184 research outputs found

    Istraživanja fitoplanktonskih zajednica južnog Jadrana u široj okolici Dubrovnika

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    In four ecologically different habitats (at 9 stations) in the southern Adriatic, four phytoplankton associations, which could be united in two alliances and one order, have been determined. The criterion for determining associations and other communities (alliances and order) was the fidelity of species towards the principles of the Zürich-Montpellier phytocoenologic school. The largest number of the characteristic species of the communities described belongs to the group of Dinophyta, even though they are less abundant than Bacillariophyceae. The characteristic species of Haptophyceae are important only in the open sea community. Acording to the assumption made in this work about some groups of phytoplankton species showing ecological distribution, the associations described can be used as ecological indicators. Because of the complex three-dimensional nature of the marine ecosystem (i. e, horizontal, vertical and time dynamics), the results should be checked in forthcoming investigations.U četiri ekološki različita staništa (na 9 postaja) u južnom Jadranu utvrđene su četiri asocijacije fitoplanktona koje se mogu ujediniti u dvije sveze i jedan red. Kao kriterij za određivanje asocijacija i ostalih zajednica poslužila je vezanost vrsta po principima fitocenološke škole Ziirich- Montpellier. Najveći broj karakterističnih vrsta opisanih zajednica pripada skupini Dinophyta, iako su one kvantitativno slabije zastupljene nego Bacillariophyceae. Haptophyceae su sa 2 karakteristične vrste važne jedino u zajednici otvorenog mora. Prihvaćajući pretpostavku da određene skupine vrsta fitoplanktona pokazuju ekološku raspodjelu, utvrđene asocijacije mogu poslužiti kao ekološki indikatori. Zbog složene trodimenzionalne prirode morskog ekosistema (horizontalna, vertikalna i vremenska dinamika) pokazane rezultate je potrebno provjeriti na budućim istraživanjima

    O heterotrofnoj ishrani nekih vrsta zelenih alga

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    The growth of eight species of green algae on sixteen organic substrates in the light as well as in the dark was tested quantitatively. The growth was stimulated by most organic substrates and we can correlate it with heterotrophic nutrition. The heterotrophic growth was stimulated in the light. The best ability of heterotrophic growth has been shown in two species: Scenedesmus quadricauda and Chlorella sp., and the poorest in Ulothrix sp. Glucose, fructose, peptone and yeast extract were the most efficient growth substrates and the least efficient were ribose and urea. Enlarged and giant cells of unicellular species were usually present during their heterotrophic growth. These changes are considered to be the consequence of the disharmony between the process of cell growth and cell division.Kvantitativno je ispitivano rastenje osam vrsta zelenih alga na šesnaest organskih supstrata, kako na svjetlosti tako i u tami. Mnogi organski supstrati stimulirali su rast, pa to možemo povezati sa heterotrofnom prehranom. Svjetlost je stimulirala heterotrofni rast. Najpogodniji supstrati za heterotrofiju bili su: glukoza, fruktoza, pepton i ekstrakt kvasca, a inhibiciju rastenja kod većine vrsta izazvali su riboza i urea. Najbolji heterotrofni rast pokazale su vrste Scenedesmus quadricarida i Chlorella sp., a najslabiji nitasta alga Ulothrix sp. Kod jednostaničnih vrsta bile su često prisutne povećane i divovske stanice. Te promjene protumačene su kao poremećaj ravnoteže između procesa rastenja i dijeljenja stanica

    Istraživanja fitoplanktonskih zajednica južnog Jadrana u široj okolici Dubrovnika

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    In four ecologically different habitats (at 9 stations) in the southern Adriatic, four phytoplankton associations, which could be united in two alliances and one order, have been determined. The criterion for determining associations and other communities (alliances and order) was the fidelity of species towards the principles of the Zürich-Montpellier phytocoenologic school. The largest number of the characteristic species of the communities described belongs to the group of Dinophyta, even though they are less abundant than Bacillariophyceae. The characteristic species of Haptophyceae are important only in the open sea community. Acording to the assumption made in this work about some groups of phytoplankton species showing ecological distribution, the associations described can be used as ecological indicators. Because of the complex three-dimensional nature of the marine ecosystem (i. e, horizontal, vertical and time dynamics), the results should be checked in forthcoming investigations.U četiri ekološki različita staništa (na 9 postaja) u južnom Jadranu utvrđene su četiri asocijacije fitoplanktona koje se mogu ujediniti u dvije sveze i jedan red. Kao kriterij za određivanje asocijacija i ostalih zajednica poslužila je vezanost vrsta po principima fitocenološke škole Ziirich- Montpellier. Najveći broj karakterističnih vrsta opisanih zajednica pripada skupini Dinophyta, iako su one kvantitativno slabije zastupljene nego Bacillariophyceae. Haptophyceae su sa 2 karakteristične vrste važne jedino u zajednici otvorenog mora. Prihvaćajući pretpostavku da određene skupine vrsta fitoplanktona pokazuju ekološku raspodjelu, utvrđene asocijacije mogu poslužiti kao ekološki indikatori. Zbog složene trodimenzionalne prirode morskog ekosistema (horizontalna, vertikalna i vremenska dinamika) pokazane rezultate je potrebno provjeriti na budućim istraživanjima

