63 research outputs found

    Resolving Cosmological Singularities

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    We find a simple modification of the longitudinal mode in General Relativity which incorporates the idea of limiting curvature. In this case the singularities in contracting Friedmann and Kasner universes are avoided, and instead, the universe has a regular bounce which takes place during the time inversely proportional to the square root of the limiting curvature. Away from the bounce, corrections to General Relativity are negligible. In addition the non-singluar modification of General Relativity delivers for free a realistic candidate for Dark Matter.Comment: 15 page

    Nonsingular Black Hole

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    We consider the Schwarzschild black hole and show how, in a theory with limiting curvature, the physical singularity "inside it" is removed. The resulting spacetime is geodesically complete. The internal structure of this nonsingular black hole is analogus to Russian nesting dolls. Namely, after falling into the black hole of radius rgr_{g}, an observer, instead of being destroyed at the singularity, gets for a short time into the region with limiting curvature. After that he re-emerges in the near horizon region of a spacetime described by the Schwarzschild metric of a gravitational radius proportional to rg1/3r_{g}^{1/3}. In the next cycle, after passing the limiting curvature, the observer finds himself within a black hole of even smaller radius proportional to rg1/9r_{g}^{1/9}, and so on. Finally after few cycles he will end up in the spacetime where he remains forever at limiting curvature.Comment: 21 page

    Hidden Ghost in Massive gravity

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    The Hessian's determinant for a version of massive gravity given by an infinite expansion of a square root function of the induced metric, vanishes. We show that it allows us to eliminate one of four scalar fields used to generate the graviton mass. This, however, gives rise to the appearance of extra terms in the action with the squared time derivative of the metric, thus signaling that a nonlinear ghost survives.We demonstrate this phenomenon considering a simple system with constraint, which is supposed to reduces the number of physical degrees of freedom, however, we explicitly show how the constraint forces the metric to propagate an extra tachyonic state.Comment: 17 page

    On Unification of Gravity and Gauge Interactions

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    Considering a higher dimensional Lorentz group as the tangent symmetry, we unify gravity and gauge interactions in a natural way. The spin connection of the gauged Lorentz group is then responsible for both gravity and gauge fields, and the action for the gauged fields becomes part of the spin curvature squared. The realistic group which unifies all known particles and interactions is the SO(1,13)SO(1,13) Lorentz group whose gauge part leads to SO(10)SO(10) grand unified theory and contains double the number of required fermions in the fundamental spinor representation. Mirror fermions could acquire mass utilizing a mechanism employed for topological superconductors. Family unification could be achieved by considering the SO(1,21)SO(1,21) Lorentz group.Comment: 17 pages. Mirror fermions now acquire masses utilizing a mechanism employed for topological superconductor

    Mimetic Dark Matter

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    We reformulate Einstein's theory of gravity, isolating the conformal degree of freedom in a covariant way. This is done by introducing a physical metric defined in terms of an auxiliary metric and a scalar field appearing through its first derivatives. The resulting equations of motion split into a traceless equation obtained through variation with respect to the auxiliary metric and an additional differential equation for the trace part. As a result the conformal degree of freedom becomes dynamical even in the absence of matter. We show that this extra degree of freedom can mimic cold dark matter.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Cosmological Perturbations: Predictions and Observations

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    I consider the generic model independent predictions of the theory of quantum cosmological perturbations. To describe the stage of cosmic inflation, where these perturbations are amplified, the hydrodynamical approch is used. The inflationary stage is completely characterized by the deviation of the equation of state from cosmological constant which is a smooth function of the number of e-folds until the end of inflation. It is shown that in this case the spectral index should deviate from the flat one at least by 3 percent irrespective of any particular scenario. Given the value of the spectral index the lower bound on the amount of the gravitational waves produced is derived. Finally the relation between effective hydrodynamical description of inflation and inflationary scenarios is discussed
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