28 research outputs found

    Science as Art: Axiology as a Central Component in Methodology and Evaluation of Arts-based Research (ABR)

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    This article introduces key terms and concepts in arts-based research (ABR) that are represented across different disciplines. In so doing, it presents four functions of art in research: art as an adjunctive method in qualitative research, art as a primary method in qualitative research, art as its own methodology in research, and art as a radical event in research. Ways of adhering to ABR as its own methodology are examined, emphasizing axiology, rather than epistemology, as a core consideration when designing, implementing, and evaluating ABR. Aesthetic concerns and ethical challenges, primary values in axiology, are considered when evaluating the rigor of research design and results. Finally, this article describes the author’s own creative decision-making while developing an ABR study, illuminating issues of axiology while doing so

    Aesthetic Sense and Sensibility: Arts-based Research and Music Therapy

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    The year is 2091. I am walking down a simulated path in the woods created by artificial intelligence. My destination is unclear but my mission is not: In the midst of crippling global unrest and environmental decay, I was sent what appears to be an extraterrestrial message to “look for evidence of the humanity that binds people together.” Artists have become increasingly valued for their methods and sensibilities. No longer minimized as mere entertainment, people have begun to realize that the artistic process holds certain knowledge that is needed at this crucial moment in time. Post-positivistic researchers have worked on the computer intelligence that has led to the creation of this wooden path that I am now walking. Phenomenologists and grounded theorists have conducted endless interviews and observation to understand the essence of being in nature. The knowledge gathered by these mixed methods have

    Evaluation for Arts-Based Research Performance: Audience Perceptions of Rising from the Ashes

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    The purpose of the study is to understand how audiences evaluated an arts-based research performance called Rising from the Ashes. Audience evaluation promises egalitarian and pluralistic perspectives that may assist artist-as-researchers with gaining new insight into out of performative arts-based research results. Rising from the Ashes was performed several times between 2015 and 2019. Evaluations were provided to six different audiences and consisted of rating-scale and open-ended questions based on general criteria for judging arts-based research: incisiveness, concision, generativity, social significance, evocation and illumination, and coherence. Descriptive rating scores and thematic analysis of open-ended questions aided in the artist-as-researcher’s understanding of how audiences responded to the performances. Descriptive scores showed that audiences strongly agreed that the performance was concise, incisive, and evocative and illuminating. The performance was less likely to support audiences’ understanding of the social issues addressed in the study, which implied decreased generativity and social significance. Open-ended questions enhanced and supported rating-scale responses as well as revealed specific elements of the performance that addressed its coherence. The results deepened the artists-as-researcher’s understanding of potential strengths and limitations of Rising from the Ashes based on the audience evaluations. Implications for arts-based research evaluation in music therapy, particularly related to music performance, are discussed

    A humanistic understanding of the use of digital technology in therapeutic songwriting

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    This article explores the use of technology in therapeutic songwriting from a humanistic perspective focusing on the tenets of cultivating agency, expressing and voicing selfhood, and nurturing stakeholder engagement. Adolescents in the 21st century are using a variety of digital music platforms to (re)create their identities and invent new ways of transforming social discourse. By attuning to the humanistic qualities of digital technology used in therapeutic songwriting, music therapists can provide a space for adolescents who have experienced trauma to discover their potentiality. Songs will be shared for readers to experience how various recording and production techniques can reveal the lived experiences of songwriters within music therapy, as well as to highlight the humanistic tenets of agency, expressing and voicing selfhood, and stakeholder engagement. The need for cultural and ethical responsiveness when creating digital soundscapes with adolescents who have experienced childhood trauma and identify with Hip Hop Culture is discussed

    The Hero\u27s Journey in Hip-Hop and its Applications in Music Therapy

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    Exploring the Discourse in Hip Hop and Implications for Music Therapy Practice

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the discourse of Hip Hop Culture within the context of music therapy. Spellings and definitions of Hip Hop, as proposed by KRS-One (2009), will be provided and then extrapolated in relation to various topics in music therapy, such as treatment planning and theoretical perspective. The position of this paper is that music therapists must adopt reflexive positions on issues such as the cultural appropriation of Hip Hop’s artistic elements and the manifestation of power and privilege within its musical and therapeutic relationships. Hip Hop offers a multidimensional theoretical perspective for music therapy theory that views the ability of its artistic elements to transform and produce Spirit, enabling individuals and communities to move from a location of marginalization to that of an empowered, collective voice

