6 research outputs found

    Long Term Effects of Combination of Metabolite Product Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell (MP-AMSC) and Vitamin C after Fractional CO2 Laser for Photoaging Treatment

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    Background: Metabolite Products Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell (MP-AMSC) originating from the amniotic membrane has a skin rejuvenation effect by stimulating collagen synthesis. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in photoaging treatment. It is expected that the application of a combination of MP-AMSC and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment as Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery (LADD) to provide better long-term effects on clinical improvement of photoaged skin. As the drug penetration reaching the target, long-term effects and no side effects are expected. This promises as an option for photoaging therapy in the future. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of a combination of topical MP-AMSC mixtures and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment on wrinkles, spots, pores, and skin tones. Methods: Thirty adult women with photoaged skins were selected as samples, and were observed for wrinkles, spots, pores, and skin tones examination. The observation involved computer-simulated photographic devices, Facial Skin Scope System Janus-II for three months after the topical administration of MP-AMSC mixture and vitamin C, three times fractional CO2 laser, tretinoin 0.025% cream, and sun protection factor (SPF) 30 sunscreen as maintenance therapy. Result: The data analysis result was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: There was a long-term effect of the application of a mixture of topical MP-AMSC and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment, and no side effect was observed

    Cutaneous adverse drug reaction in Human Immunodeficiency virus patient associated with antiviral therapy: A retrospective study

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    Drug hypersensitivity reactions specifically cutaenous adverse drug reaction (CADR) occur at higher rate in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- positive patients than general population and cause significant morbidity, in early era of antiretroviral therapy (ART), the incidence of skin rashes can reach 50% in HIV patients taking HIV medications. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the pattern of CADR in HIV patients associated with ART. A retrospective study took data from medical record CADR in HIV patients associated with ART at HIV ward, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, since January 2013 until December 2015. During the period of three years, there were 20 CADR patients in at HIV ward, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. The most common patient was male, with the highest age group of 25-44 years old, and the most clinical feature found were maculopapular rash, and Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS). The most common antiviral therapy were nevirapine. The number of CADR in HIV patient associated with ART cases increased. The most clinical feature were maculopapular rash followed by SJS, only few cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis

    Efficacy of Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell Conditioned Medium (AMSC-CM) and Vitamin C Following CO2 Fractional Laser for Photoaging Therapy

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    Abstract Introduction: Skin aging, particularly photoaging, is a widely experienced problem. The therapies for photoaging are continuously evolving. For example, the application of topical antioxidants, such as vitamin C, has been widely used with satisfactory outcomes. Stem cell therapy, including amniotic membrane stem cell-conditioned medium (AMSC-CM), is a promising alternative because it contains growth factors and cytokines that aid wound healing and skin rejuvenation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of AMSC-CM and vitamin C combination therapy following CO2 fractional laser as laser-assisted drug delivery for photoaging treatment. Methods: This was an analytical experimental study conducted on 30 patients with photoaged skin treated with AMSC-CM and vitamin C. The treatment was repeated three times with an interval of 4 weeks. The final evaluation included Janus skin analysis to assess wrinkles, pores, spots, and skin tone. Results: Among the 30 participants with photoaged skin who met the inclusion criteria, the mean age was 50.53 (± 5.39) years and the mean Glogau score was 2.77 (± 0.43). The treatment resulted in significant improvements (P <.05) on wrinkles from evaluation I to evaluations II and evaluation I to evaluations III, pores from evaluation I to evaluation II, and spots from evaluation I to evaluation II. Conclusion: Clinical improvements were observed on the participants’ photoaged skin in terms of wrinkles, pores, and spots after the combined topical therapy of AMSC-CM and vitamin C following CO2 fractional laser therapy


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    Latar Belakang: Produk metabolit Amniotic Membran Stem Cell (PM-AMSC) berasal dari membran amnion digunakan pada peremajaan kulit, dengan merangsang sintesis kolagen. Vitamin C adalah antioksidan yang digunakan untuk mengobati perubahan yang terkait dengan photoaging. Diharapkan dengan pencampuran PM- AMSC dengan vitamin C setelah laser fraksional CO2 sebagai LAD akan memberikan efek jangka panjang pada perbaikan klinis photoaging, dengan penetrasi mencapai target, efek jangka panjang akan bertahan lebih lama, sehingga hal ini menjanjikan sebagai pilihan terapi photoaging di masa mendatang. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efek jangka panjang perbaikan derajat kerutan, bintik hitam, pori-pori dan skin tone pada subyek yang telah mendapat topikal campuran PM-AMSC dengan vitamin C dan laser fraksional CO2. Metode: Tiga puluh orang wanita dewasa dengan photoaging sebagai sampel dan sudah dilakukan pemberian topikal campuran PM-AMSC dengan vitamin C dan laser fraksional CO2 sebanyak 3 kali tindakan, kemudian diberikan krim tretinoin 0.025% sebagai terapi pemeliharaan dan tabir surya SPF 30. Pengamatan perbaikan derajat kerutan, bintik hitam, pori-pori, dan skin tone dilakukan dengan alat berbasis computer-stimulated photograph yaitu Facial Skin Scope System Janus-II. Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis data yang dilakukan, derajat kerutan, bintik hitam, poripori dan skin tone dari evaluasi selama 3 bulan setelah diberikan campuran topikal PM-AMSC dengan vitamin C dan laser fraksional CO2 pada photoaging didapatkan harga p >0,05. Hasil ini tidak signifikan secara statistik. Simpulan: Terdapat efek jangka panjang campuran topikal PM-AMSC dengan vitamin C dan laser fraksional CO2 serta tidak terdapat efek samping pada penelitian, sehingga, waktu evaluasi dapat diperpanjang untuk mengetahui hasil lebih lanjut

    The Efficacy of Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell (AMSC) Metabolite Product and Vitamin E for Wrinkles, Spots, and Pores in Photoaging

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    Background. It is expected that a combination of amniotic membrane stem cell metabolite product (AMSC-MP) and vitamin E after fractional CO2 laser as laser-assisted drug delivery (LADD) will provide better effects in photoaging treatment as the combination reaches the target. This promises an option for photoaging therapy in the future. Materials and Methods. Sixty women with photoaged skins were involved in this experimental study. They were then divided into two groups. The treatment group received a topical combination of AMSC-MP and vitamin E, and the control group received AMSC-MP alone after fractional CO2 laser. The treatment was repeated three times. Result. The Janus assessment results showed a significant difference in pores in the third observation, and the average pore improvements in the treatment group were better than the control group. Wrinkle, UV spot, and polar spot did not show any significant difference. Conclusion. A combination of the amniotic membrane stem cell metabolite product (AMSC-MP) and vitamin E after fractional CO2 laser as LADD only improves pores in photoaged skins