12 research outputs found

    Introduction to soft matter

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    \u3cp\u3eIn this introductory chapter we introduce the basic features and building blocks of soft matter focusing in particular on the role of interfaces. As the fundamentals of the behaviour of particles, surfactants, and polymers at interfaces are described, several classical physico-chemical concepts are introduced. A very brief historical overview of the fields of colloid and polymer science is given. Practical applications of soft matter science in areas like personal care, food technology, biology and materials science are outlined at the end of the chapter.\u3c/p\u3

    Recent advances in multiple emulsions and their application as templates

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    \u3cp\u3eWe review recent developments on the preparation of multiple emulsions and their applications as templates for material fabrication. Emphasis is placed on microfluidic methods for accurate control of size and morphology and on new formulations that go beyond traditional surfactant systems for increased complexity. The straightforward applicability of multiple emulsions in the fabrication of multihollow particles or capsules of various materials is illustrated through representative examples.\u3c/p\u3

    Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular colloids

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    \u3cp\u3eControl over colloidal assembly is of utmost importance for the development of functional colloidal materials with tailored structural and mechanical properties for applications in photonics, drug delivery and coating technology. Here we present a new family of colloidal building blocks, coined supramolecular colloids, whose self-assembly is controlled through surface-functionalization with a benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) derived supramolecular moiety. Such BTAs interact via directional, strong, yet reversible hydrogen-bonds with other identical BTAs. Herein, a protocol is presented that describes how to couple these BTAs to colloids and how to quantify the number of coupling sites, which determines the multivalency of the supramolecular colloids. Light scattering measurements show that the refractive index of the colloids is almost matched with that of the solvent, which strongly reduces the van der Waals forces between the colloids. Before photo-activation, the colloids remain well dispersed, as the BTAs are equipped with a photo-labile group that blocks the formation of hydrogen-bonds. Controlled deprotection with UV-light activates the short-range hydrogen-bonds between the BTAs, which triggers the colloidal self-assembly. The evolution from the dispersed state to the clustered state is monitored by confocal microscopy. These results are further quantified by image analysis with simple routines using ImageJ and Matlab. This merger of supramolecular chemistry and colloidal science offers a direct route towards light- and thermo-responsive colloidal assembly encoded in the surface-grafted monolayer.\u3c/p\u3

    Multiple emulsions as soft templates for the synthesis of multifunctional silicone porous particles

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    \u3cp\u3eMultiple emulsion templating is a versatile strategy for the synthesis of porous particles. The present work addresses the synthesis of multifunctional poly(dimethylsiloxane) porous particles using multiple water-in-oil-in-water emulsions as soft templates with an oil phase constituted by a crosslinkable poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) oil. Herewith, the impact of the viscosity of PDMS oil (i.e., molecular weight) on the properties of both the emulsion templates and the resulting particles was evaluated. The viscosity of PDMS oil has a strong effect on the size and polydispersity of the emulsion templates as well as on the mechanical properties of the derived particles. The elastic modulus can be tuned by mixing PDMS oils of different viscosities to form bimodal crosslinked networks. Iron oxide nanoparticles can be readily incorporated into the emulsion templates to provide additional functionalities to the silicone particles, such as magnetic separation or magnetic hyperthermia. The synthesized composite magnetic particles were found to be useful as recoverable absorbent materials (e.g., for oil spills) by taking advantage of their high buoyancy and high hydrophobicity.\u3c/p\u3

    IPAINT:A general approach tailored to image the topology of interfaces with nanometer resolution

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    \u3cp\u3eUnderstanding interfacial phenomena in soft materials such as wetting, colloidal stability, coalescence, and friction warrants non-invasive imaging with nanometer resolution. Super-resolution microscopy has emerged as an attractive method to visualize nanostructures labeled covalently with fluorescent tags, but this is not amenable to all interfaces. Inspired by PAINT we developed a simple and general strategy to overcome this limitation, which we coin 'iPAINT: interface Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography'. It enables three-dimensional, sub-diffraction imaging of interfaces irrespective of their nature via reversible adsorption of polymer chains end-functionalized with photo-activatable moieties. We visualized model dispersions, emulsions, and foams with ∼20 nm and ∼3° accuracy demonstrating the general applicability of iPAINT to study solid/liquid, liquid/liquid and liquid/air interfaces. iPAINT thus broadens the scope of super-resolution microscopy paving the way for non-invasive, high-resolution imaging of complex soft materials.\u3c/p\u3

    Light induced assembly and self-sorting of silica microparticles

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    \u3cp\u3eTo tailor the properties of colloidal materials, precise control over the self-assembly of their constituents is a prerequisite. Here, we govern the assembly of silica particles by functionalization with supramolecular moieties which interact with each other via directional and reversible hydrogen bonding. Through a generally applicable synthesis protocol, two different types of self-complementary hydrogen bonding moieties, BTA- and UPy-derivatives, are anchored to silica particles. Their self-assembly is initiated by the UV-induced removal of a photolabile protecting group, allowing the formation of hydrogen bonds between tethered molecules. The light-induced assembly of BTA- and UPy-decorated colloids in single-component dispersions and colloidal self-sorting in mixed dispersions is studied. Furthermore, we demonstrate that UPy-colloids can dissasemble upon addition of traces of a competitive binder (NaPy). This work provides further insight into the utility of supramolecular handles to orchestrate the assembly of micron-sized colloids via non-oligonucleotide hydrogen-bonding units.\u3c/p\u3

