194 research outputs found

    Syk Is Required for Integrin Signaling in Neutrophils

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    AbstractThe Syk tyrosine kinase plays a critical role in the signaling machinery of various receptors of the adaptive immune system. Here we show that Syk is also an essential component of integrin signaling in neutrophils. syk−/− neutrophils failed to undergo respiratory burst, degranulation, or spreading in response to proinflammatory stimuli while adherent to immobilized integrin ligands or when stimulated by direct crosslinking of integrins. Signaling from the β1, β2, or β3 integrins was defective in syk−/− cells. Syk colocalized with CD18 during cell spreading and initiated downstream signaling events leading to actin polymerization. Surprisingly, these defects in integrin-mediated activation did not impair the integrin-dependent in vitro or in vivo migration of syk−/− neutrophils or of cells deficient in Src-family kinases. Thus, integrins use different signaling mechanisms to support migration and adherent activation

    Vav1 Transduces T Cell Receptor Signals to the Activation of Phospholipase C-γ1 via Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase-dependent and -independent Pathways

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    Vav1 is a signal transducing protein required for T cell receptor (TCR) signals that drive positive and negative selection in the thymus. Furthermore, Vav1-deficient thymocytes show greatly reduced TCR-induced intracellular calcium flux. Using a novel genetic system which allows the study of signaling in highly enriched populations of CD4+CD8+ double positive thymocytes, we have studied the mechanism by which Vav1 regulates TCR-induced calcium flux. We show that in Vav1-deficient double positive thymocytes, phosphorylation, and activation of phospholipase C-γ1 (PLCγ1) is defective. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Vav1 regulates PLCγ1 phosphorylation by at least two distinct pathways. First, in the absence of Vav1 the Tec-family kinases Itk and Tec are no longer activated, most likely as a result of a defect in phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activation. Second, Vav1-deficient thymocytes show defective assembly of a signaling complex containing PLCγ1 and the adaptor molecule Src homology 2 domain–containing leukocyte phosphoprotein 76. We show that this latter function is independent of PI3K

    Down's syndrome-like cardiac developmental defects in embryos of the transchromosomic Tc1 mouse

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    Aims Cardiac malformations are prevalent in trisomies of human chromosome 21 [Down's syndrome (DS)], affecting normal chamber separation in the developing heart. Efforts to understand the aetiology of these defects have been severely hampered by the absence of an accurate mouse model. Such models have proved challenging to establish because synteny with human chromosome Hsa21 is distributed across three mouse chromosomes. None of those engineered so far accurately models the full range of DS cardiac phenotypes, in particular the profound disruptions resulting from atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs). Here, we present analysis of the cardiac malformations exhibited by embryos of the transchromosomic mouse line Tc(Hsa21)1TybEmcf (Tc1) which contains more than 90% of chromosome Hsa21 in addition to the normal diploid mouse genome. Methods and results Using high-resolution episcopic microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) modelling, we show that Tc1 embryos exhibit many of the cardiac defects found in DS, including balanced AVSD with single and separate valvar orifices, membranous and muscular ventricular septal defects along with outflow tract and valve leaflet abnormalities. Frequencies of cardiac malformations (ranging from 38 to 55%) are dependent on strain background. In contrast, no comparable cardiac defects were detected in embryos of the more limited mouse trisomy model, Dp(16Cbr1-ORF9)1Rhr (Ts1Rhr), indicating that trisomy of the region syntenic to the Down's syndrome critical region, including the candidate genes DSCAM and DYRK1A, is insufficient to yield DS cardiac abnormalities. Conclusion The Tc1 mouse line provides a suitable model for studying the underlying genetic causes of the DS AVSD cardiac phenotype

    β1 integrin activates Rac1 in Schwann cells to generate radial lamellae during axonal sorting and myelination

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    Myelin is a multispiraled extension of glial membrane that surrounds axons. How glia extend a surface many-fold larger than their body is poorly understood. Schwann cells are peripheral glia and insert radial cytoplasmic extensions into bundles of axons to sort, ensheath, and myelinate them. Laminins and β1 integrins are required for axonal sorting, but the downstream signals are largely unknown. We show that Schwann cells devoid of β1 integrin migrate to and elongate on axons but cannot extend radial lamellae of cytoplasm, similar to cells with low Rac1 activation. Accordingly, active Rac1 is decreased in β1 integrin–null nerves, inhibiting Rac1 activity decreases radial lamellae in Schwann cells, and ablating Rac1 in Schwann cells of transgenic mice delays axonal sorting and impairs myelination. Finally, expressing active Rac1 in β1 integrin–null nerves improves sorting. Thus, increased activation of Rac1 by β1 integrins allows Schwann cells to switch from migration/elongation to the extension of radial membranes required for axonal sorting and myelination

