18 research outputs found

    High yield and high quality DNA from vegetative and sexual tissues of Mexican white pine (Pinus ayacahuite)

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    Pines are considered to be difficult for DNA extraction. However, from one species to the other there is variation in phenolic profiles and seed size that might affect final DNA yields and quality. Two DNA extraction protocols (CTAB and SDS based) were compared for their ability to produce DNA on leaves, gametophyte and embryo from Pinus ayacahuite, a pine species with a large seed (8 - 18 mm). The DNA obtained from both procedures was quantified and tested by PCR. The CTAB protocol provided higher DNA yields from vegetative tissue and embryo than the SDS method. Embryos (2n) and gametophytes (n) proved to be very good sources of DNA and the DNA isolated was suitable for PCR-RAPD and SSR markers. This paper reports the results and describes the modified CTAB protocol. � 2008 Academic Journals

    High yield and high quality DNA from vegetative and sexual tissues of Mexican white pine (Pinus ayacahuite)

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    Pines are considered to be difficult for DNA extraction. However, from one species to the other there is variation in phenolic profiles and seed size that might affect final DNA yields and quality. Two DNA extraction protocols (CTAB and SDS based) were compared for their ability to produce DNA on leaves, gametophyte and embryo from Pinus ayacahuite, a pine species with a large seed (8 - 18 mm). The DNA obtained from both procedures was quantified and tested by PCR. The CTAB protocol provided higher DNA yields from vegetative tissue and embryo than the SDS method. Embryos (2n) and gametophytes (n) proved to be very good sources of DNA and the DNA isolated was suitable for PCR-RAPD and SSR markers. This paper reports the results and describes the modified CTAB protocol. © 2008 Academic Journals

    CT attenuation value and shockwave fragmentation

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    We examined cross-species transferability and usefulness of six nuclear microsatellite markers developed in consubgeneric eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) with regard to ecologically and commercially important Mexican white pine species of conservation genetics concern: Pinus chiapensis (Mart.) Andresen, P. flexilis James, P. strobiformis Engelm., P. ayacahuite Ehrenb. Ex Schltdl, and P. ayacahuite var. veitchii (Roezl) G.R. Shaw. Four to six microsatellite loci were found to be polymorphic in different species, with moderate to high informativeness in a relatively small number of samples (PIC/HE = 0.25?0.93). This successful transfer sidesteps the time- and resource-consuming development of species-specific microsatellite markers, and will facilitate population and conservation genetic studies and genetic resource management of the less studied Mexican white pines. " FUNPEC-RP.",,,,,,"10.4238/2014.September.12.24",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/40425","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907149934&partnerID=40&md5=2958dffd82774d80822e567f4838f41

    Cross-species transferability of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) nuclear microsatellite markers to five Mexican white pines

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    We examined cross-species transferability and usefulness of six nuclear microsatellite markers developed in consubgeneric eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) with regard to ecologically and commercially important Mexican white pine species of conservation genetics concern: Pinus chiapensis (Mart.) Andresen, P. flexilis James, P. strobiformis Engelm., P. ayacahuite Ehrenb. Ex Schltdl, and P. ayacahuite var. veitchii (Roezl) G.R. Shaw. Four to six microsatellite loci were found to be polymorphic in different species, with moderate to high informativeness in a relatively small number of samples (PIC/HE = 0.25−0.93). This successful transfer sidesteps the time- and resource-consuming development of species-specific microsatellite markers, and will facilitate population and conservation genetic studies and genetic resource management of the less studied Mexican white pines. © FUNPEC-RP

    Pluteus horakianus, a new species from Mexico, based on morphological and molecular data

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    Pluteus horakianus is described here from Quercus, Pinus-Quercus and subtropical-montane cloud forests in Western Mexico. The species is morphologically similar to P. aurantiorugosus but is distinguished by its red pileus, the marginate lamellae with scarlet to orange-reddish edges, the red tinges on the stipe and the small and fragile basidiomata. The phylogeny inferred from ITS rDNA sequences revealed that P. horakianus represents a distinctive species within the well supported Celluloderma clade distantly related to the morphologically similar P. aurantiorugosus. A morphological description of the new species is supplemented by a photograph of a fresh basidioma and illustrations of the micromorphological features

    Gymnopilus maritimus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), a new species from coastal psammophilous plant communities of northern Sardinia, Italy, and notes on G. arenophilus

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    The new species Gymnopilus maritimus is described from coastal plant communities of Juncus maritimus, growing on sandy soil or on decaying plants, from northwestern Sardinia (Italy). The distinguishing features of G. maritimus are: (1) an unusual habitat, (2) robust basidiomata, (3) mild taste, and (4) big and strongly warted spores. The new species is compared with the micromorphologically similar species G. fulgens sensu auct. Brit. p.p. and the biogeographically and ecologically similar species G. arenophilus, as well as with other European species. A photograph of fresh material, drawings of the main micromorphological features, and FESEM and optical microscope microphotographs of basidiospores are added. Furthermore, some notes on micromorphological characters of G. arenophilus are presented and its distribution area enlarged with a record from France. A key for the European species of Gymnopilus morphologically, ecologically, and/or biogeographically related to G. maritimus is presented. The phylogeny inferred from ITS rDNA sequences revealed that G. maritimus represents an independent species and that it is not related to G. arenophilus or G. fulgens. It is the sister group of the clade containing G. imperialis and G. spectabilis, but with a bootstrap support below 50%. The characters shared by the species in this clade are: (1) robust basidiomata, (2) pileus fibrillose or scaly-fibrillose, and (3) spores longer than 8 ?m, dextrinoid and strongly warted. Gymnopilus imperialis and G. spectabilis differ by the basidiomata with membranous ring in the stem, living on conifers or decaying wood, and having narrower or wider spores, respectively. © German Mycological Society and Springer-Verlag 2009

