114 research outputs found

    The role of IgG avidity in diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in newborns and infants [Uloga IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici infekcije citomegalovirusom u novorođenčadi i dojenčadi]

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    To evaluate the value of IgG avidity in diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in newborns and infants we collected serum samples from 40 infants under 12 months of age with suspected congenital CMV infection. Sera were tested for IgM, IgG and IgG avidity. For 25 of them, virus isolation and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on urine specimens were performed. Thirteen (32.5%) patients showed the presence of CMV IgM antibodies, 3 (7.5%) had equivocal IgM result, and 24 (60.0%) patients had IgG antibodies only. Using IgG avidity, CMV infection (low avidity index-AI) was documented in 61.5% IgM positive and 54.2% IgM negative patients. Eight of nine (88.8%) IgM positive patients were positive either on virus isolation or PCR. In IgM negative patients, 46.6% urine cultures were positive for CMV and 66.6% were PCR positive. According to age, IgG avidity demonstrated acute/recent primary CMV infection in 58.8% patients younger than three months compared with 91.7% and 81.8% in 3-6 and 6-12 months old babies, respectively. In conclusion, IgG avidity is useful in diagnosis of CMV infection either in IgM positive or IgM negative children older than 3 months of age. In infants less than 3 months, transplacentally derived maternal IgG antibodies of high avidity influence on the IgG avidity result. In these children, CMV infection should be confirmed by direct virologic methods such as virus isolation or PCR

    Značaj IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici infekcije citomegalovirusom u trudnica i novorođenčadi

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    Aim: To asses the value of IgG avidity in diagnosis of CMV infection in pregnant women and newborn infants. Methods: During the three-year period (2003-2005) serum samples from 64 pregnant women and 32 infants less than 12 months of age with suspected congenital/perinatal CMV infection were collected. Sera were tested for CMV IgM and IgG using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and IgG avidity using urea as denaturing agent. Results: Among IgM positive women, 2/26 (7.6%) showed an increase of IgG avidity index (AI) from intermediate to high AI in paired sera samples indicating recent primary infection and 24/26 (92.4%) showed high AI indicating past infection. All women with negative IgM antibodies had high AI. In infants less than 12 months old, acute/recent primary CMV infection was documented in 8/12 (66.7%) children with positive IgM and in 10/20 (50.0%) children with negative IgM antibodies. In two children less than three months with high AI, CMV infection was confirmed by virus isolation from urine. One of them showed a decrease of AI from high to low in paired sera samples. Conclusions: IgG avidity differentiates primary from nonprimary CMV infection in both pregnant women and infants older than three months. In children less than 3 months of age, transplacentally transferred maternal antibodies of high avidity may influence on the serologic test results.Cilj rada: Ispitati vrijednost IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici CMV infekcije u trudnica i novorodencadi. Metode: Tijekom trogodišnjeg perioda (2003-2005) prikupljeni su uzorci seruma od 64 trudnice, te 32 djece do godinu dana starosti sa suspektnom kongenitalnom/perinatalnom CMV infekcijom. Serumi su testirani na prisustvo CMV IgM i IgG protutijela metodom ELISA, te aviditet IgG protutijela uz primjenu uree. Rezultati: U skupini trudnica s pozitivnim IgM protutijelima, u njih 2/26 (7,6%) dokazan je porast indeksa IgG aviditeta (AI), od granicnog u visoki AI u parnim uzorcima seruma, što ukazuje na nedavnu primarnu CMV infekciju, dok je 24/26 (92,4%) imalo visok AI (prošla CMV infekcija). Sve trudnice s negativnim IgM protutijelima imale su visok AI. U djece mlade od 12 mjeseci, akutna/nedavna primarna CMV infekcija dokazana je u 8/12 (66,7%) djece s pozitivnim IgM, te u 10/20 (50,0%) djece s negativnim IgM protutijelima. U dvoje djece mlade od 3 mjeseca s visokim AI, CMV infekcija je potvrdena izolacijom virusa iz urina. U jednog od njih došlo je do pada AI iz visokog u niski, u parnom uzorku seruma. Zakljucci: Pomocu testa IgG aviditeta moguce je razluciti primarnu od prošle CMV infekcije u trudnica i djece starije od 3 mjeseca. U djece mlade od 3 mjeseca, transplacentarno prenesena majcina IgG protutijela visokog aviditeta mogu utjecati na rezultate seroloških pretraga


