10 research outputs found

    Masculinidad y feminidad en los puestos directivos

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Psicoloxía. Curso 2014-2015[ES] La mayoría de las investigaciones (Eagly y Johnson, 1990; Garcia- Retamero y López-Zafra, 2002), ha intentado mostrar las diferencias existentes entre hombres y mujeres a la hora de liderar, aportando datos bastante contradictorios. Esta investigación propone analizar variables sociales referentes al género y no vinculadas directamente al sexo. Esto quiere decir, variables vinculadas tradicionalmente a un sexo, pero de forma estereotípica, y no extrapolable a la realidad. Se pretende comprobar si existen diferencias en el liderazgo cuando las variables de género difieren y si estas diferencias no ocurren cuando lo que varía es el sexo del líder. Además queremos ver los efectos que provocan el género y el liderazgo sobre la satisfacción laboral. Para ello hemos realizado un análisis con los datos obtenidos de los/as trabajadores/as de 5 empresas. Los resultados obtenidos confirman nuestras mejores expectativas. Los análisis muestran que la variable “feminidad” es la que más efectos tiene sobre el liderazgo transaccional y transformacional. No obstante cuando seleccionamos los ítems positivamente valorados que describen “masculinidad positiva” y “feminidad positiva”, los efectos sobre las variables dependientes se disparan, siendo las que más efectos tienen en la mayoría de subescalas de estos dos tipos de liderazgo. En cuanto a la satisfacción laboral, el liderazgo transformacional tiene mayor influencia que el liderazgo transaccional. A su vez la feminidad positiva es la que más efectos tiene sobre la satisfacción laboral.[EN] Most researches (Eagly y Johnson, 1990; Garcia- Retamero y López-Zafra, 2002) had tried to show the differences between men and women when it comes to leading, finding extraordinarily opposite results. This research means to analyse social variables related to gender but not directly linked to sex. This means, variables traditionally linked to sex but in a stereotypical way which cannot be extrapolated to reality. We try to show data about leadership differences when the gender variables differ and the inexistence of differences if there is a change in the sex of the leader. Moreover, we want to check the effect that both gender and leadership have on job satisfaction, for this reason we have carried out some analyses with the figures obtained from workers of 5 companies. The obtained results prove our best expectations. Analyses show that the femininity variable is the one which has a deeper effect on transactional and transformational leadership. Nevertheless, when positively valued items, which describe both positive masculinity and positive femininity, are chosen, the effects on the dependent variable increase dramatically, being the ones with more effects on the majority of the subscales of these two types of leadership. Regarding job satisfaction, transformational leadership has a deeper influence than transactional leadership. At the same time, positive femininity shows a higher influence on job satisfaction

    Medição de processos psicológicos e sociais em seguidores de esportes: adaptação para o espanhol da escala Identification with a Psychological Group e Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale

