11 research outputs found

    Effect on Physicochemical Characters and Bioactivity of Argemone mexicana in Different Plant Extraction Methods

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    A study was conducted to find out the variation in physicochemical characters and bioactivity in plant extract prepared by two different methods, in order to decide a preferential method. Methanolic extract of Argemone mexicana plant extract was prepared by Soxhlet extraction method and reflux method. Bioactivity of plant extract was ascertained by a brine shrimp lethality test. The percentage yield of methanolic extract was 18% and 42% in soxhlet and reflux extraction methods respectively. In the first method, extract was greenish brown and sticky, but blackish and nonsticky in later method. Soxhlet method showed solubility in ethanol, chloroform, methanol and acetone whereas the reflux method extract did not show solubility in methanol. In both the method, plant extract was positive for alkaloids and saponins tested with standard methods. Nauplii of brine shrimp were hatched in artificial seawater with routine technique and collected in a test tube. The methanolic extract at concentrations of 250, 500 and 750µg/ml was tested on quantified numbers of larvae, in comparison to negative and positive control to test bioactivity. Mortalities were noted after 24 hrs post treatment and calculated as LC50.  The LC50 was lower (118.23µg/ml) in Soxhlet extraction method, as compared to the reflux method (192.69µg/ml). The above results indicated that soxhlet extraction is superior to the reflux method to obtain better bioactivity

    Phytochemical Analysis of Some Indigenous Plants Potent Against Endoparasite

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    A study has been done with indigenous plants to explore their phytochemical constituents. About 7 indigenous plants collected from Agra–Mathura Region. The collected plants undergone extraction followed by evaporation. The prepared plant extract goes through phytochemical investigation to explore active constituents which are very significant drug development

    Seroprevalence of brucellosis in a few important Indian goat breeds

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    Abstract Caprine brucellosis is an endemic disease and is present in many countries. It causes heavy losses in goats and is transmissible to man. Assessment of incidence of the disease was seen in pure-bred goats (Jamunapari, Barbari and Beetal) of breeding age belonging to 241 farmers of 143 villages of seven districts of U.P. and Punjab, India. Rapid, easy, and ®eld-based qualitative dot-Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used, for the ®rst time in India, in the screening of ®eld goats. Reactors in dotElisa were further tested with standard tube agglutination test (SAT). Incidence of brucellosis in farmers' goat¯ocks was 0.8%. Incidence in organized state government goat farms was 4.9%. Incidence in goats slaughtered in local goat abattoir in Agra (U.P.) was 7.1%. The overall incidence of brucellosis in goats in areas surveyed was 4.0%. Dot-Elisa was found to be rapid, handy and suitable screening test in the ®eld for the diagnosis of brucellosis in goats.

    Resistance Status of Synthetic Drugs against Ticks in Organized and Farmer Goat Flock

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    Resistance status of synthetic pyrethroid (cypermethrin and deltamethrin) has done with farm and field strains of B. microplus at different-different concentration. The results revealed that cypermethrin is very effective than deltamethrin against village strain