10 research outputs found

    Aneuploidy and Confined Chromosomal Mosaicism in the Developing Human Brain

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the mechanisms underlying generation of neuronal variability and complexity remains the central challenge for neuroscience. Structural variation in the neuronal genome is likely to be one important mechanism for neuronal diversity and brain diseases. Large-scale genomic variations due to loss or gain of whole chromosomes (aneuploidy) have been described in cells of the normal and diseased human brain, which are generated from neural stem cells during intrauterine period of life. However, the incidence of aneuploidy in the developing human brain and its impact on the brain development and function are obscure. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address genomic variation during development we surveyed aneuploidy/polyploidy in the human fetal tissues by advanced molecular-cytogenetic techniques at the single-cell level. Here we show that the human developing brain has mosaic nature, being composed of euploid and aneuploid neural cells. Studying over 600,000 neural cells, we have determined the average aneuploidy frequency as 1.25-1.45% per chromosome, with the overall percentage of aneuploidy tending to approach 30-35%. Furthermore, we found that mosaic aneuploidy can be exclusively confined to the brain. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data indicates aneuploidization to be an additional pathological mechanism for neuronal genome diversification. These findings highlight the involvement of aneuploidy in the human brain development and suggest an unexpected link between developmental chromosomal instability, intercellural/intertissular genome diversity and human brain diseases

    О применении влияния экранного эффекта для высокоскоростного наземного транспорта

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    Kravets, V. On Application of the Ground Effect for Highspeed Surface Vehicles / V. Kravets, V. Kravets, S. Fedoriachenko // Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering. — 2016. — doi 10.13140/RG.2.1.1034.5365. — Access Mode: http://mmse.xyz/en/on-application-of-the-ground-effect-for-highspeed-surface-vehicles/EN: The paper describes a new approach for driving efficiency estimation. Authors proposed a new approach to assess the energy consumption for vehicle, which are able to rich high speed. Also, there is proposed a new concept of vehicle, which technology based on the ground effect. The concept compounds the automotive and aircraft’s solutions in order to reach high driving speed, driving efficiency and low energy consumption per cargo unit. As a result, the defined performance indicators for the transport systems opens up the possibility to formulate and solve optimization problems of structural and parametric synthesis of new types of transport, provide the analytical tools to make informed decisions in the process of design and construction, provide an overall controlled evolution of transport systems.UK: У статті описується новий підхід до оцінки ефективності водіння. Авторами запропоновано новий підхід для оцінки споживання енергії для транспортного засобу, які знаходяться в стані багатою високій швидкості. Крім того, пропонується нова концепція транспортний засіб, який технологія заснована на ефекті заземлення. Концепція з'єднання автомобільної та повітряного судна рішення в щоб досягти високої швидкості руху, ефективності водіння і низьке споживання енергії на одиницю вантажу. В результаті, певний показники ефективності для транспортних систем відкриває можливість формулювати і вирішувати завдання оптимізації структурного і параметричного синтезу нових видів транспорту, надають аналітичні інструменти для прийняття обґрунтованих рішень в процесі проектування і будівництва, забезпечують загальну керовану еволюцію транспортних систем.RU: В статье описывается новый подход к оценке эффективности вождения. Авторами предложен новый поход для оценки потребления энергии для транспортного средства, которые находятся в состоянии богатой высокой скорости. Кроме того, предлагается новая концепция транспортное средство, которое технология основана на эффекте заземления. Концепция соединения автомобильной и воздушного судна решения в чтобы достичь высокой скорости движения, эффективности вождения и низкое потребление энергии на единицу груза. В результате, определенный показатели эффективности для транспортных систем открывает возможность формулировать и решать задачи оптимизации структурного и параметрического синтеза новых видов транспорта, предоставляют аналитические инструменты для принятия обоснованных решений в процессе проектирования и строительства, обеспечивают общую управляемую эволюцию транспортных систем.National Mining University, UkraineНациональный горный университе

    Управляемость двухколёсного екипажа тандемной схемы при различних режимах движения по пространственной криволинейной трассе

