15,768 research outputs found

    Comparison of 1DH and 2DH mathematical models for modelling wave hydrodynamics in Ofir beach

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    Coastal zone protection is a very crucial issue in order to defend populations and infrastructures as well as to environment conservation. Adequate tools must be tested and implemented for supporting engineering solutions to face this challenge. In this study, 1DH and 2DH models were applied to simulate wave hydrodynamics at Ofir beach, NW Portugal. For this purpose, COULWAVE (1DH) and BOUSS-2D (2DH) models were implemented considering both the presence of a detached breakwater and natural conditions aiming the study of the impact of these structures on the significant wave height and the wave energy. A comparison of the performance of the two models was also developed. The methodology adopted in this research work, where a generalised methodology of models applications was used, allows its replication to other coastal stretches being this application dependent on local environmental conditionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Measurement of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies with Two Years of South Pole Telescope Observations

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    We present the first three-frequency South Pole Telescope (SPT) cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectra. The band powers presented here cover angular scales 2000 < ℓ < 9400 in frequency bands centered at 95, 150, and 220 GHz. At these frequencies and angular scales, a combination of the primary CMB anisotropy, thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects, radio galaxies, and cosmic infrared background (CIB) contributes to the signal. We combine Planck/HFI and SPT data at 220 GHz to constrain the amplitude and shape of the CIB power spectrum and find strong evidence for nonlinear clustering. We explore the SZ results using a variety of cosmological models for the CMB and CIB anisotropies and find them to be robust with one exception: allowing for spatial correlations between the thermal SZ effect and CIB significantly degrades the SZ constraints. Neglecting this potential correlation, we find the thermal SZ power at 150 GHz and ℓ = 3000 to be 3.65 ± 0.69 μK^2, and set an upper limit on the kinetic SZ power to be less than 2.8 μK^2 at 95% confidence. When a correlation between the thermal SZ and CIB is allowed, we constrain a linear combination of thermal and kinetic SZ power: D^(tSZ)_(3000) + 0.5D^(kSZ)_(3000) = 4.60 ± 0.63 μK^2, consistent with earlier measurements. We use the measured thermal SZ power and an analytic, thermal SZ model calibrated with simulations to determine σ_8 = 0.807 ± 0.016. Modeling uncertainties involving the astrophysics of the intracluster medium rather than the statistical uncertainty in the measured band powers are the dominant source of uncertainty on σ_8. We also place an upper limit on the kinetic SZ power produced by patchy reionization; a companion paper uses these limits to constrain the reionization history of the universe

    Método FAMACHA: ferramenta para identificação e seleção de caprinos / ovinos resistentes a verminoses.

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    Endoparasitoses gastrintestinais de caprinos e ovinos: alternativas de controle.

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    A ovinocaprinocultura é uma atividade largamente explorada, visando a produção sustentada de carne, de leite e de peles. O interesse pela exploração desta atividade, vem aumentando gradativamente nos países desenvolvidos, onde o uso de tecnologias, com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade já é significativo. Entretanto, as endoparasitoses gastrintestinais se constituem no principal entrave para a produção de caprinos e ovinos, em todo o mundo, especialmente nas regiões tropicais, onde os prejuízos econômicos são mais acentuados. A verminose gastrintestinal é a endoparasitose que representa maior importância econômica na exploração de pequenos ruminantes e tem como agente etiológico, as espécies de nematódeos gastrintestinais pertencentes à família Trichostrongylidade. Os efeitos do parasitismo no rebanho se manifestam de várias formas, conforme as espécies presentes, a intensidade de infecção e a categoria e/ou estado fisiológico e nutricional do hospedeiro. O impacto global sobre a produção é conseqüência do atraso no crescimento e da mortalidade que ocorre nas categorias mais susceptíveis

    Controle alternativo de verminose em caprinos e ovinos.

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    Modelling of sanitary sewer systems integrating rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow

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    Wastewater utilities often have management difficulties when excessive wet-weather flow leads to serious impacts in public health and environment as well as disturbing operational conditions in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This phenomenon, resulting from rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII), occurs mainly due to defects in pipes and manholes (infiltration) and to illicit connections from downspouts, foundation drains or cross-connections with storm sewers (inflow), contributing to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). These difficulties related to SSOs negatively affect: (i) the capacity and operation of sanitary sewer collection; (ii) the performance and treatment efficiency of WWTP; (iii) the risk of a public health hazards and environmental contamination. This well-known wastewater managerial problem is very difficult to locate and quantify in practice since the needed adequate measurement equipment often entails unsustainable costs for utilities. Wastewater flow mathematical modelling integrating a digital cadastral database using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) constitutes a sound methodology in predicting sanitary sewer systems performance which is a critical issue within SSOs reduction and remediation programs. This paper presents the implementation of a methodology based on hydroinformatic tools to determine the contribution of RDII in complex municipal sewer systems in order to establish adequate urban wastewater management policies that will effectively mitigate SSOs. USEPA SWMM, and digital cadastral database with field verification were applied in a simulation study of the small scale sanitary sewer network of Espinho (Braga, Portugal) whose results will be used in a larger scale to create a city-wide model for wastewater systems management

    Endoparasitoses gastrintestinais em caprinos e ovinos.

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    O presente trabalho trata de informações sobre a eimeriose e a verminose, abrangendo as características das referidas doenças, sua forma de infecção, os sintomas e prejuízos causados sobre os animais, bem como as formas de controle. Tem como objetivo básico proporcionar informações a técnicos, produtores e estudantes com interesse na matéria, com vistas a ajudar no incremento da exploração de pequenos ruminantes no Brasil.bitstream/CNPC/20252/1/doc58.pd

    Importância das endoparasitoses gastrintestinais nas explorações de caprinos e ovinos.

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    Eimeriose: aspectos biológicos e epidemiológicos, efeitos patogênicos, medidas de controle; Verminose gastrintestinal: controle estratégico, resistência anti-helmintica, método famacha, fitoterapia, homeopatia, controle integrado