    βA globin gene haplotypes in mexican huichols: genetic relatedness to other populations

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    The haplotypes of 97 βA independent chromosomes from a Mexican Huichol Native American group were analyzed. The analysis also included 87 βA chromosomes from a Mexican Mestizo population previously studied. Among Huichols, eight different 5′ β haplotypes (5Hps) were observed, with types 1(+ - - - -), 13(+ + + - +) and 2(- + + - +) at frequencies of 0.794, 0.093, and 0.041, respectively. In Mestizos, 17 5Hps were found, types 1, 3(- + - + +), 2, 5(- + - - +) and 9(- - - - -) being the most common at frequencies of 0.391, 0.172, 0.092, 0.069, and 0.046, respectively. 3′ haplotype (3Hps) frequency distributions were 0.443(+ +), 0.083(+ -), and 0.474(- +) in Huichols and 0.563(+ +), 0.149(+ -), and 0.287(- +) in Mestizos. Pairwise comparison for both haplotype distributions between the two populations showed significant differences. Pairwise distributions of 3Hps for Huichols were compared with nine worldwide populations, three African, two Asian, two Melanesian, one Caucasian, and one United States Native American. The distributions of the Huichol were different (P < 0.05) from all populations except the Native American. Nei's genetic distances showed the Huichols to be closer to the Native Americans, followed by Melanesians from Vanuatu and Asians; Africans were the farthest. The 5Hp distributions in Mexicans were also compared with 23 worldwide populations (including African, Native American, Asian, Caucasian, and Pacific Islanders). Huichol distributions were different (P < 0.05) from all other populations except Koreans. The Mestizo distribution was also different from the others, except three Caucasian groups. Nei's genetic distance between the same populations disclosed that the Huichols are in relatively close proximity to five out of six Asian populations considered. The same analysis with grouped worldwide populations showed Native Americans as population closest to the Huichols, followed by Pacific Islanders and Asians. Present observations are consistent with an important Asian contribution to the Huichol genome in this chromosomal region. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    ?-Thalassemia and ?(A) globin gene haplotypes in Mexican mestizos

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    ?-globin haplotypes of 20 -thalassemia (?-thal) and 87 ?(A) Mexican mestizo chromosomes were analyzed to ascertain the origin of the ?-thal alleles and the frequencies and distribution of the ?(A) haplotypes among northwestern Mexican mestizos. Sixteen ?-thal chromosomes carried six Mediterranean alleles [five codon 39 C?T; two IVS1:1 G?A; two IVS1:5 G A: three IVS1:110 G(A; one codon 11 (-T) and three (deltabeta)zero-thal]; the remaining four were linked to three rare alleles (two -28 A?C and one each: -87 C T and initiation codon ATG?GTG). Among the 87 ?(A) chromosomes, 17 different 5' haplotypes with frequencies for 1, 3, 2 and 5 of 39.0%, 17.2%, 9.2% and 6.9%, respectively, were observed. The ?-haplotype analysis showed that 13 out of 16 Mediterranean chromosomes could easily be explained by gene migration; however, one codon 39 associated with haplotype 4 (----+ +-), one IVS1:1 with haplotype 1(+----++) and one IVS1:5 G?A, may represent separate mutational events. Analysis of the rare alleles showed that the -28 A?C mutation was associated with the commonest ?(A) haplotype in Mexican mestizos, Mediterraneans and the total world population; therefore an independent origin cannot be ruled out. The -87 C?T and initiation codon ATG?GTG were found with ?-haplotypes different from the reported ones, suggesting an indigenous origin

    Fetal hemoglobin and the gamma G/gamma A chain ratio in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia L1 and L2 [Hemoglobina fetal y relación de cadenas gamma G/gamma A en niños con leucemia aguda linfoblástica L1 y L2.]

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    PURPOSE: To search in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) for specific pattern of expression of foetal haemoglobin (HbF) and its G gamma/A gamma chain ratio. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 60 children with ALL were examined: 29 with ALL-L1, and 31 with ALL-L2, and 25 healthy children as control group, which were subdivided in three groups: A) 0-5, B) 6-10 and C) 11-18 years. We performed HbF and HbA2 quantification and Hb electrophoresis. G gamma and A gamma globin chain percentages were obtained with a new method based on the precipitation of the HbF eluate by Singer's method with sulphosalycilic acid, the globin chains were separated in polyacrylamide with Triton X-100 and quantified by densitometry. RESULTS: HbF showed similar levels in both ALL groups by the Betke and Singer's methods; (ALL-L1: 2.2 +/- 1.5%, ALL-L2: 2.0 +/- 1.2%; and ALL-L1: 2.0 +/- 1.2%, ALL-L2: 2.1 +/- 1.5% respectively), but there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) when compared with the control group (0.9 +/- 0.4%, and 1.0 +/- 0.6% for Betke and Singer's method). The G gamma/A gamma ratio showed to be different between the ALL-L1 and ALL-L2 (p < 0.001), with higher levels of G gamma in ALL-L1 (51.0%), the ALL-L2 and the control group showed similar G gamma values (37.5% and 42.1% respectively). CONCLUSION: The factors involved in the increase of HbF are similar for both ALL-L1 and ALL-L2. However there seems to be different factors affecting the expression of G gamma or A gamma