7 research outputs found

    Reproductive Indicators Of Cows With Varying Degrees Of Blood On Holstein

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    Significantly increase the productivity of cattle can, be based on the continuation of a deep study of the physiology and genetics of highly Productive cows. In the work were formed three groups of cows analogues (by age, duration of pregnancy, origin). After calving of cows dueto the correction of insemination after delivery, the duration of lactation and with the help of single-stage start, three groups of cows were formed purebred cowsa comparable level of milk production of 7000-8000 kg of milk. The first group consisted of cows for Holsteins, in the second group there were cows with 75% blood content for Holsteins, and or the. third group - Holstein blood 50%. In each group there were 30 animals. It was noted that the optimum level of milk for production and resistance of cows was observed in Russian conditions at 75% of blood content. in Holstein breed. This level of blood is able to prevent postpartum complications in animals and reduce the time of involution of the genital organs. It is noted that the restoration of the itireproductiveooswith qualities of high -beef cows after calving also depends on their enetics, It is optimal in Russian conditions on g Holstein blood levels of 75%. This percentage contributes to an increase in 'reproductive. qualities and to obtaining a sufficient amount of viable offspring from highly productive cows. It can be said that only in this case a high level of milk productivity is successfully combined with a high. level of adaptation properties of cows in Russian complexes and ensures the full realization of their. productive potential during. the whole ontogenesis.

    Correctional abilities of regular muscle activity in relation to erythrocytes' microrheological features of rats with experimentally developed hypertension

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    Difficulties in the early stage detection of erythrocytes' microrheological abnormalities during the development of hypertension are connected with falling out of clinicians' point of view of persons with first signs of this pathology. It dictates the necessity of experimental investigations on laboratory animals with just developed hypertension in them. Earlier at this pathology, it was observed the high efficiency of non-medication impacts in relation to the lowering of arterial pressure and weakening of thrombocyte and vascular dysfunctions. At the same time, there is still no clarity on the question about the impact of regular exercise on erythrocytes' microrheological features at the beginning of hypertension development. About 87 healthy male rats of Wistar line at the age of 2.5-3 months were taken into the investigation. Twenty-nine animals out of them had experienced no impacts and composed the control group. Fifty-eight rats had hypertension developed by prescribing them cardio angionefo pathogenic semisynthetic diet. Then these rats were casually divided into experimental (31 rats) group and control group (27 rats). Rats from the experimental group during 60 subsequent days experienced daily exercise on a horizontal treadmill. Various subjects like biochemical, hematological, and statistical methods were used for investigation. As the hypertension development, the rats turned out to have a stable developing increase of systolic and diastolic pressure. At regular exercise, on the treadmill, the rats were noted to have a gradual decrease of their values during 60 days of investigation to the level of the norm. During hypertension development lipids' peroxidation activated in rats' erythrocytes because of activity weakening of their antioxidant protection. On the background of muscle activity in rats with hypertension the content of lipids' peroxidation products in erythrocytes progressively decreased, and by the 60th day of the experiment, they reached the control level of healthy rats. At hypertension development in rats, a reliable decrease of erythrocytes-discocytes quantity in blood was found. It was accompanied by an increase of reversibly and irreversibly changed erythrocytes' quantity in examined animals' blood. Their values were returning to control the level of healthy rats during 60 days of regular muscle activity. At hypertension development in rats, a quick rise of erythrocytes' sum in aggregate was found, and the rise in these aggregates' quantity was due to the decrease of free erythrocytes' number. Their quantity returned to control values at the end of 60 days of exercise. During experimental hypertension modeling, we noticed very early in rats' blood decrease of erythrocytes-discocytes' quantity, the rise of their reversibly and irreversibly level varieties with the strengthening of their aggregative ability. It takes place in the background of the weakening of erythrocytes' antioxidant protection and activation of lipids' peroxidation in them. Regular lasting muscle activity can eliminate existing erythrocytes' microrheological features' abnormalities in rats with recently developed hypertension

    Correctional abilities of regular muscle activity in relation to erythrocytes' microrheological features of rats with experimentally developed hypertension

