5 research outputs found

    Photoreceptor morphology in vehicle- and TUDCA-PLGA-MSs-treated eyes.

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    <p>Triple immunolabeling for cone arrestin (in green), VGLUT1 (in blue) and CtBP2 (in red) of retinal vertical sections from a P120 normal rat (Sprague Dawley, SD) (A) and P23H rats at P90 (B, C) and P120 (D, E), treated with unloaded PLGA MSs (B, D) or TUDCA-loaded PLGA MSs (C, E). Note that the typical cone pedicles (in green) containing synaptic vesicles (in blue) surrounding synaptic ribbons (in red) were less deteriorated in TUDCA-PLGA-MSs-treated P23H rats than in vehicle-treated animals. Scale bar, 10 ÎĽm.</p

    Microsphere characterization.

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    <p>(A) Scanning electron microscopy picture of TUDCA-loaded microspheres. Insets: particle size distribution. (B) Cumulative <i>in vitro</i> release of TUDCA (ÎĽg/mg MSs) over 28 days from TUDCA-loaded PLGA MSs in PBS (pH 7.4).</p

    Electroretinographic responses in vehicle- and TUDCA-PLGA-MSs-treated eyes.

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    <p>Representative scotopic ERG traces from postnatal days P30 (A), P60 (B), P90 (C) and P120 (D) P23H rats treated with unloaded PLGA microspheres (<i>left</i>, <i>control</i>) or microspheres containing TUDCA (<i>right</i>, <i>TUDCA</i>). Units to the left of the panels indicate the flash luminance in log cd·s/m<sup>2</sup>. Note that ERG responses reached higher values in eyes treated with TUDCA-PLGA MSs, as compared to vehicle-treated eyes.</p

    Number of rows of photoreceptor nuclei in eyes treated with vehicle or TUDCA-PLGA MSs.

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    <p>(A-D) Retinal sections from P23H rats at P90 (A, B) and P120 (C, D), administered unloaded PLGA MSs (A, C) or TUDCA-loaded PLGA MSs (B, D), counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin. (E, F) Mean number of photoreceptor rows along central sections of the retina in vehicle- or TUDCA-PLGA-MSs-treated animals (n = 5 and n = 9, respectively). *<i>p</i> < 0.05, **<i>p</i> < 0.01; ANOVA, <i>Bonferroni’s</i> test. ONL: outer nuclear layer, INL: inner nuclear layer, OPL: outer plexiform layer, IPL: inner plexiform layer, GCL: ganglion cell layer. Scale bar, 100 μm.</p