    アンビエント・モードで聴取すること: それが音楽療法実践と理論に意味するもの

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    Dieser theoretische Artikel erforscht die Funktionen, Strukturen und Erfahrungen im Hören und Herstellen von ambient music und die Begegnung mit dem ambient mode of being (Jaaniste, 2007). Im ambient mode of being taucht der Hörer in das Rohmaterial der akustischen Umgebung (Klanglandschaften) ein und ändert nomadisch das Bewusstsein zwischen den Terrains dieser Umgebungen –  das simultane Erlebnis von liminal space und der Verankerung im Hier und Jetzt. Für Musiktherapeuten mag das bedeuten, in den lo-fidelity Klanglandschaften in unterschiedlichen Ebenen von Gesundheit zu navigieren und Menschen zu helfen hi-fidelity und Klarheit über individuelle, gemeinschaftliche und spirituelle Ebenen der Existenz zu erreichen. Der ambient mode of being zeigt auf, dass Musiktherapeuten auf die unterschiedlichen Ebenen simultan zugreifen können, indem sie in einen kreativen Zustand des Hörens eintreten, in dem die umgebende Umwelt hervorsticht in den musikalischen Beziehungen, die in der Musiktherapie gebildet werden. Implikationen des ambient mode of being für die Musiktherapiepraxis und -theorie werden erforscht. Klinische Ergebnisse, bezogen auf die Begegnung mit dem ambient mode of being werden diskutiert, einschließlich des Erfassens von entfernten oder vergessen Teilen des Selbst und lassen diese wieder hervorstechen.Este trabalho teórico explora a função, as estruturas e a experiência de escutar e criar música ambiente, e de encontrar o modo ambiental de ser (Jaaniste, 2007). Nesse modo ambiente de ser, o ouvinte se encontra imerso nos materiais brutos dos ambientes sonoros (paisagens sonoras), e, de maneira itinerante, desloca a consciência entre os terrenos desses ambientes – experienciando estar nos espaços limiares e nos sedimentados no aqui-e-agora, simultaneamente. Para musicoterapeutas, isso pode significar viajar e sintonizar-se a paisagens sonoras de baixo rigor e clareza em variados níveis de saúde e ajudar as pessoas a adquirirem alto rigor e clareza em níveis de existência individual, comunitário, cultural e espiritual. O modo ambiental de ser sugere que musicoterapeutas podem acessar tais níveis simultaneamente ao entrarem em um estado criativo de escuta no qual o ambiente comum e corrente é colocado em evidência dentro das relações musicais construídas em musicoterapia. As implicações do modo ambiente de ser para a teoria e a prática da musicoterapia serão exploradas. Resultados clínicos relacionados ao encontro do modo ambiente de ser serão discutidos, inclusive o de apreender partes distantes ou esquecidas do si mesmo e coloca-las novamente em evidência.Questo scritto teorico esplora la funzione, le strutture, l’esperienza di ascolto e di creazione di ambient music, e di incontro col modo di essere ambientale (Jaaniste, 2007). Nel modo di essere ambientale, un ascoltatore si immerge nelle materie prime di ambienti sonori (paesaggi sonori), e sposta nomadicamente la consapevolezza attraverso i terreni di tali ambienti di esperienza simultanea dell’essere, in uno spazio liminale e fondato sul qui e ora. Per I musicoterapisti, ciò potrebbe significare il navigare e il sintonizzarsi con i paesaggi sonori a bassa fedeltà di vari livelli di salute, e aiutare le persone a realizzare un’alta fedeltà e una chiarezza di livelli di esistenza individuali, comunitari, culturali e spirituali. Il modo di essere ambientale suggerisce ai musicoterapisti la possibilità di accedere a questi livelli simultaneamente, entrando in uno stato creativo di ascolto in cui un’atmosfera pervasiva diventa saliente all’interno di relazioni musicali costruite in musicoterapia. Vengono poi esplorate le implicazioni per la teoria e la pratica musicoterapica. I risultati clinici relativi all’incontro col modo di essere ambientale sono stati discussi includendo la presa di parti lontane o dimenticate del proprio sé, e rendendole nuovamente salienti.这篇理论性的文章探索了聆听与创造氛围音乐的功能、结构、和体验,以及与氛围模式的偶遇(Jaaniste, 2007)。在以氛围模式的存在状态中,聆听者沉浸在周围空间无形的声音环境里(声音景观),并不经意的专注意识于周围环境的形态——即时即刻的感知在一个瓶颈空间中的存在感。对 于音乐治疗师来说,这也许意味着把健康中各种类型的“低保真”的声音景观协调引导到“高保真”的状态,并且使个体的、社区的、文化的、以及精神的存在感更 加真切。音乐治疗师能以创造性的聆听即刻进入氛围模式的存在状态。在音乐性的联结存在于音乐治疗中时候,这种模式会使氛围中的混沌变的具象。氛围模式的存 在状态对音乐治疗的实践和原理的启发将会在文中得到探索和阐述。文章也讨论了氛围模式在临床中的呈现以及其可能性的效果,这包括治疗师从神离或者忘我的状 态回到真切具体的感受的过程。This theoretical paper explores the function, structures, and experience of listening to and creating ambient music, and encountering the ambient mode of being (Jaaniste, 2007). In the ambient mode of being, a listener becomes immersed in the raw materials of sonic environments (soundscapes) and nomadically shifts awareness across the terrains of these environments- simultaneously experiencing being in a liminal space and grounded in the here-and-now. For music therapists this might mean navigating and attuning to the lo-fidelity soundscapes in various levels of health and helping people achieve hi-fidelity and clarity on individual, community, cultural, and spiritual levels of existence. The ambient mode of being suggests that music therapists can access these levels simultaneously by entering into a creative state of listening in which pervasive ambience becomes salient within the musical relationships built in music therapy. Implications of the ambient mode of being for music therapy practice and theory will b be explored. Clinical outcomes related to encountering the ambient mode of being are discussed including capturing distant or forgotten parts of one’s self and making them salient again.Cet article théorique explore la fonction, les structures et l'expérience de l'écoute et créer de la musique ambiante, et rencontrer le mode d'être ambiante (Jaaniste, 2007). Dans le mode d'être ambiante, un auditeur est immergé dans les matières premières d'environnements sonores (des paysages sonores) et décale nomade sensibilisation à travers les terrains de ces milieux-simultanément l'expérience d'être dans un espace liminal et ancrée dans l'ici-et-maintenant. Pour musicothérapeutes cela pourrait signifier la navigation et s'harmoniser aux paysages sonores lo-fidélité dans les différents niveaux de la santé et d'aider les gens à atteindre haut-fidélité et la clarté sur individuel, communautaire, culturel, et les niveaux spirituels d'existence. Le mode d'être ambiante suggère que musicothérapeutes peuvent accéder à ces niveaux simultanément en entrant dans un état créatif de l'écoute dans laquelle ambiance omniprésente devient saillant dans les relations musicales construites en musicothérapie. Conséquences de la mode d'être de la pratique de la musicothérapie et la théorie ambiante seront explorées. Les résultats cliniques liés à rencontrer le mode d'être sont discutés, y compris la capture des régions éloignées ou oubliés de soi-même et de faire à nouveau leur saillant ambiante.この理論的研究は、アンビエント・ミュージックを聴取したり創作したりすることや、存在のアンビエント・モードに邂逅すること(Jaaniste, 2007)の機能、構造、経験を摸索するものである。アンビエントな存在モードの中では、聴取者は音響環境(サウンドスケープ)の生の素材に没頭し、その意識は音楽環境領域の中で定位せずに移行する。と同時に、リミナル空間に存在して今ここにつながっていることも経験している。音楽療法士にとって、これは、様々な健康レベルのローファイ状態のサウンドスケープへと進み、同調し、人々が個人的、コミュニティ的、文化的、霊的な存在レベルにおいてハイファイ性と明確さを獲得する援助をすることを意味する。アンビエントな存在モードは、創造的な聴取状態に入ることによって、音楽療法士がこうしたレベルに同時的にアクセスできることを示唆している。創造的な聴取状態では、音楽療法で構築された音楽的関係の中で、広範囲のアンビエンスが顕著になるからである。本論では、アンビエントな存在モードが音楽療法実践や理論において意味するものについて検討する。そして、アンビエントな存在モードとの邂逅に関連する臨床結果 —自己の中の隔たりのある、あるいは忘れられた部分を捉え、再び向き合えるようにするといった— が議論される

