10 research outputs found

    Új eljárás a nem melanoma típusú bőrdaganatok kezelésében: "daylight" fotodinámiás terápia

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    Photodynamic therapy is indicated for the treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma, Bowen's disease and actinic keratosis. Reactive oxygen radicals are released from the metabolite of the topically applied photosensitizer that is excited by light, which selectively leads to the destruction of tumor cells. The procedure can be performed with an artificial light source or with the use of sunlight. The latter is called daylight photodynamic therapy, which is an effective and painless procedure.Our aim was to introduce daylight photodynamic therapy in actinic keratoses at our department and to optimize the treatment protocol for the local climatic conditions.Three clinical trials were performed. The difference between the treatment protocols was between the incubation time of the photosensitizer on the skin and in the time patients spent under the sunlight.When using the international treatment protocol, 73% of the actinic keratoses showed complete, while 27% partial remission. By reducing the proportion of time patients spent outdoor, complete remission was achieved in two-thirds and partial remission in one-third of the lesions. At doses above 100 J/cm², severe erythema was observed 24 hours after the treatment. To avoid this, we calculated the time to be spent outdoor by dosimetry. Partial remission was achieved in 15%, complete remission in 85% of the actinic keratoses with good tolerability.The stepwise modification of the treatment protocol resulted in an effective and well-tolerated treatment in actinic keratoses under the local climatic conditions.The method has been successfully adapted in our clinic and is used in daily practice to treat actinic keratoses. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(36): 1422-1429

    The prevalence of melanocytic naevi among schoolchildren in South-Hungary

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    Malignant melanoma is an increasing public health problem worldwide; accordingly, identification of the constitutional and environmental factors which contribute to the development of the disease, and hence identification of the individuals at high risk of melanoma, is an indispensable step in all primary prevention efforts. This paper aims to assess the prevalence of different pigmented lesions among schoolchildren and to investigate their relationship with phenotypic pigmentary characteristics, sun exposure and other factors. A cross-sectional study was performed in two secondary schools in Szeged, Hungary. A total of 1320 schoolchildren, aged 14 to 18 years, underwent a whole-body skin examination. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect data on phenotypic, sun exposure and other variables. One to 10 common melanocytic naevi were found in 27% of the participants, and the naevus numbers were in the range of 10-100 in 67%; 5.4% of them had more than 100 common melanocytic naevi. The prevalence of clinically atypical naevi was 24.3%. Statistically significant associations were found between the number of pigmented lesions and gender, hair colour, eye colour, skin phototype, a history of severe painful sunburns and a family history of a large number of melanocytic naevi. Our study population displayed a markedly high prevalence of clinically atypical melanocytic naevi. Moreover, a considerable proportion of the investigated individuals had multiple common melanocytic naevi. Since the presence of a large number of melanocytic naevi is a strong predictor for future melanoma development, health educational programmes on melanoma prevention should be aimed at young age groups

    A festéksejtes anyajegyek előfordulása tinédzsereken [The prevalence of melanocytic naevi among teenagers]

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    Malignant melanoma is an increasing public health problem worldwide; accordingly, identification of the constitutional and environmental factors which contribute to the development of the disease, and hence identification of the individuals at high risk of melanoma, are indispensable steps in all primary prevention efforts. AIM: The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of different pigmented lesions among schoolchildren, and to investigate their relationship with phenotypic pigmentary characteristics, sun exposure and other factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in two secondary schools in Szeged, Hungary. A total of 1320 schoolchildren, aged 14 to 18 years, underwent a whole-body skin examination. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect data on phenotypic, sun exposure and other variables. RESULTS: Between 1-10 common melanocytic naevi were found in 27% of the participants, and naevi numbers were in the range between 10-100 in 67%. 5.4% of them had more than 100 common melanocytic naevi. The prevalence of clinically atypical naevi was 24.3%. Congenital naevi were detected in 6.2% of the schoolchildren. A statistically significant association was found between the number of pigmented lesions and gender, hair colour, eye colour, skin phototype, the history of severe painful sunburns, and the family history of a large number of melanocytic naevi. CONCLUSIONS: Our study population displayed a markedly high prevalence of clinically atypical melanocytic naevi. Moreover, a considerable proportion of the investigated individuals had multiple common melanocytic naevi. Since the presence of large number of melanocytic naevi is a strong predictor for future melanoma development, health educational programmes on melanoma prevention should be aimed at young age groups

    Új eljárás a nem melanoma típusú bőrdaganatok kezelésében: "daylight" fotodinámiás terápia

