3,949 research outputs found

    Políticas sociales y legislación en materia de inmigración

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    Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialFALSEunpu

    I Jornadas Medioambientales Educación Primaria-Educación Universitaria. La Interacción de las Personas y el Medio Ambiente en la XI Semana de la Ciencia

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    El objetivo de estas I Jornadas en proporcionar un espacio de intercambio donde los saberes interactúen con el medio. El proceso de aprendizaje tiene tres momentos, sentir, pensar y actuar para concienciar, educar y comunicar teniendo como marco de referencia el medioambiental, el desarrollo comunitario y educación para sensibilizar a la Comunidad Universitaria de la importancia de la conservación del medio.   La creación de un huerto ecológico constituye una iniciativa prioritaria por lo que aporta de relación directa con la naturaleza, por su valor agroecológico y por su utilidad como punto de anclaje formativo y divulgativo en temas de sostenibilidad por ello.   Los estudiantes del CEIP Pinar Prado de Torrejón van a dar a conocer de forma práctica las tareas que realizan en el Huerto Escolar promovido por la Asociación de madres y padres (AMPA).   Al mismo tiempo en ese 2011, Año Internacional de los Bosques se promueven acciones internacionales en pos de la ordenación sostenible, la conservación y el desarrollo de todo tipo de bosques, incluidos los árboles fuera de ellos. Los alumnos/as del CEIP Pinar Prados de Torrejón , estudiantes de la Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social y publico en general junto con el Aula de Medio Ambiente de la Concejalía de Medio Ambiente del Ayto. de Pozuelo de Alarcón contribuirán al desarrollo sostenible del planeta, mediante la plantación de árboles en el Campus de Somosaguas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. XI SEMANA DE LA CIENCIA EN LA FACULTAD DE TRABAJO SOCIAL. UCM Propuesta de Carmen Miguel Vicente, profesora del Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social (EUTS). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) en colaboración con los estudiantes de esta Escuela. El objetivo es dar a conocer las iniciativas sociales, crear conciencia social e interactuar con la Comunidad a través de estas actividades que se pueden promover en la Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social en las diferentes temáticas planteadas en la Semana de la Ciencia. El proceso de aprendizaje tiene tres momentos, sentir, pensar y actuar para concienciar, educar y comunicar teniendo como objetivo en esta XI Semana de la Ciencia el tomar mayor conciencia de que los bosques, son parte integrante del desarrollo sostenible del planeta debido a los beneficios económicos, socioculturales y ambientales que proporcionan. Con este fin, se promoverá la acción internacional en pos de la ordenación sostenible, la conservación y el desarrollo de todo tipo de bosques, incluidos los árboles fuera de ellos, Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. En la Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid se han organizado diez Talleres, que directa o indirectamente están relacionados con el medio ambiente, cuyo objetivo es adquirir conocimientos, habilidades sociales y destrezas en las relaciones interpersonales e interconectadas con medio ambiente. -9 Taller dinámico y participativo siguiendo las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Exposiciones y visitas

    Evolución de una asignatura en la WebCT

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    A través de la historia de vida, simbólicamente, se ha querido relatar la experiencia en la construcción de la asignatura de Interculturalidad un desafío para el siglo XXI en la WebCT del Campus Virtual de la Universidad Complutense. Un proyecto que ha sido compartido entre los/las estudiantes y la docente. Al mismo tiempo, se ha pretendido evidenciar la utilidad de esta herramienta para la docencia dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, y se enuncia una propuesta de promover iniciativas de espacios abiertos entre Universidades traspasando fronteras

    Government deficit sustainability, and monetary versus fiscal dominance: The case of Spain, 1850-2000

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    In this paper, we provide a test of the sustainability of the Spanish government deficit over the period 1850-2000, and examine the role played by monetary and fiscal dominance in order to get fiscal solvency. The longer than usual span of the data would allow us to obtain some more robust results on the fulfilling of the intertemporal budget constraint than in most of previous analyses. First, we analyze the relationship between primary surplus and debt, following the recent critique of Bohn (2007), and investigate the possibility of structural changes occurring along the period by means of the new approach of Kejriwal and Perron (2008). The analysis is complemented in two directions: (i) performing Granger-causality tests in order to distinguish properly between a fiscal dominant and a monetary dominant regime; and (ii) presenting the impulse-response functions of debt to innovations in the primary surplus, through the approach of Canzoneri, Cumby and Diba (2001).Fiscal policy, Sustainability, Fiscal Theory of the Price Level, Monetary dominance, Fiscal dominance.

