75 research outputs found

    QSO2 outflow characterization using data obtained with OSIRIS at the Gran Telescopio Canarias

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    Ionized outflows are ubiquitous in non radio-loud obscured quasars (QSO2s) at different redshifts. We search for large-scale ionized outflows associated with six optically selected QSO2 (five non-radio-loud and one radio-loud) at zz\sim 0.2-0.5, targeting objects with extended radio structures. We have obtained OSIRIS/GTC optical long slit spectroscopy data for these six QSO2 with the slit located along the radio axis. We traced the gas kinematics with the [OIII]λ\lambda4959,5007 lines to investigate ionized outflows and characterize the dynamical state of the host galaxies. This second study has been complemented with previously published FORS2/VLT spectroscopic data of 13 more QSO2 at similar z. We identify ionized outflows in four out of the six QSO2 observed with the GTC. The outflows are spatially unresolved in two QSO2 and compact in a third (radial size of R=0.8±\pm0.3 kpc). Of particular interest is the radio-quiet QSO2 SDSS 0741+3020 at z=0.47, associated with a giant \sim 112 kpc nebula. An ionized outflow probably induced by the radio structures has been detected along the axis defined by the central \sim1\arcsec\ radio structure, extending up to at least \sim4 kpc from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Turbulent gas (σ\sigma\sim130 km s1^{-1}) has also been detected across the giant gas nebula up to \sim40 kpc from the AGN. This turbulence may have been induced by outflows triggered by the interaction between a so-far undetected large-scale radio source and the nebula. Regarding the dynamical state of the host galaxies, we find that the majority of the QSO2 show v/σ<\sigma< 1, implying that they are dominated by random motions (so-called dispersion-dominated systems). Most (17 of 19) fall in the area of the E/S0 galaxies in the dynamical diagram v/σ\sigma versus σ\sigma. None are consistent with spiral or disk galaxies.Comment: 27 pages, 11+8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Disc galaxy resolved in HI absorption against the radio lobe of 3C 433: Case study for future surveys

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    The neutral atomic gas content of galaxies is usually studied in the HI 21cm emission line of hydrogen. However, at higher redshifts, we need very deep integrations to detect HI emission. The HI absorption does not suffer from this dependence on distance as long as there is a bright enough background radio source. However, resolved HI absorption studies of galaxies are rare. We report one such rare study of resolved HI absorption against the radio galaxy 3C 433 at z=0.101z = 0.101 with the VLA. The resolved kinematics of the absorber, located against the southern lobe of the 3C 433, shows that it has regular kinematics with an HI mass 3.4×108M\lesssim 3.4 \times 10^{8} M_{\odot} for Tspin=_{spin} = 100K. Our deep optical continuum and Hα\alpha observations from the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) show that the absorber is a faint disc galaxy in the same environment as 3C 433 with a stellar mass 1010M\sim 10^{10} M_{\odot} and a star-formation rate of 0.15 M yr1M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} or less. For its HI mass, HI column density, stellar mass, and star-formation rate, this galaxy lies well below the main sequence of star-forming galaxies. Its HI mass is lower than the galaxies studied in HI emission at z0.1z \sim 0.1. Our GTC imaging reveals interesting alignments between Hα\alpha and radio emission in the HI companion and in the host galaxy of the AGN as well as in the circumgalactic medium in between. This suggests that the shock ionization of gas by the propagating radio source may happen across tens of kpc. Our work supports the potential of studying the HI content in galaxies via absorption in the case of a fortuitous alignment with an extended radio continuum. This allows us to trace galaxies with low HI masses which would otherwise be missed by deep HI emission surveys. In conjunction with the deep all-sky optical surveys, the blind HI surveys with the SKA pathfinders will be able to detect many such systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (32)

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    Sumario : El laboratorio de polvo cósmico del IAA ...2 La interminable historia del agua en la Luna ...6 Multiversos y cómics ...9 HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA. Caroline Herschel ...13 DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS. Zoom al centro galáctico ...14 EL “MOBY DICK” DE... Marta González (IAA-CSIC)...16 ACTUALIDAD ...17 ENTRE BASTIDORES ...21 CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES Tormentas solares ...22 ACTIVIDADES IAA, AGENDA Y RECOMENDADOS ...23 y 24N