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    Virus Zapadnog Nila (VZN) malen je, ovijen, kuglast virus koji pripada porodici Flaviviridae, roduFlavivirus, serokompleksu japanskog encefalitisa. Prirodni rezervoari VZN-a su ptice, a glavni vektori komarci roda Culex. Do sada je opisano sedam genskih linija VZN-a, od kojih su najrasprostranjenije linije 1 i 2 (Afrika, Sjeverna i Južna Amerika, Europa, Azija i Australija). Infekcija VZN-om u oko 80% slučajeva prolazi asimptomatski. U 20% zaraženih javlja se nespecifična febrilna bolest (VZN-groznica), a u manje od 1% razvija se neuroinvazivni oblik bolesti (meningitis, encefalitis, sindrom poliomijelitisa). Na području Hrvatske protutijela na VZN dokazana su u ljudi, medvjeda i konja. U kolovozu i rujnu 2012. godine prvi put su zabilježeni klinički slučajevi neuroinvazivne infekcije VZN-om u ljudi te asimptomatska akutna infekcija u konja u tri županije istočne Hrvatske. Dijagnoza je potvrđena serološkim testovima (imunoenzimni test, IgG-aviditet, neutralizacijski test redukcije plakova).West Nile virus (WNV) is a small, enveloped, spherical virus that belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, Japanese encephalitis serocomplex. Natural reservoirs of WNV are birds, and the main vectors are mosquitoes of the genus Culex. There are seven genetic lineages of WNV. Lineages 1 and 2 are the most widely distributed (Africa, North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia). About 80% of infections are asymptomatic. In 20% of patients nonspecific febrile disease occurs (West Nile fever). Less than 1% of infected persons will develop neuroinvasive WNV disease (meningitis, encephalitis, and poliomyelitis). In Croatia, antibodies to WNV were demonstrated in humans, bears and horses. In August-September 2012 clinical cases of human WNV neuroinvasive disease and asymptomatic acute infection in horses were reported for the first time in three eastern Croatian counties. The diagnosis was confirmed by serologic tests (enzyme immunoassay, IgG avidity, plaque-reduction neutralization test)

    Epidemiology of hepatitis C in Croatia in the European context

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    We analyzed prevalence, risk factors and hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype distribution in different population groups in Croatia in the context of HCV epidemiology in Europe, with the aim to gather all existing information on HCV infection in Croatia which will be used to advise upon preventive measures. It is estimated that 35000-45000 of the Croatian population is chronically infected with HCV. Like in other European countries, there have been changes in the HCV epidemiology in Croatia over the past few decades. In some risk groups (polytransfused and hemodialysis patients), a significant decrease in the HCV prevalence was observed after the introduction of routine HCV screening of blood/blood products in 1992. Injecting drug users (IDUs) still represent a group with the highest risk for HCV infection with prevalence ranging from 29% to 65%. Compared to the prevalence in the Croatian general population (0.9%), higher prevalence rates were found in prison populations (8.3%-44%), human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients (15%), persons with high-risk sexual behavior (4.6%) and alcohol abusers (2.4%). Low/very low prevalence was reported in children and adolescents (0.3%) as well as in blood donors (0%-0.009%). In addition, distribution of HCV genotypes has changed due to different routes of transmission. In the general population, genotypes 1 and 3 are most widely distributed (60.4%-79.8% and 12.9%-47.9%, respectively). The similar genotype distribution is found in groups with high-risk sexual behavior. Genotype 3 is predominant in Croatian IDUs (60.5%-83.9%) while in the prison population genotypes 3 and 1 are equally distributed (52.4% and 47.6%). Data on HCV prevalence and risk factors for transmission are useful for implementation of preventive measures and HCV screening

