16 research outputs found

    Afri-Can Forum 2

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    A randomized controlled trial of a combination of antiviral and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment in a bovine model of respiratory syncytial virus infection.

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    IntroductionBovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a valid model for human RSV and an important bovine pathogen. Very early administration of ibuprofen and GS-561937, a fusion protein inhibitor (FPI), have separately been shown to decrease the severity of bovine RSV. Our aims were to determine how long after RSV inoculation ibuprofen and GS-561937 can be administered with clinical benefit and whether using both was better than monotherapy.Materials and methodsWe conducted a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial of ibuprofen, GS-561937 (FPI), or combinations of the two initiated at 3 or 5 days after artificial infection with bovine RSV in 36 five to six-week-old Holstein calves (Bos taurus). We measured clinical scores, respiratory rate, and viral shedding daily for 10 days following inoculation. We estimated the average effect for each drug and compared treatment arms using mixed effects models.ResultsWe found a significant decrease in clinical scores only in the combined treatment arms. This benefit was greater when treatment was initiated at 3 days rather than 5 days post infection with decreased clinical scores and lower respiratory rates at both time points. Ibuprofen alone started on day 3 increased, and FPI with ibuprofen started on day 3 decreased, viral shedding.ConclusionDual therapy with Ibuprofen and FPI, on average, decrease clinical severity of illness in a bovine model of RSV when started at 3 and 5 days after infection

    A randomized controlled trial of a combination of antiviral and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment in a bovine model of respiratory syncytial virus infection.

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    IntroductionBovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a valid model for human RSV and an important bovine pathogen. Very early administration of ibuprofen and GS-561937, a fusion protein inhibitor (FPI), have separately been shown to decrease the severity of bovine RSV. Our aims were to determine how long after RSV inoculation ibuprofen and GS-561937 can be administered with clinical benefit and whether using both was better than monotherapy.Materials and methodsWe conducted a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial of ibuprofen, GS-561937 (FPI), or combinations of the two initiated at 3 or 5 days after artificial infection with bovine RSV in 36 five to six-week-old Holstein calves (Bos taurus). We measured clinical scores, respiratory rate, and viral shedding daily for 10 days following inoculation. We estimated the average effect for each drug and compared treatment arms using mixed effects models.ResultsWe found a significant decrease in clinical scores only in the combined treatment arms. This benefit was greater when treatment was initiated at 3 days rather than 5 days post infection with decreased clinical scores and lower respiratory rates at both time points. Ibuprofen alone started on day 3 increased, and FPI with ibuprofen started on day 3 decreased, viral shedding.ConclusionDual therapy with Ibuprofen and FPI, on average, decrease clinical severity of illness in a bovine model of RSV when started at 3 and 5 days after infection

    Analysis of lung transcriptome in calves infected with Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus and treated with antiviral and/or cyclooxygenase inhibitor.

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    Bovine Respiratory Syncytial virus (BRSV) is one of the major infectious agents in the etiology of the bovine respiratory disease complex. BRSV causes a respiratory syndrome in calves, which is associated with severe bronchiolitis. In this study we describe the effect of treatment with antiviral fusion protein inhibitor (FPI) and ibuprofen, on gene expression in lung tissue of calves infected with BRSV. Calves infected with BRSV are an excellent model of human RSV in infants: we hypothesized that FPI in combination with ibuprofen would provide the best therapeutic intervention for both species. The following experimental treatment groups of BRSV infected calves were used: 1) ibuprofen day 3-10, 2) ibuprofen day 5-10, 3) placebo, 4) FPI day 5-10, 5) FPI and ibuprofen day 5-10, 6) FPI and ibuprofen day 3-10. All calves were infected with BRSV on day 0. Daily clinical evaluation with monitoring of virus shedding by qRT-PCR was conducted. On day10 lung tissue with lesions (LL) and non-lesional (LN) was collected at necropsy, total RNA extracted, and RNA sequencing performed. Differential gene expression analysis was conducted with Gene ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. The most significant differential gene expression in BRSV infected lung tissues was observed in the comparison of LL with LN; oxidative stress and cell damage was especially noticeable. Innate and adaptive immune functions were reduced in LL. As expected, combined treatment with FPI and Ibuprofen, when started early, made the most difference in gene expression patterns in comparison with placebo, especially in pathways related to the innate and adaptive immune response in both LL and LN. Ibuprofen, when used alone, negatively affected the antiviral response and caused higher virus loads as shown by increased viral shedding. In contrast, when used with FPI Ibuprofen enhanced the specific antiviral effect of FPI, due to its ability to reduce the damaging effect of prostanoids and oxidative stress

    A randomized controlled trial comparing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and fusion protein inhibitors singly and in combination on the histopathology of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection

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    Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has substantial morbidity in young calves, and closely parallels human RSV in infants. We performed a randomized controlled trial in five to six-week-old Holstein calves (Bos taurus). comparing fusion protein inhibitor (FPI) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) singly and in combination at three and five days after experimental BRSV infection. Thirty-six calves received one of six treatments; Ibuprofen started on day 3, Ibuprofen started on day 5, FPI started on day 5, FPI and Ibuprofen started on day 3, FPI and Ibuprofen started on day 5, or placebo. We have previously reported significant clinical benefits when combined FPI and NSAID treatment was started at three and five days after bovine RSV infection. Necropsy was performed on Day 10 following infection and hematoxylin and eosin staining was performed on sections from each lobe. Histology was described using a four-point scale. We performed canonical discrimination analysis (CDA) to determine the structural level where differences between treatments occurred and mixed effects regression to estimate effect sizes. Separation from placebo was maximal for dual therapy at the levels of the alveolus, septum, and bronchus in CDA. We found that the clinical benefits of combined FPI and NSAID treatment of BRSV extend at least partially from histopathological changes in the lung when treatment was started three days after infection. We found decreased lung injury when ibuprofen was started as monotherapy on day 3, but not day 5 following infection. Combined therapy with both an FPI and ibuprofen was always better than ibuprofen alone. We did not prove that the clinical benefits seen starting FPI and ibuprofen five days after infection can be solely explained by histopathological differences as identified on H&E staining

    Validating a bovine model for lung ultrasound of bronchiolitis.

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    PurposeBronchiolitis is a very common acute lung disease in infants caused commonly by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Point-of-care lung ultrasound is increasingly used in clinical care but proof that ultrasound reflects histological disease is lacking. Bovine calves are a good model for RSV bronchiolitis. We answered the following two questions: (1) does point-of-care lung ultrasound reflect lung pathology at the histological level in a bovine calf model of bronchiolitis? and (2) are point-of-care lung ultrasound images in human infants similar to those obtained in calves?MethodsWe experimentally infected 24 five to six-week-old bovine calves with RSV and compared six window lung ultrasound with lung histology10 days after inoculation. The calves were treated with antivirals and antipyretics leading to variable severity of illness. We used canonical discriminant analysis to determine if abnormal lung ultrasound findings reflected different histological findings. We compared the ultrasounds obtained from the calves with ultrasounds obtained from 10 human infants who were diagnosed clinically with bronchiolitis.ResultsCanonical discriminant analysis generally demonstrated good class separation based on the maximal severity of ultrasound finding in each acoustic window. Lung ultrasound performed poorly at detecting bronchopneumonia. Bovine ultrasounds looked similar to human infant lung ultrasounds.ConclusionPoint-of-care lung ultrasound abnormalities reflect lung pathology at the histological level in a bovine calf model of bronchiolitis. Point-of-care lung ultrasound images in human infants are similar to those obtained in calves