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    In recent years, scientific studies evaluating psychological and social processes in sports fans have increased, highlighting those related to aggression and antisocial behaviour. Two of the key constructs to understand violence among sports fans are group identification and moral disengagement. The objective of this research is the adaptation of the Identification with a Psychological Group Scale and the Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale to Spanish, in a sample of 400 sports fans of various sports modalities. The following data analyses were performed for both questionnaires: confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis by calculating Cronbach's a and composite reliability, as well as invariance analysis of the measurement models depending on whether the participants were soccer fans or to another sports modality. The responses to the items showed good psychometric properties for two unifactorial models, with nine items in the case of group identification and seven items for moral disengagement. Both adaptations presented good reliability indicators in both perspectives, and of homogeneity of the measurement models based on the multigroup moderator. The adaptations were satisfactory and allow a brief evaluation of two key constructs in understanding the psychological and social processes of violence and antisocial behaviour in sport.En los últimos años han aumentado los estudios científicos que evalúan procesos psicológicos y sociales en aficionados al deporte, destacando aquellos relacionados con las agresiones y el comportamiento antisocial. Dos de los constructos clave para entender la violencia entre aficionados deportivos son la identificación grupal y la desconexión moral. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue la adaptación de los instrumentos Identification with a Psychological Group Scale y del Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale al español, en una muestra de 400 aficionados a diversas modalidades deportivas. Para ambos cuestionarios se realizaron los siguientes análisis de datos: análisis factoriales confirmatorios, análisis de fiabilidad mediante el cálculo de a de Cronbach y la fiabilidad compuesta, así como análisis de invarianza de los modelos de medida en función de si los participantes eran aficionados al fútbol u a otra modalidad deportiva. Las respuestas a los ítems mostraron buenas propiedades psicométricas para dos modelos unifactoriales, de nueve ítems en el caso de la identificación grupal y siete ítems para desconexión moral. Ambas adaptaciones presentaron buenos indicadores de fiabilidad en ambas perspectivas, y de homogeneidad de los modelos de medida en función del moderador multigrupal. Las adaptaciones resultaron satisfactorias y permiten evaluar de forma breve dos constructos clave en la comprensión de los procesos psicológicos y sociales de violencia y comportamiento antisocial en el deporte.Nos últimos anos, aumentaram os estudos científicos que avaliam processos psicológicos e sociais em seguidores esportivos, destacando-se aqueles relacionados à agressividade e ao comportamento antissocial. Dois dos construtos-chave para entender a violência entre torcedores são a identificação com o grupo e o desengajamento moral. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi a adaptação para o espanhol dos instrumentos Identification with a Psychological Group Scale e Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale, em uma amostra de 400 seguidores de diversas modalidades esportivas. Para ambos os questionários foram realizadas as seguintes análises de dados: análise fatorial confirmatória, análise de confiabilidade por cálculo de Cronbach a e confiabilidade composta, bem como análise de invariância dos modelos de medição dependendo se os participantes eram seguidores de futebol ou de outra modalidade esportiva. As respostas aos itens apresentaram boas propriedades psicométricas para dois modelos unifatoriais, com nove itens no caso de identificação grupal e sete itens para desengajamento moral. Ambas as adaptações apresentaram bons indicadores de confiabilidade em ambas as perspectivas e de homogeneidade dos modelos de mensuração baseados no moderador multigrupo. As adaptações foram satisfatórias e permitem uma breve avaliação de dois construtos fundamentais na compreensão dos processos psicológicos e sociais da violência e do comportamento antissocial no esporte

    Psychological and Situational Variables Associated with Objective Knowledge on Water-Related Issues in a Northern Spanish City

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    This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other variables of psychological and situational nature. A random sample of 459 participants was employed, selected proportionally based on sex and age. In this sample, knowledge on the water-related issues tended to be low, particularly related to the direct source of water in the household, the type of services involved in the management, and consumption itself. In order to understand both the relationship with knowledge on water and the relative importance of all the other factors, a regression model was formulated. The highest standardised effect was for sex, followed by occupation, political leaning, and water-related emotions. The best level of knowledge was attained if the residents were male, if they were actively employed or unemployed, if their political leaning was towards the left, and if they demonstrated greater emotional involvement with the water use. Consequently, the design of programmes would need to consider that the information flow must be greater for citizens as a whole, particularly for certain groups such as women and students. It should contribute to the realistic perception of water as a problem and to seek emotional involvementThis research was funded by VIAQUA, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Galicia, S.A.U.S

    “Who Cares?”: The Acceptance of Decentralized Wastewater Systems in Regions without Water Problems

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    There is a growing interest in decentralized wastewater treatment systems, especially in regions with water scarcity problems or water management issues. This study aims to determine whether the perceived advantages and disadvantages (leading to acceptance) of decentralized wastewater plants in such regions are the same in regions where the population is not aware of these water issues. Firstly, this study systematically reviews previous findings on public perceptions of the acceptance of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Then, the study details the results of a focus group study to determine whether the elements identified in the literature are also relevant in a region where people are unaware of water problems. The results show that a lack of awareness of water issues seems to be a critical factor influencing acceptance. Reframing the usefulness of these systems by focusing on other aspects, such as environmental sustainability, is keyThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 730285. The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC/GPC2016-017- GI-1456, COSOYPA, and to the CRETUS Strategic Partnership (AGRUP2015/02). All these programs are co-funded by FEDER (UE). The first author also wants to acknowledge the financial support of the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, and the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria of the Xunta de GaliciaS

