1,092 research outputs found

    Flood impacts on a water distribution network

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    Floods cause damage to people, buildings and infrastructures. Water distribution systems are particularly exposed, since water treatment plants are often located next to the rivers. Failure of the system leads to both direct losses, for instance damage to equipment and pipework contamination, and indirect impact, since it may lead to service disruption and thus affect populations far from the event through the functional dependencies of the network. In this work, we present an analysis of direct and indirect damages on a drinking water supply system, considering the hazard of riverine flooding as well as the exposure and vulnerability of active system components. The method is based on interweaving, through a semi-automated GIS procedure, a flood model and an EPANET-based pipe network model with a pressure-driven demand approach, which is needed when modelling water distribution networks in highly off-design conditions. Impact measures are defined and estimated so as to quantify service outage and potential pipe contamination. The method is applied to the water supply system of the city of Florence, Italy, serving approximately 380 000 inhabitants. The evaluation of flood impact on the water distribution network is carried out for different events with assigned recurrence intervals. Vulnerable elements exposed to the flood are identified and analysed in order to estimate their residual functionality and to simulate failure scenarios. Results show that in the worst failure scenario (no residual functionality of the lifting station and a 500-year flood), 420 km of pipework would require disinfection with an estimated cost of EUR 21 million, which is about 0.5 % of the direct flood losses evaluated for buildings and contents. Moreover, if flood impacts on the water distribution network are considered, the population affected by the flood is up to 3 times the population directly flooded

    Power System Stability Analysis of the Sicilian Network in the 2050 OSMOSE Project Scenario †

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    This paper summarizes the results of a power system stability analysis realized for the EU project OSMOSE. The case study is the electrical network of Sicily, one of the two main islands of Italy, in a scenario forecasted for 2050, with a large penetration of renewable generation. The objective is to establish if angle and voltage stabilities can be guaranteed despite the loss of the inertia and the regulation services provided today by traditional thermal power plants. To replace these resources, new flexibility services, potentially provided by renewable energy power plants, battery energy storage systems, and flexible loads, are taken into account. A highly detailed dynamical model of the electrical grid, provided by the same transmission system operator who manages the system, is modified to fit with the 2050 scenario and integrated with the models of the mentioned flexibility services. Thanks to this dynamic model, an extensive simulation analysis on large and small perturbation angle stability and voltage stability is carried out. Results show that stability can be guaranteed, but the use of a suitable combination of the new flexibility services is mandatory

    The Role of Serotonin in Fear Learning and Memory: A Systematic Review of Human Studies

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    Fear is characterized by distinct behavioral and physiological responses that are essential for the survival of the human species. Fear conditioning (FC) serves as a valuable model for studying the acquisition, extinction, and expression of fear. The serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) system is known to play a significant role in emotional and motivational aspects of human behavior, including fear learning and expression. Accumulating evidence from both animal and human studies suggests that brain regions involved in FC, such as the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex, possess a high density of 5-HT receptors, implicating the crucial involvement of serotonin in aversive learning. Additionally, studies exploring serotonin gene polymorphisms have indicated their potential influence on FC. Therefore, the objective of this work was to review the existing evidence linking 5-HT with fear learning and memory in humans. Through a comprehensive screening of the PubMed and Web of Science databases, 29 relevant studies were included in the final review. These studies investigated the relationship between serotonin and fear learning using drug manipulations or by studying 5-HT-related gene polymorphisms. The results suggest that elevated levels of 5-HT enhance aversive learning, indicating that the modulation of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors regulates the expression of fear responses in humans. Understanding the role of this neurochemical messenger in associative aversive learning can provide insights into psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among others

    An Affordable Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Concept for Rehabilitation Applications

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    In recent decades, many researchers have focused on the design and development of exoskeletons. Several strategies have been proposed to develop increasingly more efficient and biomimetic mechanisms. However, existing exoskeletons tend to be expensive and only available for a few people. This paper introduces a new gravity-balanced upper-limb exoskeleton suited for rehabilitation applications and designed with the main objective of reducing the cost of the components and materials. Regarding mechanics, the proposed design significantly reduces the motor torque requirements, because a high cost is usually associated with high-torque actuation. Regarding the electronics, we aim to exploit the microprocessor peripherals to obtain parallel and real-time execution of communication and control tasks without relying on expensive RTOSs. Regarding sensing, we avoid the use of expensive force sensors. Advanced control and rehabilitation features are implemented, and an intuitive user interface is developed. To experimentally validate the functionality of the proposed exoskeleton, a rehabilitation exercise in the form of a pick-and-place task is considered. Experimentally, peak torques are reduced by 89% for the shoulder and by 84% for the elbow

    Effects of losartan treatment on cardiac autonomic control during volume loading in patients with DCM

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    This study evaluated the effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade on cardiac autonomic control adaptation and urine output in response to acute isotonic volume load in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and asymptomatic to mildly symptomatic heart failure. Left ventricular volumes and heart rate variability measurements were assessed at baseline and during intravenous saline load in 14 patients before and after 2 mo of losartan treatment. After losartan treatment, blood pressure values were lower, whereas left ventricular ejection fraction was higher (F = 79, P50 ms) decreased during saline load in untreated patients (F = 3.1, P< 0.05 and F = 6.5, P< 0.01, respectively), but not after losartan. Similarly, a decrease in very low frequency (F = 3.2, P< 0.05), low-frequency (F = 2.9, P< 0.05), and high-frequency power (F = 6.1, P< 0.01) after saline load was observed only in untreated patients. In patients with DCM, losartan treatment improves the cardiac autonomic adaptation and increases urine output in response to volume overload

    Field-driven femtosecond magnetization dynamics induced by ultrastrong coupling to THz transients

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    Controlling ultrafast magnetization dynamics by a femtosecond laser is attracting interest both in fundamental science and industry because of the potential to achieve magnetic domain switching at ever advanced speed. Here we report experiments illustrating the ultrastrong and fully coherent light-matter coupling of a high-field single-cycle THz transient to the magnetization vector in a ferromagnetic thin film. We could visualize magnetization dynamics which occur on a timescale of the THz laser cycle and two orders of magnitude faster than the natural precession response of electrons to an external magnetic field, given by the Larmor frequency. We show that for one particular scattering geometry the strong coherent optical coupling can be described within the framework of a renormalized Landau Lifshitz equation. In addition to fundamentally new insights to ultrafast magnetization dynamics the coherent interaction allows for retrieving the complex time-frequency magnetic properties and points out new opportunities in data storage technology towards significantly higher storage speed.Comment: 25 page
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