    Poster 19. - Vektorima prenosive bolesti

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    Vektorima prenosive bolesti su skupina bolesti čiji se uzročnici prenose na čovjeka posredno putem vektora, odnosno hematofagnih insekata kao što su komarci, krpelji, papatači i sl. Vektorske bolesti najčešće imaju svoja prirodna žarišta, a okolišni čimbenici kao što su klima, godišnje doba, vremenske prilike i vegetacija utječu na njihovu pojavnost na određenom području. Globalne klimatske promjene i intenziviranje međunarodnog prometa, trgovine i turizma znatno utječu na pojavu, brojnost, gustoću, aktivnost, sezonsko pojavljivanje i širenje vektora i bolesti koje prenose u određenom području, dok međunarodni promet sa sobom nosi rizik uvođenja novih vektora iz tropskih i subtropskih područja kao i pojave i širenja bolesti kao što su chikungunya, denge i groznica Zapadnog Nila, u područjima u kojima su do sada bile nepoznate. Prema procjenama SZO više je od polovine svjetskog stanovništva izloženo riziku obolijevanja od denge , malarije, lišmanijaze, žute groznice, japanskog encefalitisa i dr. vektorskih bolesti koje čine 17% svih zaraznih bolesti. Prema Europskom centru za prevenciju i nadzor nad zaraznim bolestima (ECDC) raste im udio u zaraznim bolestima posljednjih 10 godina, a sve su učestalije bolesti koje prenose komarci. U Europi su se dogodile veće epidemije denge u Portugalu, Chikungunye u Italiji, malarije u Grčkoj, uz evidentirane oboljele od autohtone Denge u Francuskoj i Hrvatskoj kao i mnogi oboljeli od West Nile groznice u sve više europskih zemalja. Najznačajnije vektorske bolesti u Europi su krpeljni meningncefalitis (KME), West Nile groznica, te zadnjih godina denge i chikungunya, a detektira se importirana malarija, slično kao u Hrvatskoj, gdje je najučestalija Lymeska borelioza koju prenose krpelji. U prevenciji bolesti koje prenose komarci uz mjere suzbijanja populacije vektora važna je edukacija stanovništva o smanjenju mogućnosti za razvoj legla komaraca i osobnim mjerama zaštite. Za prevenciju bolesti koje se prenose krpeljima važna je edukacija o osobnim mjerama zaštite, za KME imamo mogućnost cijepljenja, a Lymeska bolest se liječi antibioticima.

    Screening for HbsAg, HCV and HIV among pregnant women, Istria County, 2011.-2012.