    Effects of artepillin C on model membranes displaying liquid immiscibility

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    \u3cp\u3eIt has been hypothesized that the therapeutic effects of artepillin C, a natural compound derived from Brazilian green propolis, are likely related to its partition in the lipid bilayer component of biological membranes. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of the major compound of green propolis, artepillin C, on model membranes (small and giant unilamelar vesicles) composed of ternary lipid mixtures containing cholesterol, which display liquid-ordered (lo) and liquid-disordered (ld) phase coexistence. Specifically, we explored potential changes in relevant membrane parameters upon addition of artepillin C presenting both neutral and deprotonated states by means of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and confocal and multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy. Thermotropic analysis obtained from DSC experiments indicated a loss in the lipid cooperativity of lo phase at equilibrium conditions, while at similar conditions spontaneous formation of unilamellar vesicles from SAXS experiments showed that deprotonated artepillin C preferentially located at the surface of the membrane. Time-resolved experiments using fluorescence microscopy showed that at doses above 100 µM, artepillin C in its neutral state interacted with both liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered phases, inducing curvature stress and promoting dehydration at the membrane interface.\u3c/p\u3

    Temperature-induced, selective assembly of supramolecular colloids in water

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    \u3cp\u3eIn this article, we report the synthesis and physical characterization of colloidal polystyrene particles that carry water-soluble supramolecular N,N′,N″,-trialkyl-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides (BTAs) on their surface. These molecules are known to assemble into one-dimensional supramolecular polymers via noncovalent interactions. By tethering the BTAs to charge-stabilized particles, the clustering behavior of the resulting colloids was dictated by a balance between interparticle electrostatic repulsion and the BTA-mediated attractions. Through careful tuning of the dispersing medium's ionic strength, a regime was found in which particle aggregation could be reversibly induced upon heating the dispersion. These findings clearly indicate that hydrophobic interactions, which become stronger upon heating, play an important role during the clustering process. Besides the thermoreversible nature of the generated hydrophobic interparticle attractions, we found the clustering to be selective, that is, the BTA-functionalized colloids do not interact with nonfunctionalized hydrophobic polystyrene particles. This selectivity in the association process can be rationalized by the preferred stacking of the surface-tethered BTAs. These selective intermolecular/particle bonds are likely stabilized by the formation of hydrogen bonds, as previously observed for analogous molecular BTA assemblies. The resulting driving force responsible for particle clustering is therefore dual in nature and depends on both hydrophobic attractions and hydrogen bonding.\u3c/p\u3

    Super-resolution microscopy on single particles at fluid interfaces reveals their wetting properties and interfacial deformations

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    \u3cp\u3eSolid particles adsorbed at fluid interfaces are crucial for the mechanical stability of Pickering emulsions. The key parameter which determines the kinetic and thermodynamic properties of these colloids is the particle contact angle, θ. Several methods have recently been developed to measure the contact angle of individual particles adsorbed at liquid-liquid interfaces, as morphological and chemical heterogeneities at the particle surface can significantly affect θ. However, none of these techniques enables the simultaneous visualization of the nanoparticles and the reconstruction of the fluid interface to which they are adsorbed, in situ. To tackle this challenge, we utilize a newly developed super-resolution microscopy method, called iPAINT, which exploits non-covalent and continuous labelling of interfaces with photo-activatable fluorescent probes. Herewith, we resolve with nanometer accuracy both the position of individual nanoparticles at a water-octanol interface and the location of the interface itself. First, we determine single particle contact angles for both hydrophobic and hydrophilic spherical colloids. These experiments reveal a non-negligible dependence of θ on particle size, from which we infer an effective line tension, τ. Next, we image elliptical particles at a water-decane interface, showing that the corresponding interfacial deformations can be clearly captured by iPAINT microscopy.\u3c/p\u3

    Imaging nanostructures by single-molecule localization microscopy in organic solvents

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    \u3cp\u3eThe introduction of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (SRM) opened an unprecedented vista into nanoscopic length scales, unveiling a new degree of complexity in biological systems in aqueous environments. Regrettably, supramolecular chemistry and material science benefited far less from these recent developments. Here we expand the scope of SRM to photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) imaging of synthetic nanostructures that are highly dynamic in organic solvents. Furthermore, we characterize the photophysical properties of commonly used photoactivatable dyes in a wide range of solvents, which is made possible by the addition of a tiny amount of an alcohol. As proof-of-principle, we use PALM to image silica beads with radii close to Abbe's diffraction limit. Individual nanoparticles are readily identified and reliably sized in multicolor mixtures of large and small beads. We further use SRM to visualize nm-thin yet μm-long dynamic, supramolecular polymers, which are among the most challenging molecular systems to image.\u3c/p\u3