    Acta Botanica Croatica: editorial activity and scientometric analysis for the period 1998–2014

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    An editorial report concerning and scientometric analysis of papers published in the journal Acta botanica croatica for the period from 1998 to 2014 is presented. Since 1998, original scientific papers have been written exclusively in English and the accessibility and communicability have increased. The journal is included in the citation base SCOPUS (since 2007) and Web of Science – Science Citation Index Expanded (since 2008). Beginning in 2011, a partnership with co-publishers Versita – Central European Science Publisher and Walter de Gruyter Open Publishing House, resulted in improved management, quality control, electronic publication and increasing visibility of the journal. The impact factor has been calculated since 2010 by Journal Citation Reports and has increased from 0.435 to 0.839

    Hrvatska milja na starim kartama

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    Stjepan Glavač’s map of 1673 is a valuable and unique example of Croatian cartographic heritage. The map was the first to show a graphic scale in the Croatian miles. Many authors mentioned the Croatian mile, but did not agree on its length. In addition to a copy of Glavač’s map, copies of Janez Vajkard Valvasor’s map of 1689, Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola’s map of 1690, Antun Belavić’s map of 1739 and the map Kraljevinâ Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Slavonije ... of 1746 were obtained and studied for the purpose of this paper. The Croatian mile was drawn on these maps in addition to other types of mile. The ratios of the Croatian mile to the German, Italian and French miles were calculated with the help of these maps. An overview of the ratios of the Croatian mile to other miles is provided. The Croatian mile is defined as one-tenth of the length of one degree of the Equator. The length of the Croatian mile, for the radius of the Earth R = 6371 kilometres, is 11 120 metres or approximately eleven kilometres.Karta Stjepana Glavača iz 1673. godine vrijedan je i jedinstven primjerak hrvatske kartografske baštine. Na njoj je ucrtana hrvatska milja kojoj nema traga na kartama izrađenima prije Glavačeve karte. Više autora spominje vrijednost duljine hrvatske milje, ali nisu suglasni s iznosom njezine vrijednosti. Za potrebe ovoga rada, pored kopije Glavačeve karte pribavljene su i istražene kopije karata Janeza Vajkarda Valvasora iz 1689., Giacoma Cantellija da Vignole iz 1690., Antuna Belavića iz 1739. i karta Kraljevinâ Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Slavonije… iz 1746. na kojima je, pored ostalih milja, ucrtana i hrvatska milja. S pomoću tih ucrtanih milja izračunan je odnos između hrvatske i njemačke milje, zatim talijanske i hrvatske milje te potom francuske i hrvatske milje. Pored tih odnosa, dan je i pregled odnosa hrvatske milje i nekih drugih milja. Utvrđeno je da je duljina hrvatske milje jednaka 1/10 duljine ekvatorskog stupnja. Duljina hrvatske milje za Zemljin radijus R = 6371 km iznosi 11 120 m, odnosno približno 11 km

    Anthropological Cybernetic Model of Demography of the Island of Hvar

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    Intentions of the present investigation were to apply a cybernetic model in description of demography on the island of Hvar for a time period from year 1800 till now. The basic idea of the model applied in this anthropological study (LOPI) is that the rate of reproduction is given by the non-linear controller: Y2/Te(1-(Y3/G)). Constant G represents an environmental carrying capacity of a community with respect to the cohort of older people (no longer a part of the pool of reproductive inhabitants; Y3) sharing limited survival resources. The proportional constant 1/Te connected with the pool of reproductive inhabitants (Y2) correspond to the reproduction maximum. The consistency of the model is evaluated through comparison between model data and census. The LOPI model describes incredibly well the demography of the island of Hvar from the year 1800 till 1940. After year 1950 there were more inhabitants on the island then the model would predict. This fact is connected with changes in the migration or also in the increased carrying capacity (G). On the basis LOPI model, population dynamic oscillates in its development. The example of the island of Hvar has proved that population reaches a maximal number of inhabitants every 200 years. The oscillation of population dynamics is influenced by the migration processes. The mere fact that oscillating population size is connected to population genetics and probably also to sociocultural factors suggests that a cybernetics demographic model can be a guide in the holistic anthropological approach