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    Tijekom dvogodišnjega razdoblja (2011. – 2012. godine), testirano je ukupno 1596 uzoraka seruma trudnica na prisutnost HBsAg, anti-HCV i anti-HIV protutijela. HBsAg je dokazan u 11/1596 (0,7%; 95%CI = 0,34 - 1,23) testiranih žena. S obzirom na dob, prevalencija HBsAg bila je najviša (1,9%) u skupini mlađih od 26 godina.U dobi od 26-30 i 31-35 godina bilo je pozitivno 0,5%, odnosno 0,4% ispitanica. Razlike između dobnih skupina nisu bile statistički značajne (p = 0,096). Uspoređujući dobne skupine, nađena je značajno niža prevalencija HBsAg u skupini od 31 - 35 godina u usporedbi s najmlađom dobnom skupinom (< 26 godina) (OR = 0,19; 95%CI = 0,04 - 0,97). Anti-HCV protutijela nađena su u 12/960 testiranih žena (1,3%; 95%CI = 0,64 - 2,17). Opažen je značajan porast HCV seropozitiviteta s dobi od 0,3% do 3,1%, počevši s dobnom skupinom od 26-30 godina (p = 0,03). Ovisno o mjestu prebivališta (urbano ili ruralno područje), nije bilo značajne razlike u prevalenciji HBsAg (0.8% u urbanoj te 0% u ruralnoj sredini; p = 0,616) niti anti-HCV (1,8% u urbanoj, te 1,2% u ruralnoj sredini; p = 0,641). Niti jedna ispitanica nije bila HIV pozitivna. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja ukazuju na nisku prevalenciju HBV, HCV i HIV infekcije u Hrvatskoj.During a two year period (2011 - 2012), a total of 1,596 consecutive serum samples from pregnant women were tested for the presence of HBsAg, anti-HCV and anti-HIV antibodies. HBsAg was detected in 11/1596 (0.7%; 95% CI = 0.34 - 1.23) tested women. All of them were HBeAg negative/anti-HBe positive. According to age, HBsAg prevalence was highest in the age group of less than 26 years (1.9%). In the age groups 26-30 and 31-35 years, prevalence rates of 0.5% and 0.4% were found. Differences among age groups were not significant (p = 0.096). Comparing age groups, a significantly lower prevalence of HBsAg was found in 31 - 35 age group compared to the youngest age group (< 26 years) (OR = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.04-0.97). Anti-HCV antibodies were detected in 12/960 tested women (1.3%, 95% CI = 0.64-2.17). HCV seropositivity increased significantly with age from 0.3% to 3.1% beginning with the 26-30 age group (p = 0.03). Place of residence was not associated with HBsAg (0.8% in urban areas vs. 0% in rural areas, p = 0.616) or anti-HCV positivity (1.8% in urban vs. 1.2% in rural areas, p = 0.641). None of the 1,002 participants were HIV positive. The results of this study suggest that Croatia is a low-prevalence country for HBV, HCV and HIV infection

    Subakutni tireoiditis – zanemarena komplikacija SARS-CoV-2 infekcije

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It usually presents with mild common cold-like symptoms. However, it can lead to series of complications with some of them being fatal. One of the rare and potentially neglected manifestations of COVID-19 is subacute thyroiditis (SAT). Viral causes of SAT documented so far include several viruses, but according to the newest reports, SARS-CoV-2 should also be added to the list. The median time between COVID-19 diagnosis and the onset of SAT symptoms is reported to be 29 days. Patients mostly present with triphasic course of symptoms - thyrotoxicosis, followed by hypothyroidism and euthyroidism. Although limited number of SAT cases after SARS-CoV-2 infection are reported, physicians should consider SAT as a differential diagnosis in COVID-19 patients. The routine assessment of thyroid function in patients with clinical suspicion of SAT or with the suspicion of any other thyroid dysfunction is advised.Koronavirusna bolest 2019 (COVID-19) infektivna je bolest koju uzrokuje SARS-CoV-2 (engl. severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). Uglavnom se očituje blagim simptomima nalik na običnu prehladu, ali može izazvati niz teških komplikacija, od kojih pojedine mogu biti i smrtonosne. Jedna od rijetkih i potencijalno zanemarenih manifestacija bolesti COVID-19 je subakutni tireoiditis (SAT). Do sada je dokazano nekoliko virusnih uzročnika SAT-a, no kako najnovija istraživanja upućuju, SARS-CoV-2 bi također trebao biti uvršten na taj popis. Nadalje, izvještaji ukazuju da medijan između dijagnoze COVID-19 i početka simptoma SAT-a iznosi 29 dana. Klinički se mogu razlikovati tri stadija bolesti - stadij tireotoksikoze nakon čega slijede hipotireoza te eutireoza. Unatoč ograničenom broju objavljenih slučajeva SAT-a nakon SARS-CoV-2 infekcije, liječnici bi trebali razmotriti SAT kao diferencijalnu dijagnozu kod pacijenata oboljelih od COVID-19. Tijekom praćenja i kontrole oboljelih savjetuje se i rutinska procjena funkcije štitnjače u onih pacijenata kod kojih postoji klinička sumnja na SAT ili neki drugi poremećaj u radu štitnjače