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    Bevezetés: A fotodinámiás terápia a superficialis basalsejtes carcinoma, a Bowen-kór és az aktinikus keratosis kezelésére alkalmas eljárás. A módszer lényege, hogy a kezelendő bőrfelületre felvitt fényérzékenyítő anyag metabolitjából fény hatására reaktívoxigén-gyökök szabadulnak fel, melyek szelektíven a tumorsejtek pusztulásához vezetnek. Az eljárás mesterséges fényforrással vagy a napfény alkalmazásával végezhető. Ez utóbbi a „daylight” fotodinámiás terápia, melynek hatékonysága mellett előnye, hogy nem jár fájdalommal. Célkitűzés: Munkánk célkitűzése a napfénnyel végzett fotodinámiás terápia bevezetése volt klinikánkon aktinikus keratosis indikációjában és a kezelési protokoll optimalizálása a helyi éghajlati viszonyokhoz. Módszer: Klinikai vizsgálatunk három részből állt. A kezelési protokollok között különbség a fényérzékenyítő anyag inkubációs idejében és a napfényen történő kezelés időtartamában volt. Eredmények: A nemzetközi protokoll alapján végzett vizsgálatban az aktinikus keratosisok 73%-ában komplett, 27%-ában részleges remissziót értünk el. A szabadban eltöltött idő arányát csökkentve a lasiók kétharmadánál teljes, egyharmadánál részleges remissziót értünk el. 100 J/cm² feletti kezelési dózis esetén súlyos erythema megjelenését észleltük a kezelést követő 24 órában. Ennek elkerülésére dozimetria segítségével határoztuk meg a szabadban eltöltött kezelési időt. A betegek a kezelést jól tolerálták, a lasiók 15%-ában részleges, 85%-ában teljes remissziót értünk el. Megbeszélés: A módosított nemzetközi protokoll alapján végzett „daylight” fotodinámiás terápia hatékony és jól tolerálható kezelési eljárás az aktinikus keratosis indikációjában. Következtetés: A napfénnyel végzett fotodinámiás kezelést sikerrel adaptáltuk és alkalmazzuk klinikánkon a minden- napi gyakorlatban aktinikus keratosisok kezelésében

    Rhinophototherapy in persistent allergic rhinitis

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    Previous published results have revealed that Rhinolight® intranasal phototherapy is safe and effective in intermittent allergic rhinitis. The present objective was to assess whether phototherapy is also safe and effective in persistent allergic rhinitis. Thirty-four patients with persistent allergic rhinitis were randomized into two groups; twenty-five subjects completed the study. The Rhinolight® group was treated with a combination of UV-B, UV-A, and high-intensity visible light, while the placebo group received low-intensity visible white light intranasal phototherapy on a total of 13 occasions in 6 weeks. The assessment was based on the diary of symptoms, nasal inspiratory peak flow, quantitative smell threshold, mucociliary transport function, and ICAM-1 expression of the epithelial cells. All nasal symptom scores and nasal inspiratory peak flow measurements improved significantly in the Rhinolight® group relative to the placebo group and this finding persisted after 4 weeks of follow-up. The smell and mucociliary functions did not change significantly in either group. The number of ICAM-1 positive cells decreased non-significantly in the Rhinolight® group. No severe side-effects were reported during the treatment period. These results suggest that Rhinolight® treatment is safe and effective in persistent allergic rhinitis. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Is it Necessary to Perform Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Thin Melanoma? A Retrospective Single Center Analysis

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    Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is a standard procedure for regional lymph node staging and still has the most important prognostic value for the outcome of patients with thin melanoma. In addition to ulceration, SLNB had to be considered even for a single mitotic figure in thin (<1 mm) melanoma according to AJCC7th guideline, therefore, a retrospective review was conducted involving 403 pT1 melanoma patients. Among them, 152 patients suffered from pT1b ulcerated or mitotic rate ≥ 1/ mm2 melanomas according to the AJCC7th staging system. SLNB was performed in 78 cases, of which nine (11.5%) showed SLN positivity. From them, interestingly, we found a relatively high positive sentinel rate (6/78-8%) in the case of thin primary melanomas ˂0.8 mm. Moreover, the presence of regression increased the probability of sentinel positivity by 5.796 fold. After reassessing pT stage based on the new AJCC8th, 37 pT1b cases were reordered into pT1a category. There was no significant relation between other characteristics examined (age, gender, Breslow, Clark level, and mitosis index) and sentinel node positivity. Based on our data, we suggest that mitotic rate alone is not a sufficiently powerful predictor of SLN status in thin melanomas. If strict histopathological definition criteria are applied, regression might be an additional adverse feature that aids in identifying T1 patients most likely to be SLN-positive. After reassessing of pT1b cases according to AJCC8th regression proved to be independent prognostic factor on sentinel lymph node positivity. Our results propose that sentinel lymph node biopsy might also be considered at patients with regressive thin (˂0.8 mm) melanomas