    Review about methodological characteristics and efficacy of interventions oriented to reduce water consuming

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    Las intervenciones para promover conductas conservadoras del agua han seguido 3 tipos de estrategias: feedback, normas sociales y campañas de sensibilización. Esta revisión pretende evaluar las características metodológicas y valorar la eficacia alcanzada por estas estrategias. De una búsqueda sistemática de literatura, obtuvimos 31 artículos. En cada estrategia, analizamos 6 variables metodológicas esenciales, y calculamos el tamaño del efecto promedio. Encontramos ausencia destacada de grupo control y de medidas pre-post. El tamaño del efecto fue medio en las intervenciones de feedback y bajo en intervenciones basadas en normas sociales y campañas de sensibilización. Las intervenciones de feedback presentan mejores condiciones metodológicas. No obstante, se impone la necesidad de cuidar aspectos metodológicos esenciales, y de informar de estadísticos que permitan una estimación más fiable de la eficacia. Pese a ello, la tendencia de las tres estrategias es positiva, donde las intervenciones basadas en feedback son las de mayor efectoThree types of interventions have been implemented to promote water conservation behaviours: feedback, social norms, and sensitivity campaigns. The aim of this review is to assess methodological aspects and to estimate the efficacy of these interventions. We selected 31 articles through a systematic literature search. For each strategy, we analysed 6 essential methodological variables and we calculated the average effect size. We found a noticeable lack of control group and pre-post measures. The effect size was medium in feedback interventions and small in social norms and sensitivity interventions. Feedback strategies reported better methodological conditions. However, it is necessary to improve these essential methodological aspects and to report statistics which allow a more reliable estimation of efficacy. Despite this, there is a positive tendency of the three strategies, with feedback interventions having a greater effectEsta investigación fue apoyada por el Gobierno de España (AEI), a través del proyecto CTQ2016-75136-P. Los autores pertenecen al Grupo Gallego de Potencial Crecimiento GPC2016-017, y a la Agrupación Estratégica Cretus (AGRUP2015/02). Todos estos proyectos son cofinanciados por Feder (UE)S

    La reutilización de aguas residuales: factores psicológicos para su aceptación pública

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    Los sistemas que permiten la reutilización de aguas residuales se proponen como una alternativa ambientalmente sostenible y eficaz para hacer frente a la escasez de agua y de alimentos. Esto se debe principalmente a dos de sus aplicaciones: (a) el reciclaje de agua y (b) el empleo de los nutrientes extraídos para producir fertilizantes. Sin embargo, la percepción de la ciudadanía hacia esta tecnología conduce a una baja aceptación pública, limitando su desarrollo. Con esta tesis, enmarcada dentro de un proyecto multidisciplinar, buscamos identificar aquellos factores psicológicos asociados al uso de agua reciclada y al consumo de alimentos cultivados con fertilizantes procedentes de aguas residuales. Consiste tres estudios empíricos. El primero, con datos cualitativos obtenidos a través de grupos focales que incluyeron a personas de diferentes sectores interesados en el tema. De esta forma, obtuvimos información útil para elaborar un modelo predictivo de aceptación pública. En el segundo se propuso y evaluó el modelo para predecir la aceptación del agua reciclada para diversos usos y en regiones sometidas a distintos niveles de escasez. En el tercer estudio, comprobamos la adecuación del modelo para el consumo de alimentos cultivados con fertilizantes procedentes de aguas residuales

    Medição de processos psicológicos e sociais em seguidores de esportes: adaptação para o espanhol da escala Identification with a Psychological Groupe Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale

