2 research outputs found

    Características y perspectivas del profesorado en la prevención de las adicciones en el ámbito escolar en la ciudad de Valencia

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    Actualmente, la legislación española estipula que los agentes preventivos en el ámbito de las adicciones son principalmente los docentes y que se trata de una actividad opcional que los centros educativos deciden si hacer o no. Por otro lado, la comunidad científica no se pone de acuerdo en que sea el profesorado la figura m ás a decuada p ara a sumir e ste t rabajo, i ndicando que los preventólogos están más preparados. Ante esta situación ambigua, surge la necesidad de ahondar en el papel del profesorado como agente en la prevención de las adicciones. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las características y perspectivas del profesorado en la prevención de las adicciones en la escuela. Para ello, se realiza un análisis descriptivo del papel de los docentes de enseñanzas primarias, secundarias y de ciclos formativos de centros públicos, privado/concertados del municipio de Valencia en la prevención de las adicciones. Para la recopilación de los datos, se distribuye un cuestionario compuesto de 32 ítems, divididos en 7 bloques temáticos, que obtiene 202 respuestas. Tras el análisis de resultados, se ob tiene que las variables edad, experiencia y tipología del centro no influyen a la hora de llevar a cabo acciones preventivas; pero la formación de los docentes en prevención de adicciones sí tiene un efecto determinante. El nivel educativo donde más se hace prevención es en secundaria. La propuesta de mejora más señalada es la presencia de técnicos especializados. Se comprueba que la evaluación sigue siendo la “asignatura pendiente” ya que los docentes no conocen si los programas que ellos han hecho se han evaluado . Spanish legislation currently indicates that teachers are the main professional group applying preventive activities in the drug addiction field at school. These activities are optional and schools can choose whether to apply them or not. The scientific community does not agree whether teachers are the best professionals to take on this task, or whether there are other more expert professionals to do this, such as prevention specialists. This ambiguous situation indicates that teachers'' roles in prevention of drug addiction should be reviewed. The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics and perspectives of teachers in the prevention of drug addiction among school students. To this end, a descriptive analysis about the preventive role of teachers in primary, high school and professional training at public and private schools in Valencia city has been carried out. Data has been collected by an electronic survey distributed among schools, consisting of 32 items divided into 7 topic areas (n=202 responses). An analysis of the results shows that age, experience and the type of school have no influence on conducting preventive activities or not, but teacher training in prevention of addictions seems to be a determining factor. Moreover, high school students are the ones to benefit most from preventive activities. Among the proposals for improvement made by teachers, a higher presence of prevention specialists is highlighted. Finally, evaluation is still a pending task, because teachers do not even know if their prevention activities are evaluated

    Psychological Flexibility With Prejudices Increases Empathy and Decreases Distress Among Adolescents: A Spanish Validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–Stigma

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    Empathy is an emotional response that may facilitate prosocial behavior and inhibit aggression by increasing empathic concern for others. But the vicarious experience of other’s feelings may also turn into personal distress when the person has poor regulation skills and holds stigmatizing beliefs. In thinking about the processes that may trigger the experience of personal distress or empathic concern, research on the influence of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on stigma is showing promising results. Both processes are assessed with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–Stigma (AAQ-S). The current study sought to carry out a validity study of a Spanish version of the AAQ-S with a sample of adolescents aged 11–17 years. The study included an expanded test of its predictive validity with measures at three times to evaluate the role of psychological flexibility and inflexibility as risk or protective variables for the development of personal distress and/or empathic concern in the stigmatizer. Statistical analyses confirmed a two-correlated-factor solution, the adequate reliability of both factors, and their construct and predictive validity in the expected direction. The stigmatizer’s inflexible reaction to their stigmatizing thoughts predicted the occurrence of personal distress, whereas the stigmatizer’s flexible reaction to their stigmatizing thoughts predicted the occurrence of empathic concern for others. These findings confirm the importance of considering the role of regulatory skills in the experience of empathic concern or personal distress in the presence of stigmatizing thoughts, with possible implications for the promotion of prosocial behavior and the reduction of aggressive behavior among adolescents.