    "Loving me and my butterfly wings:" A study of hip-hop songs written by adolescents in music therapy

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    The aim of this arts-based research study was to experience, analyze, and gain insight into songs written by adolescents who have had adverse childhood experiences and who identify with Hip Hop culture. This study investigated the aesthetic components of eleven songs including their musical elements, the compositional techniques, the affective-intuitive qualities, and the interaction between the music and the lyrics. An arts-based research design, rooted in the ethos of Hip Hop, was employed to gain a holistic understanding of the songs. My artistic encounters and subsequent analyses of the songs revealed the complex inner struggles and developmental challenges for adolescents who have experienced extreme trauma. Three groupings of songs emerged: Songs that Protect Vulnerability, Songs of Abandonment, and Songs of Faith and Love. Each category reflects a different stage of developmental growth for the songwriters. Employing Fowler's (1981/1995) stages of faith development, a music-centered developmental model of therapeutic songwriting with adolescents is proposed in this study. This model consists of three therapeutic songwriting stages: Imitation, Developing Self-Reflection, and Developing Self-Love. The implications for this study include developing an arts-based method of song analysis for students and professionals, developing a music-centered therapeutic songwriting assessment, developing a perspective for music therapy practice and research rooted in the ethos of Hip Hop, and developing longitudinal arts-based research studies that track the life of songs across various stages of developmental growth

    Creating, Providing, and Performing Space

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    This special edition of Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy is dedicated to the glorious blurred boundaries of art, research, and performance. There is an array of traditional scholarship, aesthetic texts, digital media projects, critical self-reflection, cultural exploration, and social critique. I have experienced pain, joy, connection, disconnection, longing, sadness, anger, and beauty within all of the work presented here. As you engage these works of art, you may experience some of the same feelings, or you might walk away with completely different perceptions. It is our collective and collaborative heuristic experience with the artwork contained herein that will shine a spectrum of color onto the complex and daunting social issues addressed by these artists, scholars, researchers, and wonderful human beings.