86 research outputs found

    Pregibit: A Family of Discrete Choice Models

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    The pregibit discrete choice model is built on a distribution that allows symmetry or asymmetry and thick tails, thin tails or no tails. Thus the model is much richer than the traditional models that are typically used to study behavior that generates discrete choice outcomes. Pregibit nests logit, approximately nests probit, loglog, cloglog and gosset models, and yields a linear probability model that is solidly founded on the discrete choice framework that underlies logit and probit.post-secondary education, probit, logit, asymmetry, discrete choice, mortgage application

    Diagnosing the Productivity Effect of Public Capital in the Private Sector

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    Does public capital contribute to the productivity in the private sector? If so, which part of the private sector benefits most? Is public capital a substitute for or a complement of labor and private capital? This paper addresses these questions with both cost and profit function models estimated on U.S. time series data of the private sector and two of its subsectors. It pays special attention to nonstationarity in the data, to endogeneity in the price variables, and to the statistical and economic significance of the public capital effect.

    Discrete Choices in a Continuous Time Model: Lifecycle Time Allocation and Fertility Decisions

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    Pregibit: A family of discrete choice models

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    The pregibit discrete choice model is built on a distribution that allows symmetry or asymmetry and thick tails, thin tails or no tails. Thus the model is much richer than the traditional models that are typically used to study behavior that generates discrete choice outcomes. Pregibit nests logit, approximately nests probit, loglog, cloglog and gosset models, and yields a linear probability model that is solidly founded on the discrete choice framework that underlies logit and probit

    Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labor in Agriculture: A Test Using Farm-level Data from India and Malaysia

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    Betit: A Family That Nests Probit and Logit

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    This paper proposes a dichotomous choice model that is based on a transformed beta (or "z") distribution. This model, called betit, nests both logit and probit and allows for various skewed and peaked disturbance densities. Because the shape of this density affects the estimated relation between the dichotomous choice variable and its determinants, the greater flexibility of the transformed beta distribution is useful in generating more accurate representations of this relationship. The paper considers asymptotic biases of the logit and probit models under conditions where betit should have been used. It also investigates small sample power and provides two examples of applications that illustrative of the capability of the betit model

    Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture?

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    When parents are more educated, their children tend to receive more schooling as well. Does this occur because parental ability is passed on genetically or because more educated parents provide a better environment for children to flourish? Using an intergenerational sample of families, we estimate on the basis of a comparison of biological and adopted children that about 65 to 80 percent of the parental ability is genetically transmitted.MitÀ korkeammin koulutetut vanhemmat sitÀ pidemmÀlle yleensÀ myös lapset kouluttautuvat. Johtuuko tÀmÀ siitÀ, ettÀ vanhempien etevyys siirtyy geneettisesti jÀlkipolvelle, vai tarjoavatko korkeammin koulutetut vanhemmat lapsilleen paremman ympÀristön harjoittaa kykyjÀÀn ja menestyÀ? KÀyttÀessÀmme sukupolvivaihtelut huomioivaa otosta eri perheistÀ, tulee biologisten ja adoptoitujen lasten vertailun pohjalta tehtyjen estimointien tulokseksi se, ettÀ noin 65-80 % vanhempien kyvykkyydestÀ vÀlittyy geneettisesti

    The Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labor in Agricultural Production: A Test Using District- Level Data fromIndia

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    Testing for IIA with the Hausman-McFadden Test

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    The Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives assumption inherent in multinomial logit models is most frequently tested with a Hausman-McFadden test. As is confirmed by many findings in the literature, this test sometimes produces negative outcomes, in contradiction of its asymptotic Ï‡Ă‚ÂČ distribution. This problem is caused by the use of an improper variance matrix and may lead to an invalid statistical inference even when the test value is positive. With a correct specification of the variance, the sampling distribution for small samples is indeed close to a Ï‡Ă‚ÂČ distribution.multinomial logit, IIA assumption, Hausman-McFadden test
