97 research outputs found

    Мотивация персонала при управлении сбалансированным целеполаганием на предприятии

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    В статье предложен научно-методический поход к мотивации персонала при управлении сбалансированным целеполаганием на предприятии, основанный на выявлении мотивов руководителей с помощью рефлексивных методов, позволяет определить наиболее эффективную систему стимулов с целью минимизации разбалансированности целей предприятия. При этом целепологание персонала должно формироваться под влиянием внутренних факторов, формирующихся под влиянием стимулирующих воздействий.У статті запропоновано науково-методичний похід до мотивації персоналу при управлінні збалансованим цілепокладанням на підприємстві, заснований на виявленні мотивів керівників за допомогою методів рефлексій, дозволяє визначити найбільш ефективну систему стимул-реакцій з метою мінімізації розбалансованості цілей підприємства. При цьому цілепокладанням персоналу повинно формуватися під впливом внутрішніх чинників, що формуються під впливом стимулюючих дій.In the process of realization of measures on providing of management the balanced teleologism there are problems on an enterprise. These problems are conditioned by different necessities and purposefulnesses of personnel of enterprise. As a result a personnel can render counteraction to realization of measures and bring in distortions in informative streams. It causes a management disbalance. One of tasks of motivation of personnel at a management the balanced teleologism there is a construction of such system on an enterprise, at which possibility on an origin and realization of such charts would be taken to the minimum. For the decision of this problem in the article a scientific-methodical hike is offered to motivation of personnel at a management the balanced teleologism on an enterprise. Approach is based on the exposure of reasons of leaders by reflection methods. It allows to define the most effective system of stimuli with the purpose of minimization of disbalance of aims of enterprise. Thus целепологание personnel must be formed under influence of internal factors, however conditioned an origin of these factors in the key required for an enterprise must be by the internal environment of enterprise, formed under influence of stimulant influences

    Suelos volcanicos endurecidos

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    The cangahua, important component of the Ecuadorian highlands landscape presents a very weak fertility. This is the result of old-fashioned and inadequate management by the indigenous populations, whose food needs exceed agricultural supplies. It was interesting to evaluate a dynamic process such as the extension of the cangahua with remote sensing from images SPOT as the cangahua mineral material presented a typic spectral response in the 3 main hands. Two experiences are presented: the first dealt with a spatialization of the cangahua on two 10-years periods (1986-1995), on the slopes of the volcano Ilalo, close to Quito, in awell-known and small region (15 sq km). The second compared a conventional field mapping to a satellite mapping of the whole new volcwnic highlands (5 scenes of 60 sq km). The method leant on the definition of themes, the identification of these on well-known areas (trainig samples), the definition of spectral characteristics of the training samples and the extrapolation to the wholw region (classification) in order to minimize geometrical distortions, angular incidence and atmospheric conditions. The first study emphasized the increase of cangahua areas in relation with the settlement, the travelling of men and cattle; the theme of discontinous cangahua with a broad spectral signature expalined a process still dynamic nowadays. The comparison of the 2 mappings showed a convergence for the typic cangahua but the results differed for the disconrinuous one. Remopte-sensing is an efficient tool for mapping cangahua. However it requieres a good knowledge of the field and improvement and automation of the various distorsions. (Résumé d'auteur)

    Estudio de algunos procesos de erosion en la sierra volcanica alta del Ecuador (3200-4800 m)

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