7 research outputs found

    Nonlinear optical single crystal of L-Cystine hydrochloride: Insights into the crystalline perfection, thermal, mechanical and optical properties for device fabrication

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    Now days, nonlinear optical materials are subjected to extensive research owing to their versatility towards various photonic applications. In the present article, twin free L-Cystine hydrochloride single crystals were grown using conventional slow evaporation solution technique. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern confirmed that the titled compound belongs to monoclinic crystal system having space group C-2. Using FWHM of each diffracting peak, the strain present within the lattice was calculated. Through High Resolution XRD, the crystal quality was scrutinized and found that the grown single crystal is free from any type of defects and grain boundaries. For examination of optical homogeneity of the crystal, birefringence studies were conducted which revealed that there is only one fringe in the interferogram suggesting a good optical homogeneity. Further, various thermal transport parameters were calculated using Photopyroelectric technique. Apart from that, its mechanical strength was assessed at nanoscale through Nano indentation technique. Piezoelectric and ferroelectric studies were also carried out on the filed compound

    Analyses of significant features of L-Prolinium Picrate single crystal: An excellent material for non linear optical applications

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    Today the fundamental aspect of the researchers is to explore maximum physical properties of the material for device fabrication. In the present article, single crystal X-ray diffraction has been carried out to verify the formation of the synthesized compound. In addition to that, powder X-ray diffraction has been performed to obtain diffraction pattern of (L)-Prolinium Picrate single crystal. The strain present inside the single crystal was measured using Hall-Williamson equation from PXRD measurements. The dark current and photon current was obtained from photoconductivity technique whose plot depicted that the sample was negative photoconducting material. Optical homogeneity of the single crystal was analyzed using birefringence technique. Its resistance towards Nd: YAG laser was scrutinized for (L)-Prolinium Picrate single crystal by applying 1 pulse per second. Different thermal parameters like thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal effusivity and specific heat were computed using photopyroelectric technique. Solid state parameters were calculated from Clausius Mossotti relation by taking structural information of the title compound. Also, optical parameters like refractive index, reflectance etc were calculated through UV-Vis NIR analysis

    An in-depth study into the growth aspects and characteristic properties of ethyl 4-amino benzoate: a potential candidate for electrooptical applications

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    In the present work we report the growth of a bulk size ethyl 4-amino benzoate crystal, a potential candidate for electro-optical applications, using an indigenously developed single zone transparent resistive furnace because of observed difficulties involved in its growth via a solution growth technique. The structure of the grown crystal was examined using single crystal X-ray diffraction and it was found that it crystallized in an orthorhombic crystal system with the non-centrosymmetric space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The lattice parameters of the title material were further analysed using powder X-ray diffraction and they were found to be in agreement with the single crystal X-ray diffraction results. The strain in the lattice of the grown crystal was evaluated using the Hall-Williamson relation. The quality of the grown crystal was examined using a high resolution X-ray diffraction technique. Surface defects on the grown crystal were analysed using an etching technique. The transparency of the grown crystal was assessed using UV-vis spectroscopy and it was observed that the crystal possesses reasonably good transmittance over the visible spectrum. The optical band gap was also evaluated using Tauc's plot. Furthermore, the laser damage threshold value was calculated using a Nd: YAG laser. Moreover, the thermal parameters and mechanical properties of the grown crystal were evaluated using photopyroelectric and nanoindentation techniques and it was observed that the crystal possesses quite fair thermal stability, however, the mechanical strength was low. With reduction in defects as observed it could be a potential candidate for non-linear optical applications

    Evaluation of structural, optical and mechanical behaviour of L-argininium bis(trifluoroacetate) single crystal: An efficient organic material for second harmonic generation applications

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    In the present technologically advanced era, non-linear optical materials especially organic derivatives are in the limelight due to their fast response in electro-optic switches and high nonlinear efficiency. Therefore, with respect to this behaviour, single crystals of L-argininium Bis(trifluoroacetate) (here in after called LABTF) an organic material was grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique. The grown single crystal was subjected to single crystal X-Ray diffractometer to validate its chemical structure and compound formation. The titled compound crystallizes into an asymmetric entity that comprises of one divalent L-argininium cation and two monovalent trifluoroacetic anion. All the intermolecular hydrogen bonds present in the LABTF crystal structure are investigated by 3D molecular Hirshfeld surface analysis and their relative involvements are disintegrated using 2D fingerprint plots. Further, the crystalline perfection assessment was performed using high-resolution X-Ray diffractometer which divulges the absence of structural grain boundaries in the obtained crystal. Thermal transport parameters of the titled compound were measured through Photoacoustic spectroscopy. The shock strength above which the crystal induces damage was found by the shock damage threshold technique. In addition, mechanical property related parameters such as hardness, stiffness and Young's Modulus were evaluated using the nanoindentation technique. These mechanical parameters resolve the reliability of devices and it can be enhanced by improving the crystal quality

    An efficient piezoelectric single-crystal l-argininium phosphite: structural, Hirshfeld, electrical and mechanical analyses for NLO applications

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    l-Argininium phosphite, nonlinear optical crystal was grown by the slow evaporation solution growth technique. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, with P2(1) space group and dimensions of unit cells are a=9.3677 angstrom, b=4.8601 angstrom and c=13.2096 angstrom. Its morphology was simulated and indexed using WinXMorph program. The contribution of different interactions in the crystal structure was discerned visually using Hirshfeld surface analysis. The positions of NMR signal () corresponding to carbon and hydrogen atoms in titled molecule were recorded using HETCOR analysis. Moreover, the titled compound's crystallinity was examined by performing omega scan. Through UV-Vis-NIR transmittance spectra, the cutoff wavelength and bandgap for titled crystal were evaluated. Its dielectric constant and losses were investigated as frequencies varied at room temperature. Furthermore, laser and shock damage threshold analysis were employed on titled compound. Its piezoelectric charge coefficient was also determined and found to be 12pC/N along (010) plane. Kurtz and Perry's technique was used to measure its second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency, which was observed to be 20mV taking standard KDP as reference