15 research outputs found

    Two new species of Phylloporus (Fungi, Boletales) from tropical Quercus forests in eastern Mexico

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    We present a proposal of two new species of Phylloporus discovered in tropical oak forests from central Veracruz, Mexico. Both species were distinguished based on macro and micro-morphologic features and supported with a molecular phylogenetic analysis, based on sequences of nuc rDNA ITS, D1, D2 and D3 domains of nuc 28S rDNA (LSU), and transcription elongation factor 1-alpha (tef-1α). In the phylogenetic reconstruction inferred, the new species clustered in two different clades related to species from USA, Costa Rica and Panama. The recollection of fructifications in monodominant stands of either Quercus oleoides or Q. sapotifolia, allowed recognizing the distribution of one of the Phylloporus species under both Quercus species, and the other under Q. oleoides only. Detailed macro and microscopic descriptions accompanied by illustrations, photos and a taxonomic discussion are provided

    Crepidotus crocophyllus

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    Crepidotus rubrovinosus

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    Two new species and a new record of yellow Cantharellus from tropical Quercus forests in eastern Mexico with the proposal of a new name for the replacement of Craterellus confluens

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    Two new species of yellow Cantharellus and a new record of Cantharellus tabernensis associated with tropical species of Quercus are presented, based on the taxonomic study of fresh specimens and in a phylogenetic analysis of transcription elongation factor 1-alpha (tef-1α) and the large subunit of the ribosome (nLSU) sequences. One of the new species proposed here, corresponds to a choice edible mushroom, which, in our molecular phylogeny, resulted in it being related to the group of species around C. lateritius and sister with Craterellus confluens type specimen. This latter is here formally transferred to Cantharellus and consequently a new name, Cantharellus furcatus, is proposed to replace the homonym Cantharellus confluens (Schwein.) Schwein. 1834 a later synonym of Byssomerulius corium. Detailed macroscopic and microscopic descriptions accompanied with illustrations and a taxonomic discussion are presented for each species