127 research outputs found

    Mediatore europeo e \uabbuona amministrazione\ubb (Profili ricostruttivi della tutela del Mediatore europeo attraverso la buona amministrazione comunitaria)

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    Il contributo ha messo in evidenza i limiti del Mediatore europeo con riguardo alla sovrapposizione della sua attivit\ue0 con quella del Giudice comunitario. Nella sua parte propositiva, il contributo ha cercato di individuare le soluzioni ai problemi di mancata valorizzazione dell\u2019istituto del Mediatore europeo, muovendo soprattutto dal fatto che non sempre la \uabcattiva amministrazione\ubb implica illegittimit\ue0. Tale osservazione \ue8 alla base della necessaria separazione fra Mediatore europeo e Giudice comunitario, funzionale all\u2019armonico equilibrio fra i due organi. Quanto richiamato induce a riflettere sul tipo di controllo che il Mediatore europeo dovrebbe essere incoraggiato a svolgere rilevandosi, conclusivamente, che esso dovrebbe essere considerato non un (ulteriore) giudice dei diritti, bens\uec un tutore della (buona) prassi

    Il potere di sospensione amministrativa

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    Partendo dal presupposto che Il potere di \uabsospensione amministrativa\ubb sia un istituto trascurato dalla scienza giuridica, e considerato che con la modifica della legge sul procedimento amministrativo intervenuta nel 2005 tale potere trova ora fondamento esplicito nella nuova disciplina, lo studio ha cercato di mettere a fuoco la natura del relativo potere, nonch\ue9 i principi che ne sono alla base. Per analizzare questi due profili, si \ue8 studiata l'evoluzione di tale potere fin dagli inizi del Novecento, per poi passare a verificare le ipotesi di sospensione specifiche previste nell'ordinamento amministrativo, al fine di compararle con lo stesso. Nel capitolo finale si sono poi verificate le differenze fra il nuovo potere di sospensione e le diverse forme sospensive previste nella stessa legge 241/1990, talune delle quali erano state ritenute fondanti il potere di sospensione amministrativa a livello generale prima del suo formale riconoscimento. Tuttavia nello studio si \ue8 dubitato della correttezza di questa impostazione. Infine ampio risalto \ue8 stato dato al diritto vivente e come lo stesso configura tale potere

    Nutritional Ketosis and Mitohormesis: Potential Implications for Mitochondrial Function and Human Health

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    Impaired mitochondrial function often results in excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and is involved in the etiology of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Moderate levels of mitochondrial ROS, however, can protect against chronic disease by inducing upregulation of mitochondrial capacity and endogenous antioxidant defense. This phenomenon, referred to as mitohormesis, is induced through increased reliance on mitochondrial respiration, which can occur through diet or exercise. Nutritional ketosis is a safe and physiological metabolic state induced through a ketogenic diet low in carbohydrate and moderate in protein. Such a diet increases reliance on mitochondrial respiration and may, therefore, induce mitohormesis. Furthermore, the ketone β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is elevated during nutritional ketosis to levels no greater than those resulting from fasting, acts as a signaling molecule in addition to its traditionally known role as an energy substrate. BHB signaling induces adaptations similar to mitohormesis, thereby expanding the potential benefit of nutritional ketosis beyond carbohydrate restriction. This review describes the evidence supporting enhancement of mitochondrial function and endogenous antioxidant defense in response to nutritional ketosis, as well as the potential mechanisms leading to these adaptations

    Structural factors controlling the spin-spin exchange coupling: EPR spectroscopic studies of highly asymmetric trityl-nitroxide biradicals

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    Highly asymmetric exchange-coupled biradicals, like the trityl-nitroxides (TN), possess particular magnetic properties opening new possibilities for their application in biophysical, physicochemical and biological studies. In the present work, we investigated the effect of the linker length on the spin-spin coupling interaction in TN biradicals using the newly synthesized biradicals CT02-GT, CT02-AT, CT02-VT and CT02-PPT as well as the previously reported biradicals TNN14 and TN1. Results show that the magnitude of the spin-spin interaction (J) can be easily tuned from ~ 4 G (conformer 1 in CT02-PPT) to over 1200 G (in TNN14) using various linkers separating the two radical moieties and with varying temperature. Computer simulation of EPR spectra was carried out to directly estimate J values of the TN biradicals. In addition to the spin-spin coupling interaction of TN biradicals, their g, hyperfine splitting and zero-field splitting interactions were explored at low temperature (220 K). Our present study clearly shows that the spin-spin interaction variation as a function of linker distance and temperature provides an effective strategy to develop new TN biradicals which can find wide applications in relevant fields

    Stochastic light concentration from 3D to 2D reveals ultraweak chemi- and bioluminescence

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    For countless applications in science and technology, light must be concentrated, and concentration is classically achieved with reflective and refractive elements. However, there is so far no efficient way, with a 2D detector, to detect photons produced inside an extended volume with a broad or isotropic angular distribution. Here, with theory and experiment, we propose to stochastically transform and concentrate a volume into a smaller surface, using a high- albedo Ulbricht cavity and a small exit orifice through cavity walls. A 3D gas of photons produced inside the cavity is transformed with a 50% number efficiency into a 2D Lambertian emitting orifice with maximal radiance and a much smaller size. With high-albedo quartz-powder cavity walls ( P = 99.94%), the orifice area is 1/( 1 - P) approximate to 1600 times smaller than the walls' area. When coupled to a detectivity-optimized photon-counter ( D = 0.015 photon- 1 s1/ 2 cm) the detection limit is 110 photon s- 1 L- 1. Thanks to this unprecedented sensitivity, we could detect the luminescence produced by the non-catalytic disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide in pure water, which has not been observed so far. We could also detect the ultraweak bioluminescence produced by yeast cells at the onset of their growth. Our work opens new perspectives for studying ultraweak luminescence, and the concept of stochastic 3D/2D conjugation should help design novel light detection methods for large samples or diluted emitters