3 research outputs found

    Realidad aumentada en dispositivos iOS como sistema de ayuda a los alumnos

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    Este Proyecto consiste en la realizaci贸n de! una aplicaci贸n destinada a los alumnos de la Universidad para obtener ayuda e informaci贸n del Campus Universitario. La aplicaci贸n se ejecuta en dispositivos m贸viles iOS: iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch y emplea tecnolog铆as de Realidad Aumentada proporcionadas por el SDK Vuforia de Qualcomm. Esta aplicaci贸n servir谩 como nexo de uni贸n entre soportes, a priori incompatibles, como una simple hoja de papel impresa y el propio dispositivo electr贸nico haciendo uso de Realidad Aumentada; que proporcionar谩 al soporte impreso de contenidos multimedia e interacci贸n a trav茅s de la pantalla del dispositivo m贸vil. Para llevar cabo este Proyecto se estudian las diferentes herramientas que se necesitan para poder desarrollar una aplicaci贸n para la plataforma de Apple, as铆 como adquirir los conocimientos te贸ricos necesarios a tal efecto. Adem谩s se hace un estudio sobre cu谩l es el estado actual de la Realidad Aumentada y de las herramientas capaces de proporcionarla. Se utilizar谩 una de estas tecnolog铆as,Vuforia, para dotar a la aplicaci贸n a desarrollar de capacidades de Realidad Aumentada y se explica con detalle c贸mo es el funcionamiento y arquitectura de esta tecnolog铆a. Se estudiar谩n t茅cnicas de modelado en tres dimensiones para incorporar Realidades Virtuales propias a la aplicaci贸n a desarrollar y se expone con detalle c贸mo ha sido el proceso de desarrollo de la aplicaci贸n, as铆 como su funcionamiento. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This Project consists in the realization of an application for students of the University to get help and information from the University Campus. The application runs on iOS mobile devices: iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and employs Augmented Reality technologies provided by Qualcomm Vuforia SDK. This application will serve as a link between supports, at first sight incompatible, as a single printed sheet of paper and the electronic device itself using Augmented Reality, which provide the printed support interaction and multimedia content through the mobile device screen. To carry out this Project different tools needed to develop an application for the Apple platform will be studied and the knowledge necessary for this purpose will be acquired. It also makes a study about the current state of Augmented Reality and tools capable of providing it. One of these technologies will be used, Vuforia, to provide Augmented Reality capabilities to the application and explains in detail how is the operation and architecture of this technology. Three dimensions modeling techniques will be studied to incorp贸rate specific virtual realities to the application to develop and set out in detail how was the process of the application development and operation.Ingenier铆a de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Experimenting with electromagnetism using augmented reality: Impact on flow student experience and educational effectiveness

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    Educational researchers have recognized Augmented Reality (AR) as a technology with great potential to impact affective and cognitive learning outcomes. However, very little work has been carried out to substantiate these claims. The purpose of this study was to assess to which extent an AR learning application affects learners' level of enjoyment and learning effectiveness. The study followed an experimental/control group design using the type of the application (AR-based, web-based) as independent variable. 64 high school students were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group to learn the basic principles of electromagnetism. The participants' knowledge acquisition was evaluated by comparing pre- and post-tests. The participants' level overall-state perception on flow was measured with the Flow State Scale and their flow states were monitored throughout the learning activity. Finally, participants' perceptions of benefits and difficulties of using the augmented reality application in this study were qualitatively identified. The results showed that the augmented reality approach was more effective in promoting students' knowledge of electromagnetic concepts and phenomena. The analysis also indicated that the augmented reality application led participants to reach higher flow experience levels than those achieved by users of the web-based application. However, not all the factors seem to have influence on learners' flow state, this study found that they were limited to: concentration, distorted sense of time, sense of control, clearer direct feedback, and autotelic experience. A deeper analysis of the flow process showed that neither of the groups reported being in flow in those tasks that were very easy or too difficult. However, for those tasks that were not perceived as difficult and included visualization clues, the experimental group showed higher levels of flow that the control group. The study suggests that augmented reality can be exploited as an effective learning environment for learning the basic principles of electromagnetism at high school provided that learning designers strike a careful balance between AR support and task difficulty.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish project EEE (TIN2011-28308-C03-01, Plan Nacional de I+D+i, Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad) and the eMadrid network (S2009/TIC-1650, Comunidad de Madrid).Publicad

    Support for augmented reality simulation systems: the effects of scaffolding on learning outcomes and behavior patterns

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    An AR-based simulation system that integrates background knowledge and experimental support (AR-SaBEr) was designed as a learning tool for teaching basic principles of electricity to ninth-grade students. The aim of this study was to investigate how supporting the learner focus on meaningful activities affects behavior and learning performance. The sample was 82 students, who were randomly assigned to two groups. The control group used AR-SaBEr with no support for recommending activities. The experimental group had personalized extra support designed to help learners focus on the subject matters that they did not master. The study found that learners from the experimental group showed better learning achievements than those who participated in the control group. Furthermore, learners' behavioral patterns were dependent upon the support received. Learners from the control group were more willing to browse information about activities than to read about the subject before experimenting. Learners from the experimental group browsed information about prior to carrying them out and read about the subject matter prior to experimentation. The observed behavioral patterns and learning achievements suggest that in augmented reality based simulation environments, it is worth providing mechanisms to focus the attention of students on the most relevant topics for them.This work was supported in part by the Spanish projects EEE CICYT (TIN2011-28308-C03-01), RESET-UC3M: Reformulando Ecosistemas Escalables Educativos under the grant CICYT (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) and eMadrid under the grant S2013/ICE-2715.Publicad