15 research outputs found

    Estudo preliminar das Rías Altas: oceanografía e bioloxía das zonas de interese marisqueiro das rías de Ribadeo, Foz, Viveiro, O Barqueiro e Ortigueira

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    232 pages.-- Xosé Antón Álvarez-Salgado ... et al.O proxecto Estudo integral das Rías Altas, cun orzamento de 53.433 €, foi aprobado por Resolución da Dirección Xeral de Recursos Mariños, de acordo coa Orde do 30 de decembro de 2005, de subvencións aos proxectos colectivos de xestión integral para o aproveitamento dos recursos mariños en Galicia (código 20060603). Destacamos o financiamento de carácter público coa participación da Unión Europea a través do Instrumento Financeiro de Orientación Pesqueira (IFOP)N

    Estudo integral das rías altas: Estudo das rías de Ribadeo, Foz, Viveiro, O Barqueiro e Ortigueira: Hidrografía, dinámica, bioxoquímica, sedimentoloxía, ecotoxicología, microbioloxía, patología e biología das zonas de interese marisqueiro,

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    281 pages.-- Cristina Álvarez ... et al.O proxecto colectivo de xestión pesqueira “Estudo integral das rías de Ribadeo, Foz, Viveiro, O Barqueiro e Ortigueira: hidrografía, dinámica, bioxeoquímica, sedimentoloxía, ecotoxicoloxía, microbioloxía, patoloxía e bioloxía das zonas de interese marisqueiro” foi financiado pola Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar a través do Programa Operativo do Fondo Europeo da Pesca (Orde do 10 de agosto de 2007; Diario Oficial de Galicia nº. 169 do 31 de agosto de 2007, pp. 14583–14595). As actividades dos investigadores da Universidade de Vigo contaron ademais co financiamento das axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do sistema universitario de Galicia: agrupación estratéxica Oceanografía-ECIMAT (Xunta de Galicia, código 2008/080). A Xefatura Territorial da Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar en Celeiro financiou a edición e publicación deste informeN

    Reactive solute transfer through two contrasting subterranean estuary exit sites of the Ria de Vigo, NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Poster.-- XX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina SIQUIMAR 2020, Barcelona (Spain), 1st-3rd July 2020Subterranean estuaries are highly reactive interfaces locus of the interaction between seawater and continental groundwater, actively mediating the transfer of solutes to surface waters through Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD). Using radioisotope tracers, Ibánhez et al. (2019) recently identified significant SGD loads into Baiona Bay (Ría de Vigo, NW Iberian Peninsula), locus of the two subterranean estuaries studied here (Panxón and Ladeira beaches). Porewater samples were collected from both subterranean estuaries with push-pull piezometers installed at different depths along the permanently saturated zone during February, May, July and October 2019. Porewater 222Rn, 226Ra and salinity were used as tracers of porewater flow within the sediment and to quantify resulting SGD. The different coastal aquifer influence, wave exposure and configuration of these subterranean estuaries seem to drive highly contrasting biogeochemical dynamics at different spatial and time scales. On one hand, Ladeira beach showed generally reduced porewaters throughout the studied period. Low nitrate (50 μM) concentration porewaters were observed there, with high ammonium peaks (>100 μM) at specific depths during May and October. Porewater ammonium appeared to be generally linked with phosphate distribution, except in July. Observations suggest that organic matter mineralization within the sediment could be a main source of nutrients to this subterranean estuary. On the other hand, oxygen levels in Panxón beach reached near saturation levels in depth at high 222Rn-low salinity porewaters. There, high nitrate levels were strongly linked to brackish waters, suggesting its continental origin. Large modulation of porewater nutrient levels was observed at both subterranean estuaries, significantly altering its composition prior to discharge to Baiona BayThis research is supported by theSUBACID project (SUBmarine groundwater discharge (SGD) impact on coastal ACIDification processes in contrasting European AtlanticShores: towards securing ecosystem services and food production) that has received funding from the Irish Research Council and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713279 through the CAROLINE program (CLNE/2017/210)Peer reviewe

    Carbon Data Obtained During the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa CAIBOX-2009 Cruise in the Atlantic Ocean (25 July - 13 August, 2009)

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    The item is made of 2 files, of which 1 is the dataset and the other include a small description of the measured variables.-- Dataset contributed to the Project CarbochangeThis dataset gathers discrete measurements of CO2 (pH and alkalinity) and hydrographic variables (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) obtained during the cruise CAIBOX 2009 carried out from 25 July to 13 August 2009. pH was measured spectrophotometrically following the Clayton and Byrne (1993). This method consists on adding a dye solution to the seawater sample, so that the ratio between two absorbances at two different wavelengths is proportional to the sample pH. Alkalinity was measured using an automatic potentiometric titrator Titrando 809 Metrohm, with a Metrohm 6.0232.100 combination glass electrode and a Pt-1000 probe for temperature measurement following the methodology given by Pérez and Fraga (1987). Dissolved oxygen was analyzed following the widely applied Winkler method. Determinations of nitrate, phosphate and silicate were carried out following methods described by Hansen and Grassoff (1983) Salinity and Temperature were recorded with a CTD probeSpanish Project CAIBEX supported by Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia (CTM2007–66408–C02–01/MAR), CARBOOCEAN (511176GOCE)N

    Human-impacted subterranean estuaries are sources of greenhouse gases to surface waters

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    Póster.-- ECSA 59, Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, 5-8 September 2022, San Sebastian, SpainN

    Effects of different nitrogen sources on coastal microplankton communities

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    Poster presented at the XV International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, Vigo, June 04-05 2019Anthropogenic alteration of the nitrogen (N) cycle has importantly increased the inputs of organic and inorganic reactive N (Nr) into the coastal ocean. N controls the productivity of marine ecosystems over ecological time scales and therefore, significant responses of microbial communities to the incoming supply of Nr might be expected. The short-term effects of inorganic and organic nutrients, limited in phosphorus (P) and including different sources of N (nitrate, ammonium), on microplankton community structure and metabolism were studied in microcosm experiments conducted in a eutrophic coastal embayment in NW Spain under contrasting hydrographic conditions. Results obtained showed that micro- and nanophytoplankton positively responded to nutrient additions, and did not show a preference between distinct inorganic N forms. By contrast, picophytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria clearly preferred ammonium to nitrate. These results are important in the context of increasing riverine and atmospheric inputs (with high N/P ratios and relatively different ammonium and nitrate concentrations) into marine coastal embaymentsPeer reviewe