56 research outputs found

    Phytic acid degradation by phytase – as viewed by 31P NMR and multivariate curve resolution

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    The 31P NMR method is a most direct and useful method to describe the degradation of phytic acid to lower inositol phosphates by the action of the enzyme phytase. The use of chemometric and CARS visualizes and helps in the interpretation of the results. By means of LatentiX it has been possible to visualize the time-dependent hydrolysis of phytic acid and by PCA the complexity of the phytic acid is shown in the score plots. By modeling the spectra in CARS it is possible to identify and quantify each of the inositol phosphates

    Fytinsyrenedbrydning ved fytase

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    Antallet af komplekst bundne fosfatgrupper til fytinsyre i korn til foder og brødfremstilling er afgørende for biotilgængeligheden af mineraler. 31P NMR kombineret med multivariat data analyse er en unik metode at undersøge fytinsyrenedbrydningen på

    HR MAS NMR-spektroskopi: En hel ny verden for fødevareforskningen

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    Mulighederne er mange ved anvendelse af high resolution magic angle spinning på intakte fødevarer

    Recognition of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during emergency calls - a systematic review of observational studies

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    BACKGROUND: The medical dispatcher plays an essential role as part of the first link in the Chain of Survival, by recognising the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) during the emergency call, dispatching the appropriate first responder or emergency medical services response, performing dispatcher assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and referring to the nearest automated external defibrillator. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate and compare studies reporting recognition of OHCA patients during emergency calls. METHODS: This systematic review was reported in compliance with the PRISMA guidelines. We systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library on 4 November 2015. Observational studies, reporting the proportion of clinically confirmed OHCAs that was recognised during the emergency call, were included. Two authors independently screened abstracts and full-text articles for inclusion. Data were extracted and the risk of bias within studies was assessed using the QUADAS-2 tool for quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. RESULTS: A total of 3,180 abstracts were screened for eligibility and 53 publications were assessed in full-text. We identified 16 studies including 6,955 patients that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the systematic review. The studies reported recognition of OHCA with a median sensitivity of 73.9% (range: 14.1–96.9%). The selection of study population and the definition of “recognised OHCA” (threshold for positive test) varied greatly between the studies, resulting in high risk of bias. Heterogeneity in the studies precluded meta-analysis. CONCLUSION: Among the 16 included studies, we found a median sensitivity for OHCA recognition of 73.9% (range: 14.1–96.9%). However, great heterogeneity between study populations and in the definition of “recognised OHCA”, lead to insufficient comparability of results. Uniform and transparent reporting is required to ensure comparability and development towards best practice

    The difficult medical emergency call:A register-based study of predictors and outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Pre-hospital emergency care requires proper categorization of emergency calls and assessment of emergency priority levels by the medical dispatchers. We investigated predictors for emergency call categorization as “unclear problem” in contrast to “symptom-specific” categories and the effect of categorization on mortality. METHODS: Register-based study in a 2-year period based on emergency call data from the emergency medical dispatch center in Copenhagen combined with nationwide register data. Logistic regression analysis (N = 78,040 individuals) was used for identification of predictors of emergency call categorization as “unclear problem”. Poisson regression analysis (N = 97,293 calls) was used for examining the effect of categorization as “unclear problem” on mortality. RESULTS: “Unclear problem” was the registered category in 18% of calls. Significant predictors for “unclear problem” categorization were: age (odds ratio (OR) 1.34 for age group 76+ versus 18–30 years), ethnicity (OR 1.27 for non-Danish vs. Danish), day of week (OR 0.92 for weekend vs. weekday), and time of day (OR 0.79 for night vs. day). Emergency call categorization had no effect on mortality for emergency priority level A calls, incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.99 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.90–1.09). For emergency priority level B calls, an association was observed, IRR 1.26 (95% CI 1.18–1.36). DISCUSSIONS: The results shed light on the complexity of emergency call handling, but also implicate a need for further improvement. Educational interventions at the dispatch centers may improve the call handling, but also the underlying supportive tools are modifiable. The higher mortality rate for patients with emergency priority level B calls with “unclear problem categorization” could imply lowering the threshold for dispatching a high level ambulance response when the call is considered unclear. On the other hand a “benefit of the doubt” approach could hinder the adequate response to other patients in need for an ambulance as there is an increasing demand and limited resources for ambulance services. CONCLUSIONS: Age, ethnicity, day of week and time of day were significant predictors of emergency call categorization as “unclear problem”. “Unclear problem” categorization was not associated with mortality for emergency priority level A calls, but a higher mortality was observed for emergency priority level B calls