5,675 research outputs found

    Robustness of bipartite Gaussian entangled beams propagating in lossy channels

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    Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. Quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation. Entangled bright beams of light attract increasing interest for such tasks, since they enable the employment of well-established classical communications techniques. However, quantum resources are fragile and undergo decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of useful quantum properties -- the so-called "entanglement sudden death". We investigate the precise conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams and demonstrate how to produce states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be tamed for future applications.Comment: To be published - Nature Photonic

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of two radio galaxies at z~2.3

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    In this article we study the morphology, kinematics and ionization properties of the giant ionized gas nebulae surrounding two high redshift radio galaxies, 4C40.36 (z=2.27) and 4C48.48 (z=2.34).}{Integral Field Spectroscopy observations were taken using the PPAK bundle of the PMAS spectrograph, mounted on the 3.5m on the Calar Alto Observatory, in order to cover a field-of-view of 64" X 72" centered in each radio galaxy. The observations spanned over 5 nights, using two different spectral resolutions (with FWHM~4 AA and ~8 AA respectively), covering the optical wavelength range from ~3700 AA to ~7100 AA, which corresponds to the rest-frame ultraviolet range from ~1100 AA to ~2000 AA >. Various emission lines are detected within this wavelength range, including Lyalpha (1216 AA), NV (1240 AA), CIV (1549 AA), HeII (1640 AA), OIII] (1663 AA) and CIII] (1909\AA). The dataset was used to derive the spatial distribution of the flux intensity of each of these lines and the gas kinematics. The properties of the emission lines in the nuclear regions were studied in detail.In agreement with previous studies, we find that both objects are embedded in a large ionized gas nebula, where Ly alpha emission is extended across ~100 kpc or more. The CIV and HeII emission lines are also spatially extended. The nebulae are generally aligned with the radio axis, although we detect emission far from it. In 4C+48.48, there is a band of low Ly-alpha/CIV running perpendicular to the radio axis, at the location of the active nucleus. This feature might be the observational signature of an edge-on disk of neutral gas. The kinematics of both nebulae are inconsistent with stable rotation, although they are not inconsistent with infall or outflow.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publishing in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Ly-alpha nebulae associated with three z~2.5 radio galaxies

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    The morphological and spectroscopic properties of the giant (>60 kpc) Ly-alpha nebulae associated with three radio galaxies at z~2.5 (MRC 1558-003, MRC 2025-218 and MRC 0140-257) have been investigated using integral field spectroscopic data obtained with VIMOS on VLT. The morphologies are varied. The nebula of one source has a centrally peaked, rounded appearance. In the other two objects, it consists of two spatial components. The three nebulae are aligned with the radio axis within <30 deg. The total Ly-alpha luminosities are in the range (0.3-3.4) x 1e44 erg s-1. The Ly-alpha spectral profile shows strong variation through the nebulae, with FWHM values in the range ~400-1500 km s-1 and velocity shifts V~120-600 km s-1. We present an infall model which can explain successfully most Ly-alpha morphological and spectroscopic properties of the nebula associated with MRC 1558-003. This adds further support to our previous conclusion that the _quiescent_ giant nebulae associated with this and other high redshift powerful radio galaxies are in infall. A problem for this model is the difficulty to reproduce the large Ly-alpha FWHM values. We have discovered a giant (~85 kpc) Ly-alpha nebula associated with the radio galaxy MRC 0140-257 at z=2.64. It shows strikingly relaxed kinematics (FWHM2) radio galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Disentanglement in Bipartite Continuous-Variable Systems

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    Entanglement in bipartite continuous-variable systems is investigated in the presence of partial losses, such as those introduced by a realistic quantum communication channel, e.g. by propagation in an optical fiber. We find that entanglement can vanish completely for partial losses, in a situa- tion reminiscent of so-called entanglement sudden death. Even states with extreme squeezing may become separable after propagation in lossy channels. Having in mind the potential applications of such entangled light beams to optical communications, we investigate the conditions under which entanglement can survive for all partial losses. Different loss scenarios are examined and we derive criteria to test the robustness of entangled states. These criteria are necessary and sufficient for Gaussian states. Our study provides a framework to investigate the robustness of continuous-variable entanglement in more complex multipartite systems.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (in press
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