15 research outputs found

    Lymphoid tissue viral DNA at necropsy is correlated with week 1 plasma viremia levels.

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    <p>(A) The ratio of <i>gag</i> copies per 10<sup>6</sup> CCR5 copies for each tissue of the untreated RT-SHIV-infected macaques. The average of each qPCR reaction was used for the graph. In addition, the week 1 plasma viral load was included for each animal. Asterisks (*) denote samples that were not collected or in which no significant CCR5 DNA were measured. (B) The amount of <i>gag</i> vDNA detected in each of the lymphoid tissues for each animal was plotted against the week 1 plasma viremia level. Statistics determined a Spearman rank-order correlation of 0.996 with p value of < 0.0001.</p

    Plasma viremia was measured in all twelve macaques by qRT-PCR of RT-SHIV <i>gag</i> RNA.

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    <p>Animals were infected at week 0 and were (A) untreated or (B) treated with 3 or 4 antiretroviral drugs. Animals treated with 3 drugs (TFV, FTC, EFV) are denoted by closed symbols and treatment was initiated at week 10, denoted by the solid arrow. The animals treated with 4 drugs (TFV, FTC, EFV, and L-870812) are denoted by open symbols and treatment was initiated at week 13 (GV08 and GN19) or week 14 (GG45 and GV40), denoted by the open arrow. Treatment was continued daily until necropsy (week 30 or 31). The limit of detection of the assay was 30 vRNA copies/ml plasma.</p

    SIV-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells from LTNP/EC mediate greater lysis of SIV-infected CD4<sup>+</sup> T-cell targets compared with progressors.

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    <p>GrB target cell activity (<b>A</b>) and infected CD4 elimination (ICE) (<b>B</b>) are shown for LTNP/EC (nā€Š=ā€Š10, GrB target cell activity; nā€Š=ā€Š11, ICE) and progressors (nā€Š=ā€Š11). Horizontal bars represent the median values. <b>C.</b> Correlation between ICE and GrB target cell activity (nā€Š=ā€Š22) was determined by the Spearman rank method. Red, blue and cyan dots represent LTNP/EC, progressors and one SIV-uninfected animal, respectively.</p

    SIV-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell cytotoxicity measured by granzyme B delivery or Infected CD4 Elimination (ICE).

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    <p><b>A.</b> The top panels show granzyme B (GrB) target cell activity representative of a ā€œhigh responderā€. The bottom panels show GrB target cell activity representative of a ā€œlow responderā€. Values indicate percentages of targets with increased fluorescence due to GrB substrate cleavage. Background GrB target cell activity measured in response to uninfected targets (left column) was subtracted from responses measured against infected targets (right column) to determine net GrB target cell activity (red values). <b>B.</b> ICE values calculated based on p27 expression (sum of the upper quadrants) as described in the Methods, are shown in red for the same ā€œhigh responderā€ (78.8%, top row) and ā€œlow responderā€ (22.3%, bottom row) as shown in A. Quadrant values indicate percentages of gated targets. In all experiments, CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell lines were used as targets. CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells that had been stimulated with SIV-infected targets for 6 days were used as effectors. GrB target cell activity and ICE were calculated after 1 hour of incubation of effectors and plated at an Eāˆ¶T ratio of 25āˆ¶1.</p

    SIV-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells of LTNP/EC mediate greater per-cell killing of SIV-infected targets than those of progressors, which is not simply due to higher true Eāˆ¶T ratios.

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    <p><b>A.</b> The true effector to target (Eāˆ¶T) ratios, determined by measurements of IFN-Ī³-secreting CD8<sup>+</sup> T-cell effectors and p27-expressing CD4<sup>+</sup> T-cell targets, respectively, as described in the Methods and shown in the <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1003195#ppat.1003195.s001" target="_blank">Figure S1</a> and <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1003195#ppat.1003195.s002" target="_blank">Table S1</a>, were compared between LTNP/EC (nā€Š=ā€Š11) and progressors (nā€Š=ā€Š11). Horizontal bars represent the median values. <b>B, C.</b> GrB target cell activity (<b>B</b>) or ICE (<b>C</b>) responses plotted against the true Eāˆ¶T ratios are shown for LTNP/EC (nā€Š=ā€Š10, GrB target cell activity; nā€Š=ā€Š11, ICE) and progressors (nā€Š=ā€Š11). GrB target cell activity is shown after subtraction of background. The response curves were analyzed by regressing ICE and GrB on log true Eāˆ¶T ratios using analysis of covariance. The standard two-tailed t test from regression analysis was used to compare estimated GrB target cell activity and ICE of LTNP/EC with that of progressors at the 5.8 Eāˆ¶T ratio, the median of the combined Eāˆ¶T ranges of both groups.</p

    Gammaherpesvirus infection and malignant disease in rhesus macaques experimentally infected with SIV or SHIV

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    <div><p>Human gammaherpesviruses are associated with malignancies in HIV infected individuals; in macaques used in non-human primate models of HIV infection, gammaherpesvirus infections also occur. Limited data on prevalence and tumorigenicity of macaque gammaherpesviruses, mostly cross-sectional analyses of small series, are available. We comprehensively examine all three-rhesus macaque gammaherpesviruses -Rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV), Rhesus Lymphocryptovirus (RLCV) and Retroperitoneal Fibromatosis Herpesvirus (RFHV) in macaques experimentally infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus or Simian Human Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV/SHIV) in studies spanning 15 years at the AIDS and Cancer Virus Program of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. We evaluated 18 animals with malignancies (16 lymphomas, one fibrosarcoma and one carcinoma) and 32 controls. We developed real time quantitative PCR assays for each gammaherpesvirus DNA viral load (VL) in malignant and non-tumor tissues; we also characterized the tumors using immunohistochemistry and <i>in situ</i> hybridization. Furthermore, we retrospectively quantified gammaherpesvirus DNA VL and SIV/SHIV RNA VL in longitudinally-collected PBMCs and plasma, respectively. One or more gammaherpesviruses were detected in 17 tumors; generally, one was predominant, and the relevant DNA VL in the tumor was very high compared to surrounding tissues. RLCV was predominant in tumors resembling diffuse large B cell lymphomas; in a Burkitt-like lymphoma, RRV was predominant; and in the fibrosarcoma, RFHV was predominant. Median RRV and RLCV PBMC DNA VL were significantly higher in cases than controls; SIV/SHIV VL and RLCV VL were independently associated with cancer. Local regressions showed that longitudinal VL patterns in cases and controls, from SIV infection to necropsy, differed for each gammaherpesvirus: while RFHV VL increased only slightly in all animals, RLCV and RRV VL increased significantly and continued to increase steeply in cases; in controls, VL flattened. In conclusion, the data suggest that gammaherpesviruses may play a significant role in tumorogenesis in macaques infected with immunodeficiency viruses.</p></div