517 research outputs found

    Phonon Spectra in the Parent Superconducting Iron-tuned Telluride Fe1+x_{1+x}Te from Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Ab Initio Calculations

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of phonon spectra in the parent superconductor iron-tuned chalcogenide Fe1+x_{1+x}Te, for two different x contents (x ≀\leq 0.11), using neutron time-of-flight technique. Thermal neutron spectroscopy allowed to collect the low-temperature Stokes spectra over an extended Q-range, at 2, 40 and 120K - hence covering both the magnetic monoclinic and the paramagnetic tetragonal phases. Whereas cold-neutrons allowed to measure high-resolution anti-Stokes spectra at 140, 220 and 300K, thus covering the tetragonal phase. Our results evidence a spin-phonon coupling behaviour towards the observed noticeable temperature-dependent change of the Stokes spectra across the transition temperatures. On the other hand, the anti-Stokes spectra reveal a pronounced hardening of the low-energy, acoustic region, of the phonon spectrum, upon heating, indicating a strong anharmonicity and a subtle dependence of phonons on structural evolution within the tetragonal phase. Experimental results are accompanied by ab initio calculations of phonon spectra of the tetragonal stoichiometric phase for a comparison with the high-resolution anti-Stokes spectra. Calculations included different density functional methods. Spin polarization and van der Waals interaction, were either considered or neglected, individually or concomitantly, in order to study their respective effect on lattice dynamics description. Our results suggest that including van der Waals interaction has only a slight effect on phonon dynamics, however, phonon spectra are better described when spin polarization is included, in a cooperative way with van der Waals interactions

    Physical properties of the thermoelectric cubic lanthanum chalcogenides La3-yX4 (X=S,Se,Te) from first-principles

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    We report ab-initio calculations of the stability, lattice dynamics, electronic and thermoelectric properties of cubic La3-yX4 (X=S,Se,Te) materials in view of analyzing their potential for thermoelectric applications. The lanthanum motions are strongly coupled to the tellurium motions in the telluride, whereas the motions of both types of atoms are decoupled in the sulfides. Nevertheless, this has no impact on their thermal properties because experimentally all compounds have low thermal conductivity. We believe that this is due to Umklapp scattering of the acoustical modes, notably by the low energy optical modes at about 7-8 meV found in all three chalcogenides, as in cage compounds such as skutterudites or clathrates, even though there are no cages in the cubic Th3P4 structure. We find that the energy bandgap increases from the telluride to the sulfide in good agreement with the experiments. However, due to their similar band structure, we find that all three compounds have almost identical thermoelectric properties. Our results agree qualitatively with the experiments, especially in the case of the telluride for which a great amount of data exists. All our results indicate that the sulfides have strong potential for thermoelectricity and could replace the tellurides if the charge carrier concentration is optimized. Finally, we predict also a larger maximum ZT for the p-type doped materials than for the n-type doped ones, even though compounds with p-doping have still to be synthesized. Thus our results indicate the possibility to make high temperature performing thermo-generators based only on La3X4 compounds.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Effect of doping on the thermoelectric properties of thallium tellurides using first principles calculations

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    We present a study of the electronic properties of Tl5Te3, BiTl9Te6 and SbTl9Te6 compounds by means of density functional theory based calculations. The optimized lattice constants of the compounds are in good agreement with the experimental data. The band gap of BiTl9Te6 and SbTl9Te6 compounds are found to be equal to 0.589 eV and 0.538 eV, respectively and are in agreement with the available experimental data. To compare the thermoelectric properties of the different compounds we calculate their thermopower using Mott's law and show, as expected experimentally, that the substituted tellurides have much better thermoelectric properties compared to the pure compound.Comment: PTM2010 Conferenc

    Physical properties of Thallium-Tellurium based thermoelectric compounds using first-principles simulations

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    We present a study of the thermodynamic and physical properties of Tl5Te3, BiTl9Te6 and SbTl9Te6 compounds by means of density functional theory based calculations. The optimized lattice constants of the compounds are in good agreement with the experimental data. The electronic density of states and band structures are calculated to understand the bonding mechanism in the three compounds. The indirect band gap of BiTl9Te6 and SbTl9Te6 compounds are found to be equal to 0.256 eV and 0.374 eV, respectively. The spin-orbit coupling has important effects on the electronic structure of the two semiconducting compounds and should therefore be included for a good numerical description of these materials. The elastic constants of the three compounds have been calculated, and the bulk modulus, shear modulus, and young's modulus have been determined. The change from ductile to brittle behavior after Sb or Bi alloying is related to the change of the electronic properties. Finally, the Debye temperature, longitudinal, transverse and average sound velocities have been obtained

    Lattice stability and formation energies of intrinsic defects in Mg2Si and Mg2Ge via first principles simulations

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    We report an ab initio study of the semiconducting Mg2X (with X = Si, Ge) compounds and in particular we analyze the formation energy of the different point defects with the aim to understand the intrinsic doping mechanisms. We find that the formation energy of Mg2Ge is 50 % larger than the one of Mg2Si, in agreement with the experimental tendency. From the study of the stability and the electronic properties of the most stable defects taking into account the growth conditions, we show that the main reason for the n-doping in these materials comes from interstitial magnesium defects. Conversely, since other defects acting like acceptors such as Mg vacancies or multivacancies are more stable in Mg2Ge than in Mg2Si, this explains why Mg2Ge can be of n or p type, contrary to Mg2Si. The finding that the most stable defects are different in Mg2Si and Mg2Ge and depend on the growth conditions is important and must be taken into account in the search of the optimal doping to improve the thermoelectric properties of these materials.Comment: 25 pages, 6 Table

    High-field irreversible moment reorientation in the antiferromagnet Fe1.1_{1.1}Te

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    Magnetization measurements have been performed on single-crystalline Fe1.1_{1.1}Te in pulsed magnetic fields H⊄c\mathbf{H}\perp\mathbf{c} up to 53 T and temperatures from 4.2 to 65 K. At T=4.2T=4.2 K, a non-reversible reorientation of the antiferromagnetic moments is observed at ÎŒ0HR=48\mu_0H_R=48 T as the pulsed field is on the rise. No anomaly is observed at HRH_R during the fall of the field and, as long as the temperature is unchanged, during both rises and falls of additional field pulses. The transition at HRH_R is reactivated if the sample is warmed up above the N\'{e}el temperature TN≃60T_N\simeq60 K and cooled down again. The magnetic field-temperature phase diagram of Fe1.1_{1.1}Te in H⊄c\mathbf{H}\perp\mathbf{c} is also investigated. We present the temperature dependence of HRH_R, as well as that of the antiferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic borderline HcH_c in temperatures above 40 K.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic glassy phase in FeSeTe single crystals

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    The evolution of the magnetic order in FeSeTe crystals as a function of Se content was investigated by means of ac/dc magnetometry and muon-spin spectroscopy. Experimental results and self-consistent DFT calculations both indicate that muons are implanted in vacant iron-excess sites, where they probe a local field mainly of dipolar origin, resulting from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) bicollinear arrangement of iron spins. This long-range AFM phase disorders progressively with increasing Se content. At the same time all the tested samples manifest a marked glassy character that vanishes for high Se contents. The presence of local electronic/compositional inhomogeneities most likely favours the growth of clusters whose magnetic moment "freezes" at low temperature. This glassy magnetic phase justifies both the coherent muon precession seen at short times in the asymmetry data, as well as the glassy behaviour evidenced by both dc and ac magnetometry.Comment: Approved for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte
