencias de la salud del mundo, se han tenido que adaptar lo m谩s pronto a la situaci贸n de emergencia sanitaria internacional, siendo, que el gobierno de Bolivia mediante el decreto supremo n掳 4199 en fecha 21 de marzo del a帽o 2020 declara el inicio de la cuarentena total para toda Bolivia, que oblig贸 a las instituciones educativas universitarias a cerrar sus puertas, debido a la cuarentena estricta, donde una de sus medidas fue implementar la distancia f铆sica segura, por聽tanto, el comit茅 editorial de la RCCM tuvo que adaptarse de la manera m谩s oportuna posible para seguir el proceso editorial de la gesti贸n 2020, con el fin de contribuir a la ciencia latinoamericana m谩s ahora, en tiempo de crisis sanitaria

    Estudio Ecol贸gico de Hogares Bolivianos y su Relaci贸n con la COVID-19, Gesti贸n 2020

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    Objectives:聽 To analyze the symptoms and the social and educational characteristics of health services related to Covid-19 during the pandemic in the Bolivian population in the 2020 management. Methods:聽 The study type is ecological, the universe is the entire Bolivian population; an overall estimated of 11,633,371 people, data was collected from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in 2020, from all nine departments of the country, both urban and rural, the sample calculation was previously determined in the 2019 household survey by the INE. Results:聽 The study found that the infection rate affected the urban area (76.6%) more than the rural area (23.4%); regarding control and management of covid-19 in the study population, it was found that n=1092 people tested positive in the laboratory test, and n=1220 needed medication for covid-19 and half of the surveyed population followed a therapeutic protocol for the management of covid-19 (n=1147). Conclusions:聽 There is evidence of a relationship between social, educational and health care and management characteristics and covid-19 in the population assessed during the 2020 pandemic; however, more focused research is needed on the aforementioned characteristics.Objetivos: analizar las caracter铆sticas sociales, educativas, s铆ntomas, de los servicios de salud relacionados a la Covid-19 durante la pandemia en la poblaci贸n boliviana, 2020. M茅todos: el tipo de estudio es ecol贸gico, el universo es toda la poblaci贸n boliviana; Una poblaci贸n total de 11 633.371 habitantes, datos recabados por el Instituto Nacional de Estad铆stica (INE) en el 2020, de los nueve departamentos del pa铆s, tanto del 谩rea urbana como rural, el c谩lculo de la muestra fue previamente determinada en la encuesta de hogares 2019 por parte del INE. Resultados: el estudio identific贸 que la tasa de contagio afect贸 m谩s al 谩rea urbana (76,6%) que al 谩rea rural (23.4%); En relaci贸n al control y manejo de la covid-19 de la poblaci贸n de estudio, su resultado de prueba de laboratorio ha sido positivo (n=1092), que si necesito medicamentos para el tratamiento de la covid-19 (n=1220), en la mitad de la poblaci贸n encuestada, que si se sigui贸 un protocolo para la covid-19 (n=1147). Conclusiones: se evidencia relaci贸n entre las caracter铆sticas sociales, educativas y de atenci贸n y manejo en salud con la covid-19 de la poblaci贸n evaluada durante la pandemia del 2020, sin embargo, se requiere m谩s investigaci贸n focalizada de las caracter铆sticas ya mencionadas

    Symptoms associated with button batteries injuries in children: An epidemiological review

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