9 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Transport Services of Urban Public Transport

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    The modernization of urban transport requires new approaches not only in the organization of routes, but also the development of new forms of accounting for the number of transport services provided. Passengers expect from public transport to increase transport mobility, make trips more comfortable, and have routes that are convenient for them. To do this, it is necessary that it is also profitable for motor transport companies that serve the routes of urban public transport. The presence of low-demand and unprofitable urban public transport routes is not profitable for road transport enterprises and is an obstacle to their development

    Improving the Quality of Transport Services of Urban Public Transport

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    The modernization of urban transport requires new approaches not only in the organization of routes, but also the development of new forms of accounting for the number of transport services provided. Passengers expect from public transport to increase transport mobility, make trips more comfortable, and have routes that are convenient for them. To do this, it is necessary that it is also profitable for motor transport companies that serve the routes of urban public transport. The presence of low-demand and unprofitable urban public transport routes is not profitable for road transport enterprises and is an obstacle to their development

    Concession use to improve the housing and communal services efficiency

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    Among the main reasons hindering the housing and communal complex development in Ukraine are the physically and morally outdated material and technical base, inefficient management structure and a significant share of state ownership. The lack of proper control over the tariff policy and the high cost of production make it necessary to find the new approaches to solving the problems related to the housing and communal services functioning. Attracting private investors to the housing and communal services makes it possible to reduce the financial burden on the budget, and also gives a possibility to make the enterprises that make up the housing and communal services profitable and ensure the provision of proper quality public services. Transfer use of housing and communal services enterprises to the concession management is a fairly effective form of public-private cooperation in this area. Housing and communal services are an important tool for improving the living standards of the population. Ensuring the housing and communal services efficiency growth is possible only if it is technically modernized. The solution to this problem can be achieved by attracting private investors to the industry, at the same time, the state should provide favorable conditions for these investors

    Using public-private partnerships to improve the efficiency of housing and communal services

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    The attraction of private capital in the sphere of housing and communal services is widely used in economically developed countries of the world. This makes it possible to accelerate the introduction of modern innovative technologies, to take a step towards updating fixed assets and improving the efficiency of the functioning of housing and communal services enterprises. In our opinion, a very promising direction of reforming the enterprises of the housing and communal complex is the use of public-private partnership. The use of the public-private partnership tool makes it possible to distribute between the state and the private investor not only the profit, but also the risks associated with obtaining this profit. lose cooperation of private business with the state in the housing and communal services sector allows to reduce the level of energy consumption of this industry, increase tax revenues and achieve the transfer of the most effective innovative technologies to the municipal sector. Public-private partnerships can be important when solving problems that require private investment in the housing and utilities sector. It creates conditions for attracting investment in projects related to the functioning of housing and communal services, which are of primary importance for improving the standard of living of the population

    The use of case methods in environmental law classes to increase the interest of law students in environmental protection and environmental management

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    A person is in close contact with the natural environment throughout his life. In the interaction of nature and man, an important role is played by the preservation of ecological balance in the conditions of continuously growing needs of society. Environmental culture has a beneficial effect on the degree of development of the level of legal and environmental awareness in the society, as well as compliance by the members of the society with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In the conditions of the rule of law, there is a great need for professional lawyers who are able to assist in the environmental and legal education of a person throughout his life. In order to raise the level of environmental and legal culture of the society, in our opinion, a special role should be assigned to professional lawyers, for whom this should be part of their professional activities. Within the framework of this research, we have proposed and implemented a case methodology on the subject of environmental law for law students

    State support for tourism clusters in green tourism

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    Among the main areas that can improve rural infrastructure and change the economic and social situation in rural areas is green tourism. In many countries of the world, there is a tendency to increase the interest of citizens in recreation in rural areas. Tourists are attracted by the organic foods and a rural way of life. However, in regions with active tourist activity, there are often many problems associated with causing damage to the environment. The desire to get the maximum profit can bring irreversible damage to nature. Green tourism, in our opinion, requires coordination and regulation by state regulatory bodies. However, in our opinion, this should not hinder the entrepreneurial initiative. In our opinion, state intervention is appropriate only when the interests of society and the industry require it. It is necessary to provide freedom of activity to the subjects of tourist activity in compliance with strict regulations

    Environmental management in tourism

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    Environmental management is used as a management system for various types of activities that can cause damage to nature, it promotes the creation and development of environmentally friendly industrial activities, as well as promotes the development of environmental culture among citizens. Environmental management is an important component of the management of a modern enterprise, allowing you to achieve balance in the system of relations “nature-production activity». The development of tourism based on the extraction of maximum profit has led to the emergence of various environmental, economic and social problems in tourist areas. The development of green tourism helps to reduce the level of negative impact of tourism on the natural environment. Agrotourism, in addition to environmental problems, allows us to solve a number of socio-economic problems in rural areas. Agrotourism contributes to the formation of a harmonious relationship between man and natur

    The importance of environmental education for effective environmental management

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    The importance of environmental management is determined by the need to manage human activities related to harming the environment. The introduction of environmental management has a positive impact on reducing the anthropogenic load on the environment. Environmental management contributes to the harmonization of the relationship between man and nature. The implementation of environmental management at the enterprise largely depends on the interest of its employees in the protection of the natural environment. The preservation of the external environment is possible only if people have a responsible attitude to this problem. The effectiveness of the functioning of the elements of environmental management at the enterprise increases if the employees have a responsible attitude to environmental problems and an understanding of the environment as a human habitat, as a biological species. The social and economic development of human society is closely related to the protection of the external environment. The existing environmental problems in the modern world require a change in the thinking of humanity

    The use of accounting outsourcing in small agricultural enterprises

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    Accounting and management accounting at an agricultural enterprise reflects the results of economic and financial activities. The success of the company’s operation largely depends on the performance of its accounting functions. The article deals with the problems of setting and maintaining management accounting at agricultural enterprises. The necessity of using accounting outsourcing in small agricultural enterprises is justified. Calculating the cost of production of an agricultural enterprise is an important problem on the way to reducing it. To effectively calculate the cost of production, an agricultural enterprise should combine the process-by-process and batch method of cost accounting. This will make it possible to increase control over production costs, but requires the use of accounting specialists with appropriate competencies and skills. As a rule, small agricultural enterprises and primarily farms use a simplified accounting and reporting system. The simplified form of accounting and reporting, on the one hand, significantly simplifies the preparation and submission of tax reports for small agricultural enterprises, but at the same time does not allow for effective control of production costs. Accounting outsourcing allows you to reduce the costs of the company for the services of accountants and at the same time increase their efficiency.