    An additional human chromosome 21 causes suppression of neural fate of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells in a teratoma model

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (HSA21), is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation in humans. Among complex phenotypes, it displays a number of neural pathologies including smaller brain size, reduced numbers of neurons, reduced dendritic spine density and plasticity, and early Alzheimer-like neurodegeneration. Mouse models for DS show behavioural and cognitive defects, synaptic plasticity defects, and reduced hippocampal and cerebellar neuron numbers. Early postnatal development of both human and mouse-model DS shows the reduced capability of neuronal precursor cells to generate neurons. The exact molecular cause of this reduction, and the role played by increased dosage of individual HSA21 genes, remain unknown.Results: We have subcutaneously injected mouse pluripotent ES cells containing a single freely segregating supernumerary human chromosome 21 (HSA21) into syngeneic mice, to generate transchromosomic teratomas. Transchromosomic cells and parental control cells were injected into opposite flanks of thirty mice in three independent experiments. Tumours were grown for 30 days, a time-span equivalent to combined intra-uterine, and early post-natal mouse development. When paired teratomas from the same animals were compared, transchromosomic tumours showed a three-fold lower percentage of neuroectodermal tissue, as well as significantly reduced mRNA levels for neuron specific (Tubb3) and glia specific (Gfap) genes, relative to euploid controls. Two thirds of transchromosomic tumours also showed a lack of PCR amplification with multiple primers specific for HSA21, which were present in the ES cells at the point of injection, thus restricting a commonly retained trisomy to less than a third of HSA21 genes.Conclusion: We demonstrate that a supernumerary chromosome 21 causes Inhibition of Neuroectodermal Differentiation (INDI) of pluripotent ES cells. The data suggest that trisomy of less than a third of HSA21 genes, in two chromosomal regions, might be sufficient to cause this effect

    Syk, c-Src, the αvβ3 integrin, and ITAM immunoreceptors, in concert, regulate osteoclastic bone resorption

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    In this study, we establish that the tyrosine kinase Syk is essential for osteoclast function in vitro and in vivo. Syk−/− osteoclasts fail to organize their cytoskeleton, and, as such, their bone-resorptive capacity is arrested. This defect results in increased skeletal mass in Syk−/− embryos and dampened basal and stimulated bone resorption in chimeric mice whose osteoclasts lack the kinase. The skeletal impact of Syk deficiency reflects diminished activity of the mature osteoclast and not impaired differentiation. Syk regulates bone resorption by its inclusion with the αvβ3 integrin and c-Src in a signaling complex, which is generated only when αvβ3 is activated. Upon integrin occupancy, c-Src phosphorylates Syk. αvβ3-induced phosphorylation of Syk and the latter's capacity to associate with c-Src is mediated by the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) proteins Dap12 and FcRγ. Thus, in conjunction with ITAM-bearing proteins, Syk, c-Src, and αvβ3 represent an essential signaling complex in the bone-resorbing osteoclast, and, therefore, each is a candidate therapeutic target

    A Critical Role for Syk in Signal Transduction and Phagocytosis Mediated by Fcγ Receptors on Macrophages

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    Receptors on macrophages for the Fc region of IgG (FcγR) mediate a number of responses important for host immunity. Signaling events necessary for these responses are likely initiated by the activation of Src-family and Syk-family tyrosine kinases after FcγR cross-linking. Macrophages derived from Syk-deficient (Syk−) mice were defective in phagocytosis of particles bound by FcγRs, as well as in many FcγR-induced signaling events, including tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of cellular substrates and activation of MAP kinases. In contrast, Syk− macrophages exhibited normal responses to another potent macrophage stimulus, lipopolysaccharide. Phagocytosis of latex beads and Escherichia coli bacteria was also not affected. Syk− macrophages exhibited formation of polymerized actin structures opposing particles bound to the cells by FcγRs (actin cups), but failed to proceed to internalization. Interestingly, inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase also blocked FcγR-mediated phagocytosis at this stage. Thus, PI 3-kinase may participate in a Syk-dependent signaling pathway critical for FcγR-mediated phagocytosis. Macrophages derived from mice deficient for the three members of the Src-family of kinases expressed in these cells, Hck, Fgr, and Lyn, exhibited poor Syk activation upon FcγR engagement, accompanied by a delay in FcγR-mediated phagocytosis. These observations demonstrate that Syk is critical for FcγR-mediated phagocytosis, as well as for signal transduction in macrophages. Additionally, our findings provide evidence to support a model of sequential tyrosine kinase activation by FcγR's analogous to models of signaling by the B and T cell antigen receptors