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    Control of tandem-type two-wheel vehicle at various notion models along spatial curved lay of line: [препринт] / А. S. Beshta, V. V. Kravets, К. М. Bass, Т. V. Kravets, L. А. Tokar // Енергетика, керування та інформаційні технології в геотехнічних системах : зб. наук. пр. / Нац. гірничий ун-т. — Дніпропетровськ, 2015. — С. 27—32.EN: Wheeled vehicle is considered as a material point under the conditions of non-uniform movement along curved spatial lay of line. Hodograph in a class of spatial lines describes kinematics of a vehicle. A kinetostatics problem of tandem-type two-wheel vehicle is being solved. Equivalent contact dynamics are being determined.UK: Двоколісний екіпаж розглядається як матеріальна точка при нерівномірному русі по просторовій криволінійній трасі. Кінематика екіпажу представлена через годограф в класі спірале-гвинтових ліній. Розв’язується задача кінетостатики двоколісного екіпажу тандемної схеми, визначаються еквівалентні контактні рушійні сили.RU: Двухколёсный экипаж рассматривается как материальная точка при неравномерном движении по пространственной криволинейной трассе. Кинематика экипажа описывается годографом в классе спиралевинтовых линий. Решается задача кинетостатики двухколёсного екипажа тандемной схемы, определяются еквивалентные контактные движущие силы

    Kinetostatics of Wheel Vehicle in the Category of Spiral-Screw Routes

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    Kinetostatics of Wheel Vehicle in the Category of Spiral-Screw Routes / V. Kravets, K. Bas, T. Kravets, M. Zubariev, L. Tokar // Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal. — 2016. — July. — DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.1010.3921. — Access Mode: http://mmse.xyz/en/kinetostatics-of-wheel-vehicle-in-the-category-of-spiral-screw-routes/.EN: Deterministic mathematical model of kinetostatics of wheel vehicle in terms of different modes of spatial motion in the context of curved route is proposed. Earth-based coordinate system is introduced which pole and axial orientation are determined by the convenience of route description as well as vehicle-related coordinates which pole axial orientation are determined within inertial space with the help of natural trihedral. Turn of the natural trihedral within inertial coordinates is described by means of quaternion matrices in the context of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters. Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters are in matrix form in direct accordance with specified hodograph. Kinetostatics of wheel vehicle is considered in terms of spatial motion with an allowance for three-dimensional aerodynamic forces, gravity, and tangential and centrifugal inertial forces. In the context of spiral-screw lines deterministic mathematical model of wheel vehicle kinetostatics is proposed in the form of hodograph in terms of uniform motion, accelerated motion, and decelerated motion within following route sections: straight and horizontal; in terms of vertical grade; in terms of horizontal plane. Analytical approach to determine animated contact drive-control forces of wheel vehicle for structural diagrams having one and two support points involving of a driving-driven wheel characteristic is proposed based on kinetostatics equations. Mathematical model of wheel vehicle kinetostatics in terms of spatial motion is constructed on the basis of nonlinear differential Euler-Lagrange equations; it is proposed to consider physically implemented motion trajectories of wheel vehicles in the context of spiral-screw lines; hodograph determines spatial displacement; Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters determines spatial turn; Varignon theorem is applied to identify components of drive (control) force. The obtained results make it possible to solve a wide range of problems connected with dynamic design of wheel vehicles involving controllability, and estimation of dynamic load of both system and support surface.National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrain

    The frequency of chromosome losses and gains in the fetal human tissues exhibiting chromosomal mosaicism confined to the fetal brain.

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    <p>Aneuploidy frequency involving chromosomes 1, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, X and Y was determined by interphase mFISH, MCB and PRINS techniques. (A) demonstration of selective chromosome X and chromosome Y gains, (B) demonstration of selective chromosome 15 loss, (C) demonstration of selective chromosome X loss, and (D) demonstration of selective chromosome 18 loss.</p

    Molecular cytogenetic analysis of aneuploidy in the fetal human brain.

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    <p><b>(A to C)</b>. Interphase FISH with chromosome-enumeration DNA probes: (A) two nuclei characterized by additional chromosomes Y and X and a normal nucleus; (B) a nucleus with monosomy of chromosome 15 and a normal nucleus; (C) a nucleus with monosomy of chromosome 18 and a normal nucleus. (D to G) interphase chromosome-specific MCB: nuclei with monosomy, disomy, trisomy and G-banding ideograms with MCB color-code labeling of a chromosome (from left to right), (D) - chromosome 9, (E) - chromosome 16, and (F) - chromosome 18. (G) interphase QFISH: (1) a nucleus with two signals for chromosomes 18 (relative intensities: 2058 and 1772 pixels), (2) a nucleus with one paired signal mimics monosomy of chromosome 18 (relative intensity: 4012 pixels), (3) a nucleus with two signals for chromosomes 15 (relative intensities: 1562 and 1622 pixels), (4) a nucleus with one signal showing monosomy of chromosome 15 (relative intensity: 1678 pixels).</p