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    En los últimos años han aumentado los estudios científicos que evalúan procesos psicológicos y sociales en aficionados al deporte, destacando aquellos relacionados con las agresiones y el comportamiento antisocial. Dos de los constructos clave para entender laviolencia entre aficionados deportivos son la identificación grupal y la desconexión moral. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue la adaptación de los instrumentos Identification with a Psychological Group Scaley del Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale al español, en una muestra de 400 aficionados a diversas modalidades deportivas. Para ambos cuestionarios se realizaron los siguientes análisis de datos: análisis factoriales confirmatorios, análisis de fiabilidad mediante el cálculo de ade Cronbach y la fiabilidad compuesta, así como análisis de invarianza de los modelos de medida en función de si los participantes eran aficionados al fútbol u a otra modalidad deportiva. Las respuestas a los ítems mostraron buenas propiedades psicométricas para dos modelos unifactoriales, de nueve ítems en el caso de la identificación grupal y siete ítems para desconexión moral. Ambas adaptaciones presentaron buenos indicadores de fiabilidad en ambas perspectivas, y de homogeneidad de los modelos de medida en función del moderador multigrupal. Las adaptaciones resultaron satisfactorias y permiten evaluar de forma breve dos constructos clave en la comprensión de los procesos psicológicos y sociales de violencia y comportamiento antisocial en el deporte.In recent years, scientific studies evaluating psychological and social processes in sports fans have increased, highlighting those related to aggression andantisocial behaviour. Two of the key constructs to understand violence among sports fans are group identification and moral disengagement. The objective of this research is the adaptation of the Identification with a Psychological Group Scale and the Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale to Spanish, in a sample of 400 sports fans of various sports modalities. The following data analyses were performed for both questionnaires: confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis by calculating Cronbach's aand composite reliability, as well as invariance analysis of the measurement models depending on whether the participants were soccer fans or to another sports modality. The responses to the items showed good psychometric properties for two unifactorial models,with nine items in the case of group identification and seven items for moral disengagement. Both adaptations presented good reliability indicators in both perspectives, and of homogeneity of the measurement models based on the multigroup moderator. The adaptations were satisfactory and allow a brief evaluation of two key constructs in understanding the psychological and social processes of violence and antisocial behaviour in sport.Nos últimos anos, aumentaram os estudos científicos que avaliam processos psicológicos e sociais em seguidores esportivos, destacando-se aqueles relacionados à agressividade e ao comportamento antissocial. Dois dos construtos-chave para entender a violência entre torcedores são a identificação com o grupo e o desengajamento moral. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi a adaptação para o espanhol dos instrumentos Identification with a Psychological Group Scale e Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale, em uma amostra de 400 seguidores de diversas modalidades esportivas. Para ambos os questionários foram realizadas as seguintes análises de dados: análise fatorial confirmatória, análise de confiabilidade por cálculo de Cronbach ae confiabilidade composta, bem como análise de invariância dos modelos de medição dependendo se os participantes eram seguidores de futebol ou de outra modalidade esportiva. As respostas aos itens apresentaram boas propriedades psicométricas para dois modelos unifatoriais, comnove itens no caso de identificação grupal e sete itens para desengajamento moral. Ambas as adaptações apresentaram bons indicadores de confiabilidade em ambas as perspectivas e de homogeneidade dos modelos de mensuração baseados no moderador multigrupo. As adaptações foram satisfatórias e permitem uma breve avaliação de dois construtos fundamentais na compreensão dos processos psicológicos e sociais da violência e do comportamento antissocial no esport

    Psychological and Situational Variables Associated with Objective Knowledge on Water-Related Issues in a Northern Spanish City