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (36)

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    Sumario : Púlsares: faros para navegantes cósmicos.-- Espectroscopía: leyendo entre líneas (II).-- Un universo acelerado.-- CIENCIA EN HISTORIAS. Margaret Burbidge.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS. Hola, soy Nikola.-- EL “MOBY DICK” DE... Cristina Rodríguez López (IAA-CSIC).-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- SALA LIMPIA.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES. La Vía Láctea.-- AGENDA/RECOMENDADOS.--N

    Starburst radio galaxies: General properties, evolutionary histories and triggering

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    In this paper we discuss the results of a programme of spectral synthesis modelling of a sample of starburst radio galaxies in the context of scenarios for the triggering of the activity and the evolution of the host galaxies. New optical spectra are also presented for a subset of the objects discussed. The starburst radio galaxies - comprising ∼15-25 per cent of all powerful extragalactic radio sources - frequently show disturbed morphologies at optical wavelengths, and unusual radio structures, although their stellar masses are typical of radio galaxies as a class. In terms of the characteristic ages of their young stellar populations (YSPs), the objects can be divided into two groups: those with YSP ages tYSP≤ 0.1 Gyr, in which the radio source has been triggered quasi-simultaneously with the main starburst episode, and those with older YSP in which the radio source has been triggered or re-triggered a significant period after the starburst episode. Most of the former group are associated with a large mid- to far-IR (MFIR) continuum and [Oiii] emission-line luminosities (LIR > 1011L⊙, W), while most of the latter have lower luminosities. Combining the information on the YSP with that on the optical morphologies of the host galaxies, we deduce that the majority of the starburst radio galaxies have been triggered in galaxy mergers in which at least one of the galaxies is gas rich. However, the triggering (or re-triggering) of the radio jets can occur immediately before, around or a significant period after the final coalescence of the merging nuclei, reflecting the complex gas infall histories of the merger events. Although ∼25 per cent of starburst radio galaxies are sufficiently bright at MFIR wavelengths to be classified as ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), we show that only the most massive ULIRGs are capable of evolving into radio galaxies. Finally, for a small subset of starburst radio galaxies in rich clusters of galaxies, cooling flows associated with the hot X-ray haloes offer a viable alternative to mergers as a trigger for the radio jet activity. Overall, our results provide further evidence that a powerful radio jet activity can be triggered via a variety of mechanisms, including different evolutionary stages of major galaxy mergers; clearly, radio-loud AGN activity is not solely associated with a particular stage of a unique type of gas accretion event. © 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2011 RAS.This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Data base (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla and Paranal observatories under programmes 70.B-0663(A), 71.B-0320(A), 078B-0660(A).Peer Reviewe

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (39)

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    Sumario : La evolución química del universo.-- Supervientos galácticos.-- CIENCIA EN HISTORIAS. Williamina Patton Fleming. De criada a astrónoma.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS. El bosón de Higgs.-- EL “MOBY DICK” DE... Begoña Ascaso (IAA-CSIC).-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- SALA LIMPIA.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES. Veinte años de cinturón transneptuniano.N

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (26)

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    Sumario : Estrellas de neutrones: furioso magnetismo.-- La astronomía en el arte.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS : Lo más frío del Universo.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES : Los meteoritos “ordinarios”.-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES : Las generaciones perdidas.-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA : El organista que descubrió Urano.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda FCT-08-0130 del Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Científica y Tecnológica 2008.N

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (12)

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    Sumario : INVESTIGACIÓN : El misterioso arco de Lynx.-- Microlentes gravitatorias: lupas del Universo.-- VENTANA ABIERTA...hasta que la gorda cante.-- CHARLAS CON... Don Cox y Ron Reynolds.-- ACTUALIDAD CIENTÍFICA : Explosiones en la superficie solar.-- La galaxia de Canis Major: una bienvenida intrusa.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIS 2003-10261-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión y divulgación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.N