3 research outputs found

    Characterization of soils cultivated with rubber in the Colombian Bajo Cauca Antioqueño region

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    From a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and developmentFrom a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and development

    Characterization of soils cultivated with rubber in the Colombian Bajo Cauca Antioqueño region

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    From a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and developmen

    Caracterización de suelos cultivados con caucho en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, Colombia

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    From a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and developmentEl cultivo del caucho es un rubro agrícola de importancia ambiental y socioeconómica para Colombia, por ser una alternativa diferente de las actividades mineras y agropecuarias tradicionales; incluso, representa una opción beneficiosa para la sustitución de cultivos de uso ilícito. Lo anterior muestra la necesidad de determinar los factores que restringen su producción y la productividad de la especie, con énfasis en lo relacionado al recurso edáfico. En ese sentido, se hizo la descripción y la identificación de las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo de tres predios ubicados en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño dedicados a la explotación de la euforbiácea. Los resultados indicaron que los suelos son del orden Ultisol, profundos, de reacción ácida y con contenido bajo de materia orgánica; los elementos esenciales están en niveles bajos, excepto el Cu. El Fe y el Al se encuentran en cantidades muy altas, mientras que la capacidad de intercambio catiónico es limitada. Lo observado alerta sobre la necesidad de aplicar técnicas de manejo agronómico que permitan que esta especie exprese todo su potencial en condiciones que son poco aptas para su crecimiento y desarrollo