9 research outputs found


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    In this article we propose the mathematical model for revelation of deliberate unfriendly information impacts which are fulfilled by means of specially prepared information messages (news, reviews and others) in mass-media. The model calculates the quantitative measure for fact determination of purposeful information impact and evaluation of potential damage to interests of state (party, corporation) from impact fulfilment. The model use the following data: intensity and direction of information streams (publication frequency and themes of news), structure of important state and public problems, structure of social groups of a society, priorities of these social groups, mass-media popularity in social groups, priorities of a state policy. The model is the semantic network in which the relations between concepts we formalize by use of fuzzy measures by Sugeno. We have used this model for revelation of information impacts on public opinion of Russian-speaking national minority of Crimea (Ukraine) during 01.2002 - 02.2005 (final stage of presidential elections). The model also can has important implications for evaluation of election cleanness, for neutralization of dirty voting technologies, for facts determination of unfair competition, when corporations involve a public opinion into own competitive activity.public opinion; information impact; fuzzy measures; mathematical model

    The effect of sprinkler irrigation on the soil

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    The article presents the results of research on the effect of sprinkling on the structural and aggregate composition of soil and its density. The high quality of sprinkling irrigation is achieved with uniform distribution of rain over the area, acceptable intensity with drop diameter and impact force, at which plants and soil structure are not damaged, puddles and surface runoff are not formed. For complete absorption of water into the soil and preservation of soil structure the rain of low intensity, with small drops is required. When applying sprinkling it is necessary to take into account the granulometric composition of the soil, slope, classification of the cultivated crop to coordinate it with the permissible intensity of rain. Erosion control measures should be applied only in a complex, as some of them cannot be replaced by any other. The system of erosion control measures should be properly combined and adapted to the forms of the land surface and local soil and climatic conditions and to develop measures to minimize the negative impact of irrigation on the soil

    Evaluating the effectiveness of filter media in the treatment of poultry wastewater

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    The technology of sorption treatment of wastewater of poultry farms is considered. A comparative assessment of two ameliorants in terms of chemical absorption properties is carried out. The result of a comparative assessment of two natural sorbents for the sorption properties of heavy metals, shows that the best absorption effect has a natural zeolite. Natural ameliorant adsorbed in the studied effluents more than 60 percent of harmful impurities at optimum contact time of 12 hours of stay in the aggressive liquid medium of waste water, and activated charcoal showed less effective properties of sorption of chemical impurities. Experimental data focuses on reducing the environmental load of water bodies in which wastewater is discharged


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    The article presents a mathematical model of steam condensation from a mixture with noncondensable gas in the channels of a plate heat exchanger (PHE). The model takes into account the change in the process parameters along the surface of heat transfer and the local features of the processes of heat and mass transfer in the channels of PHEs with plates of various geometric forms of corrugation. It consists of a system of ordinary differential equations with significantly nonlinear right-hand sides. The entire system of differential equations is given in this paper. In the mathematical model, generalized correlations of the coefficient of friction and heat and mass transfer coefficients are used. The software for its solution by the method of finite differences is developed. The adequacy of the model is confirmed by comparison with the experiment on the condensation of the vapor-air mixture in the model of the PHE channel. Divergences of calculated and measured total thermal loads did not exceed ± 2.8% for all tests performed. The data obtained make it possible to draw a conclusion about the satisfactory accuracy of calculations based on the above model of the total thermal capacity of the PHEВ статье представлена математическая модель конденсации пара из смеси с неконденсирующимся газом в каналах пластинчатого теплообменника (ПТО). Модель учитывает изменение параметров процесса вдоль поверхности теплопередачи и локальные особенности процессов тепломассопереноса в каналах ПТО с пластинами различной геометрической формы гофрировки. Она состоит из системы обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений со значительно нелинейными правыми частями. Разработано программное обеспечение для его решения методом конечных разностей. Адекватность модели подтверждается сравнением с экспериментом по конденсации паровоздушной смеси в модели канала ПТО.У статті представлена математична модель конденсації пари з суміші з неконденсованым газом в каналах пластинчастого теплообмінника (ПТО). Модель враховує зміну параметрів процесу уздовж поверхні теплопередачі і локальні особливості процесів тепломасопереносу в каналах ПТО з пластинами різної геометричної форми гофрування. Вона складається з системи звичайних диференціальних рівнянь з значно нелінійними правими частинами. Розроблено програмне забезпечення для його вирішення методом кінцевих різниць. Адекватність моделі підтверджується порівнянням з експериментом по конденсації пароповітряної суміші в моделі каналу ПТО

    The effect of sprinkler irrigation on the soil

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    The article presents the results of research on the effect of sprinkling on the structural and aggregate composition of soil and its density. The high quality of sprinkling irrigation is achieved with uniform distribution of rain over the area, acceptable intensity with drop diameter and impact force, at which plants and soil structure are not damaged, puddles and surface runoff are not formed. For complete absorption of water into the soil and preservation of soil structure the rain of low intensity, with small drops is required. When applying sprinkling it is necessary to take into account the granulometric composition of the soil, slope, classification of the cultivated crop to coordinate it with the permissible intensity of rain. Erosion control measures should be applied only in a complex, as some of them cannot be replaced by any other. The system of erosion control measures should be properly combined and adapted to the forms of the land surface and local soil and climatic conditions and to develop measures to minimize the negative impact of irrigation on the soil

    Evaluating the effectiveness of filter media in the treatment of poultry wastewater

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    The technology of sorption treatment of wastewater of poultry farms is considered. A comparative assessment of two ameliorants in terms of chemical absorption properties is carried out. The result of a comparative assessment of two natural sorbents for the sorption properties of heavy metals, shows that the best absorption effect has a natural zeolite. Natural ameliorant adsorbed in the studied effluents more than 60 percent of harmful impurities at optimum contact time of 12 hours of stay in the aggressive liquid medium of waste water, and activated charcoal showed less effective properties of sorption of chemical impurities. Experimental data focuses on reducing the environmental load of water bodies in which wastewater is discharged