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    Kao prilog istaživanju arhitektonsko-urbanističke povijesti Senja autorica u ovom radu prikazuje njegov smještaj uz more i uz udoline okolnog terena kuda se iz pozadine dopiralo do područja grada utvrđenog zidinama. Na dodirnim točkama tih pravaca prilaženja gradu otvaraju se u zidinama gradska vrata koja time logično stvaraju osnov za daljnji razvoj urbanističkog tkiva. Tako »čitan« grad kazuje kako urbanistička geneza drevnog Senja, koja na prvi pogled kao da u urbanističkom smislu nema neke logike, osobito svojom okosnicom koja povezuje dva glavna prilaza (I, VII) kao podloga cijeloj urbanoj strukturi, pokazuje logično formiranje grada.Die Autorin dieses Artikels analysiert Grundmomente und Festpunkte, die der bis heute gebliebenen Gestaltung der städtebaulichen Struktur des mittelalterlichen Senj beigebracht haben. Die Lage dieser Stadt am Meer, die Senj als einen Seemaratflecken bestimmt, ist sehr giin-stig, wie auch das Bestehen der zwei zu Senj führenden Täler. Das erste verbindet die Stadt von Norden mit dem naheliegenden Hinterland, und das zweite von Osten über das Gebirgssattel des Velebits mit dem entfernteren Hinterland. Das hat dieser Stadt im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Bedeutung des Handels-, See- und (zeitweiling) Kulturzentrums gegeben. Von dem XIII. Jahrhundert an haben die Einwohner diese Stadt mit der Stadtmauer samt dem Kašteli und den Türmen umgeben. In der Stadtmauer öffneten sie an vielen Stellen die Stadttore, die zur Zeit der türkischen Gefahr vermauert worden sind, mit Ausnahme des Sectors und desjenigen nächst des Kastells. Die Spuren der anderen Tore haben sich im Laufe der Zeit verloren. Ausser diesen beweisten Toren stand auf dem Terrain nächst der Stadtmauer, in Richtung des nördlichen Tales, das kleine Tor (»Mala vrata«). Das beweist der heutige Name »Mala vrata « für diese ganze Gegend. Die Autorin stellt die Frage iiber die Lage jenes Tores das an der Stelle des vorausgesetzten Eingangs in die Stadt (aus der Richtung des entfernteren Hinterlandes) gestanden ist. Dieses Tor war von grosser Bedeutung: es war Ausgangs- und Schlusspunkt des städtischen Hauptver-kehrswegs. Alte Plane haben uns auf die Stelle verweist, wo wir in der Stadtmauer auf die Spuren der Reparierung gestossen sind, und wo die senkrechten Fugen der jemaligen Öffnungen noch heute sichtbar sind. Das ist die Stelle des bei Lenković 1550 erwähnten Landtors (»Kopnena vrata «), und damit ist dieses Tor dokumentiert. So ist endlich deutlich geworden, dass die Haupttransversale (die bei »Mala vrata« beginnt und nächst der Kathedrale fiihrt) sich mit den Transversalen kreuzt, die den Ausgangspunkt bei »Mala placa« i »Morska vrata« haben, so dass der Platz vor dem Kašteli und seinem Tor heute direkt auf die jemalige Stadtmauer stosst. Eigentiich hatte sie ihren Ausgang an dem jetzt festen Landtor (Kopnena vrata). So ist dieser vitale Hauptverkehrsweg von der Stadt Senj ganz ver-ständlich, städtebaulich logisch und berechtigt geworden. Die Autorin schliesst am Ende des Artikels folgendes: die städtebauliche Genese des alter-tümlichen Senj scheint auf den ersten Blick im Sinne der Stadtplanung ohne Logik zu sein, aber der Grundplan dieser Stadt, der die zwei Hauptzugänge zur Stadt verbindet, zeigt, dass Senj logisch formiert sei

    Checklist of phytoplankton in the eastern Adriatic Sea

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    According to recent insights, the phytoplankton of the eastern Adriatic Sea is composed of 888 determined species. The diatoms were composed of 518 species (330 pennates, 174 centric diatoms), dinoflagellates 264, prymnesiophytes 101, chrysophyceae 2, raphidophyceae 1 and euglenophyceae 2 species. The list is accompanied by data on the general distribution of species in the northern, central and southern part of the eastern Adriatic Sea. The sources of data were samples collected in naturally eutrophic areas (bays, highly stratified karstic estuaries), in areas with anthropogenic influence (harbours), as well as in the oligotrophic southern Adriatic. The old published data were supplemented with more recent infromation from the period 1981–2000

    Taxonomic composition and seasonal distribution of microphytoplankton in Mali Ston Bay (eastern Adriatic)

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    Mali Ston Bay is an elongated, sparsely inhabited neritic environment and traditionally important shellfish-farming region in the south-eastern part of the Adriatic coast. The hydrography of the bay is influenced by the specific karstic hydrology (underwater springs in the inner part of the bay), and the Neretva River discharging into the outer part of the bay. Due to the estuarine circulation in winter, a stratified water column is formed, the surface layer being mostly formed above, and the subsurface layer below 6 m in depth. This vertical structure was detected on the basis of temperature, salinity, and phytoplankton and non-living suspended particle distribution. Phytoplankton accumulated most frequently in the surface layer in more stable conditions, and below the halocline during greater input of freshwater. Due to the relatively low phytoplankton cell density, the cell density of species indicating nutrient enrichment, as well as high species diversity and transparency, Mali Ston Bay may be indirectly classified as moderately eutrophic ecosystem, and recommended for the further development of shellfish farming activities