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    Difficulties in the early stage detection of erythrocytes' microrheological abnormalities during the development of hypertension are connected with falling out of clinicians' point of view of persons with first signs of this pathology. It dictates the necessity of experimental investigations on laboratory animals with just developed hypertension in them. Earlier at this pathology, it was observed the high efficiency of non-medication impacts in relation to the lowering of arterial pressure and weakening of thrombocyte and vascular dysfunctions. At the same time, there is still no clarity on the question about the impact of regular exercise on erythrocytes' microrheological features at the beginning of hypertension development. About 87 healthy male rats of Wistar line at the age of 2.5-3 months were taken into the investigation. Twenty-nine animals out of them had experienced no impacts and composed the control group. Fifty-eight rats had hypertension developed by prescribing them cardio angionefo pathogenic semisynthetic diet. Then these rats were casually divided into experimental (31 rats) group and control group (27 rats). Rats from the experimental group during 60 subsequent days experienced daily exercise on a horizontal treadmill. Various subjects like biochemical, hematological, and statistical methods were used for investigation. As the hypertension development, the rats turned out to have a stable developing increase of systolic and diastolic pressure. At regular exercise, on the treadmill, the rats were noted to have a gradual decrease of their values during 60 days of investigation to the level of the norm. During hypertension development lipids' peroxidation activated in rats' erythrocytes because of activity weakening of their antioxidant protection. On the background of muscle activity in rats with hypertension the content of lipids' peroxidation products in erythrocytes progressively decreased, and by the 60th day of the experiment, they reached the control level of healthy rats. At hypertension development in rats, a reliable decrease of erythrocytes-discocytes quantity in blood was found. It was accompanied by an increase of reversibly and irreversibly changed erythrocytes' quantity in examined animals' blood. Their values were returning to control the level of healthy rats during 60 days of regular muscle activity. At hypertension development in rats, a quick rise of erythrocytes' sum in aggregate was found, and the rise in these aggregates' quantity was due to the decrease of free erythrocytes' number. Their quantity returned to control values at the end of 60 days of exercise. During experimental hypertension modeling, we noticed very early in rats' blood decrease of erythrocytes-discocytes' quantity, the rise of their reversibly and irreversibly level varieties with the strengthening of their aggregative ability. It takes place in the background of the weakening of erythrocytes' antioxidant protection and activation of lipids' peroxidation in them. Regular lasting muscle activity can eliminate existing erythrocytes' microrheological features' abnormalities in rats with recently developed hypertension

    Effect of autologous plasma treatment on the cornea regeneration with Keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs

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    Our study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of autologous plasma enriched with platelets as part of the complex treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) of moderate severity in dogs. In our experiment, 20 dogs of various breeds with clinical signs of keratoconjunctivitis sicca participated. The animals were divided into the experimental group and the control group, 10 dogs in each group. The animals of the control group were treated with standard treatment: local antibiotic therapy, a topical immunosuppressant (cyclosporine), and also a lubricant. In addition to standard treatment, an autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) was additionally subconjunctivally injected weekly to animals of the experimental group. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated by monitoring the changes in the hydration level of the anterior segment of the eye, the cytological picture of smears and gross anatomical appearance of the front of eye. The results in experimental group demonstrated a decrease in the number of desquamated epithelial cells, as well as a more intense decrease in segmented cells. The dynamics of the reduction of the clinical manifestations of KCS in animals that used PRP as part of complex therapy is more pronounced and was quite fast. Our observations show that autologous platelet-rich plasma is a powerful protector of corneal regeneration and therefore could be recommended to use in corneal erosion, keratitis ulcers and corneal injuries, as well as a keratoprotector after surgical interventions on the cornea and intraocular structures. © 2020 Popova et al

    Efficiency of antihelmitic drugs in the treatment of canine intestinal nematodes

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    The work presents the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs in the treatment of canine intestinal nematodoses, since gastrointestinal parasites are the most common canine infectious agents and cause developmental delay, anorexia, anemia, diarrhea, which leads to significant damage to the dog's body and even death. In this regard, the analysis of the comparative efficacy of anthelmintic drugs for nematodoses in naturally invasive dogs was the aim of the present studies. As a result, it was found that using the combined therapeutic scheme of anthelmintic and probiotic, the complete disappearance of canine helminthiasis clinical signs was noted by the 10th day of treatment. This indicates a positive effect of symptomatic therapy for helminthiases. © 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved

    Effect of a combination of arterial hypertension and insulin resistance on hemostasis activity

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    Lasting existence of arterial hypertension in combination with insulin-resistance inevitably disturbs functioning of all the hemostasis elements. Weakening of vascular control over platelets' aggregation, hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis is noted in these conditions. Production lowering of substances with thrombo-resistant properties in vessels, increase of endothelium permeability for macromolecules, accumulation of lipoproteins in vascular wall, adhesion of platelets and leucocytes to it lie in the basis of it. Patients with arterial hypertension and insulin-resistance are characterized by platelets' activation leading to the increase of circulating platelets with changed surface structure in blood and their aggregates. In the given category of patients it is caused by the increased content of biologically active substances in platelets and number increase of different receptors on their surface, including fibrinogen. Combination of arterial hypertension with insulin-resistance inevitably disturbs functioning of coagulative component of hemostasis system - the content of fibrinogen, VII, VIII, IX factors of coagulation, von Willebrand's Factor increases in blood at activity lowering of antithrombin III, protein C and protein S. The complexity of hemostasiopathy in arterial hypertension and insulin resistance dictate the need to continue the search for therapeutic approaches which can balance thrombophilia and simultaneously affect all the components of the hemostatic system