16 research outputs found

    Tragic and Comical Networks. Clustering Dramatic Genres According to Structural Properties

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    There is a growing tradition in the joint field of network studies and drama history that produces interpretations from the character networks of the plays.The potential of such an interpretation is that the diagrams provide a different representation of the relationships between characters as compared to reading the text or watching the performance. Our aim is to create a method that is able to cluster texts with similar structures on the basis of the play's well-interpretable and simple properties, independent from the number of characters in the drama, or in other words, the size of the network. Finding these features is the most important part of our research, as well as establishing the appropriate statistical procedure to calculate the similarities between the texts. Our data was downloaded from the DraCor database and analyzed in R (we use the GerDracor and the ShakeDraCor sub-collection). We want to propose a robust method based on the distribution of words among characters; distribution of characters in scenes, average length of speech acts, or character-specific and macro-level network properties such as clusterization coefficient and network density. Based on these metrics a supervised classification procedure is applied to the sub-collections to classify comedies and tragedies using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. Our research shows that this approach can also produce reliable results on a small sample size

    Novel Approaches to Evaluate the Ability of Vehicles for Secured Transportation

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    The assurance of process safety plays an important role in the field of information technology. Securing the information has become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. Whenever we think about the protected systems the first thing that comes to our mind can be malicious interventions which are increasing immensely day by day. Nowadays we live the world of huge automotive developments with the appearance of the demand for autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, technological developments also provide a lot of advantages for the society. The benefits of autonomous cars include reduced mobility costs, increased safety, increased mobility, significant reduction of traffic collisions. However, it cannot be forgotten that the extension of cyberspace affects the transportation increasingly. Accordingly, cars are produced with high level of connectivity and automation. Therefore, the risks arriving from the cyberspace can now endanger the safe and secured transportation. These tendencies shall motivate manufacturers and developers to permanently improve the ability of vehicles to protect themselves and their passengers


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    Novel Approaches to Evaluate the Ability of Vehicles for Secured Transportation

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    The assurance of process safety plays an important role in the field of information technology. Securing the information has become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. Whenever we think about the protected systems the first thing that comes to our mind can be malicious interventions which are increasing immensely day by day. Nowadays we live the world of huge automotive developments with the appearance of the demand for autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, technological developments also provide a lot of advantages for the society. The benefits of autonomous cars include reduced mobility costs, increased safety, increased mobility, significant reduction of traffic collisions. However, it cannot be forgotten that the extension of cyberspace affects the transportation increasingly. Accordingly, cars are produced with high level of connectivity and automation. Therefore, the risks arriving from the cyberspace can now endanger the safe and secured transportation. These tendencies shall motivate manufacturers and developers to permanently improve the ability of vehicles to protect themselves and their passengers

    ELTE Poetry Corpus : A Machine Annotated Database of Canonical Hungarian Poetry

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    ELTE Poetry Corpus is a database that stores canonical Hungarian poetry with automatically generated annotations of the poems’ structural units, grammatical features and sound devices, i.e. rhyme patterns, rhyme pairs, rhythm, alliterations and the main phonological features of words. The corpus has an open access online query tool with several search functions. The paper presents the main stages of the annotation process and the tools used for each stage. The TEI XML format of the different versions of the corpus, each of which contains an increasing number of annotation layers, is presented as well. We have also specified our own XML format for the corpus, slightly different from TEI, in order to make it easier and faster to execute queries on the corpus. We discuss the results of a manual evaluation of the quality of automatic annotation of rhythm, as well as the results of an automatic evaluation of different rule sets used for the automatic annotation of rhyme patterns. Finally, the paper gives an overview of the main functions of the online query tool developed for the corpus

    ELTE Verskorpusz - a magyar kanonikus költészet gépileg annotált adatbázisa

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    Az ELTE Verskorpusz a magyar kanonikus költészet vizsgálatára létrejött, a versek szerkezeti egységeinek, a szavak bizonyos grammatikai és fonológiai jellemzőinek, valamint a vershangzás bizonyos jellemzőinek az automatikusan létrehozott annotációit tartalmazó, online elérhető lekérdezőfelülettel rendelkező adatbázis. A tanulmányban bemutatjuk az ELTE Verskorpusz fontosabb mennyiségi jellemzőit, a verskorpusz létrehozásának főbb lépéseit, valamint az egyes annotálási lépésekhez használt eszközöket. Részletesebben ismertetjük a vershangzás annotálásának módját, valamint a verskorpusz formátumát. Emellett bemutatjuk a korpuszhoz készült lekérdezőfelület főbb funkcióit is