15 research outputs found

    The dependence between the risk factor variables captured via correlation using <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> values are shown in the left image.

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    The right image shows the dependence using mutual information measured in bits. The mutual information estimates were obtained using k-nearest neighbors type estimators (see the appendix) with k = 20.</p

    AUCS from ROC curves from the logistic regression models.

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    The outcome of interest in this model was death within 30 days of the surgical procedure.</p

    Estimated densities for the five risk factors in the gapminder data are shown along the diagonal.

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    Below the diagonal, pairwise scatterplots of the data including linear regression (black lines) with 95% confidence intervals (shaded grey regions) are provided. Above the diagonal, the R2 values, indicating the percent of variation accounted for by the linear relationships between the data, are provided. Source: multiple sources for the individual variables aggregated by www.gapminder.org.</p

    The mean and 95% confidence intervals of the hazard ratio associated with each of the linear indicators in the CPH.

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    The outcome of interest in this study was the time to death were right censored for death occurring more than 365 from the surgical procedure.</p

    Summaries of categorical covariates pertaining to ASA status, emergent or nonemergent operation, and risk of surgical procedure.

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    ASA Status is a numerical score from one to six of overall patient health from one (healthy patients) to five (critically ill patients). Cases with an ASA Code of five were excluded as there were too few such cases for reliable analysis.</p

    The hazard ratio from the CPH is shown as a function covariates involving HR and MAP.

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    Mean estimates are shown as solid lines with 95% confidence intervals as dashed lines. The most clinically relevant associations with mortality are elevated mean HR, decreased mean MAP, and decrease I(HR, MAP).</p

    Pairwise plots of the risk factor variables are again provided but with nonlinear smoothing spline fits.

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    The fits are shown as black lines with 95% confidence intervals as shaded grey regions. Above the diagonal, the estimated pairwise mutual information between the variables in bits are provided. These values indicated the average amount of shared information between the observations. All mutual information values were obtained using k-nearest neighbors type estimators (see S1) with k = 20.</p

    Technical details related to the definition, interpretation, and estimation of mutual information from data are provided therein.

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    Technical details related to the definition, interpretation, and estimation of mutual information from data are provided therein.</p