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    This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other variables of psychological and situational nature. A random sample of 459 participants was employed, selected proportionally based on sex and age. In this sample, knowledge on the water-related issues tended to be low, particularly related to the direct source of water in the household, the type of services involved in the management, and consumption itself. In order to understand both the relationship with knowledge on water and the relative importance of all the other factors, a regression model was formulated. The highest standardised effect was for sex, followed by occupation, political leaning, and water-related emotions. The best level of knowledge was attained if the residents were male, if they were actively employed or unemployed, if their political leaning was towards the left, and if they demonstrated greater emotional involvement with the water use. Consequently, the design of programmes would need to consider that the information flow must be greater for citizens as a whole, particularly for certain groups such as women and students. It should contribute to the realistic perception of water as a problem and to seek emotional involvement

    From scarcity problem diagnosis to recycled water acceptance: A perceptive-axiological model (PAM) of low and high contact uses

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    Water scarcity is a major problem that affects a greater number of countries every year. A possible solution is using recycled water systems. However, to implement the use of recycled water, public acceptance is needed. In this study, we propose a perceptive-axiological model (PAM) to understand the reasons for public acceptance or rejection of recycled water. This is the first model to jointly consider three conceptual dimensions: the diagnosis of the environmental situation, the axiological influence and the public perceptions regarding recycled water. The sample in this study consisted of 726 randomly selected participants who completed an online questionnaire. A key factor considered was the type of water use (low- or high-contact). Additionally, the model's ability to predict acceptance in regions of high and low water stress was tested. The model showed good fit and predictive capacity for both low (R2 = .272) and high (R2 = .501) contact uses and partial equivalence between regions. Threat perception was the most distal variable in the model which, together with identity, affected the attribution of responsibility. These variables, along with trust in scientists, affected the three direct predictors of acceptance: perceived health risks, moral obligation, and cost-benefit analysis. Perceived health risk was the most important predictor in both types of contact (β = -.642 in high-contact, β = -.388 in low-contact uses). Moral obligation had a greater impact in high-contact (β = .170) than in low-contact (β = .099) uses; the opposite outcome occurred with respect to costs-benefit analysis (β = .067 in high-contact, β = .219 in low-contact uses). The PAM offers a general framework that identifies the importance of the three dimensions and how they interact with each other, which facilitates the development of strategies to increase acceptance. On the one hand, the PAM works as a tool to assess the profile of a specific population and, on the other hand, it highlights the specific factors which are the best suited for interventions to increase public acceptanceThis research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (No. 730285) and from the Galician Department of Education, University, and Professional Training (grant number ED431B 2019/07). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group COSOYPA (GPC2019 GI-1456), and to the Cross-Disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS) Center (AGRUP2015/02). These programmes are supported by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (ERDF).S

    Recycled water acceptance: Data from two Spanish regions with opposite levels of scarcity

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    The dataset presented in this paper were collected for testing a perceptive-axiological model of recycled water acceptance for low and high contact uses. Participants were selected by proportional random sampling by sex and age the two Spanish communities with the most extreme values of water stress (Galicia, the rainiest region and Murcia, the driest). Data were collected by a company specialized in market research using an online survey housed on Qualtrics. Participants who matched the specified profile were contacted by email. The company compensated them financially. The final sample size consisted of 726 valid responses. The survey collected data on a variety of variables related to three conceptual dimensions: the diagnosis of the environmental situation, the axiological influence and the public perceptions regarding recycled water. The survey also collected demographic data from respondents. The survey was designed and reviewed by four experts in social psychology and two experts in methodology. The dataset featured in this article provides the raw survey data plus sociodemographic distribution, survey items, and other statistical data. This is the first and most comprehensive set of comparative data known to the authors on public acceptance of water reuse for high and low contact uses comparing regions with and without water scarcity. The authors have published an open access paper based on this data set, which are linked to this paper. Water industry professionals, policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders aiming to implement wastewater reuse systems in society may be interested in using the data as a point of comparison for their own study on public acceptance of water reuse or examining the data for relationships not yet explored in the literatureThis research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (No. 730285) and from the Galician Department of Education, University, and Professional Training (grant number ED431B 2019/07). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group COSOYPA (GPC2019 GI-1456), and to the Cross-Disciplinary Research Center in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS) (AGRUP2015/02). These programmes are supported by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (ERDF)S