    Is the Fisher Effect Nonlinear? Some Evidence for Spain, 1963-2002

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    In this paper we examine the role of nonlinearities in the relationship between nominal interest rates and inflation, in order to shed some additional light on the mostly unfavorable evidence on the presence of a full Fisher effect. The analysis is applied to the case of Spain for the period 1963-2002, which allows us to re-examine and extend previous results on the subject. The empirical methodology makes use of recent developments on threshold cointegration, so that cointegration between a pair of variables should be expected once a certain threshold was reached.Interest rate, Fisher effect, Threshold cointegration, nonlinearity.

    Is the Budget Deficit Sustainable when Fiscal Policy is nonlinear? The Case of Spain, 1961-2001

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    In this paper we re-examine the long-run sustainability of budget deficits, when fiscal policy is conducted as a nonlinear process. Our empirical methodology makes use of recent developments on threshold cointegration that consider the possibility of a nonlinear relationship between government revenues and expenditures. The analysis is applied to the case of Spain, a country that has recently accomplished an important fiscal consolidation. Overall, our results suggest the presence of significant nonlinear effects in Spanish fiscal policy, so that fiscal authorities would cut deficits only if they are “large”, and assuring their long-run sustainability.Fiscal policy, Sustainability, Threshold cointegration.

    Microbial profiling of a suppressiveness-induced agricultural soil amended with composted almond shells lead to isolation of new biocontrol agents

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    Vida et al., 2016. Microbial profiling of a suppressiveness-induced agricultural soil amended with composted almond shells lead to isolation of new biocontrol agents. Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 117, 2016 pp. 140-143This study focused on the microbial profile present in an agricultural soil that becomes suppressive after the application of composted almond shells (AS) as organic amendments. The role of microbes in the suppression of Rosellinia necatrix, the causative agent of avocado white root rot, was determined after heat-treatment and complementation experiments with different types of soil. Bacterial and fungal profiles based on the 16S rRNA gene and ITS sequencing, the soil under the influence of composted almond shells revealed an increase in Proteobacteria and Ascomycota groups, as well as a reduction in Acidobacteria and Xylariales (where R. necatrix is allocated). Complementary to these findings, functional analysis by GeoChip 4.6 confirmed the improvement of a group of specific probes included in the “soil benefit” category was present only in AS-amended soils, corresponding to specific microorganisms previously described as potential biocontrol agents, such as Pseudomonas spp., Burkholderia spp. or Actinobacteria. Based in such data, a model for the microbial-based suppressiveness is proposed and further isolation of representative microorganisms were performed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On the sustainability of government deficits: some long-term evidence for Spain, 1850-2000

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    We provide a test of the sustainability of the Spanish government deficit over the period 1850-2000, from the estimation of a cointegration relationship between government expenditures and revenues derived from the intertemporal budget constraint. The longer than usual span of the data allows us to obtain more robust results on the fulfilment of the intertemporal budget constraint than most of the previous analyses. Two additional robustness checks are provided. First, we investigate the possibility of structural changes occurring along the period analyzed, using the new approach of Kejriwal and Perron (2008, 2010) to testing for multiple structural changes in cointegrated regression models. Second, we investigate whether the behaviour of fiscal authorities has been non-linear, by means of the procedure of Hansen and Seo (2002) based on a threshold cointegration model. Our results show that (i) the government deficit has been strongly sustainable in the long run, (ii) no evidence is found on any significant structural break throughout the whole period, and (iii) fiscal sustainability has been attained due to the non-linear behaviour of fiscal authorities, which have only acted on the budget deficit when it has exceeded around 4.5% of GDP.fiscal policy, sustainability, structural change, threshold cointegration, nonlinearity