40 research outputs found

    The nature of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer adsorption on sputtered gold substrates

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    A detailed study of the self-assembly and coverage by 1-nonanethiol of sputtered Au surfaces using molecular resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is presented. The monolayer self-assembles on a smooth Au surface composed predominantly of {111} oriented grains. The domains of the alkanethiol monolayer are observed with sizes typically of 5-25 nm, and multiple molecular domains can exist within one Au grain. STM imaging shows that the (4 × 2) superlattice structure is observed as a (3 × 2√3) structure when imaged under noncontact AFM conditions. The 1-nonanethiol molecules reside in the threefold hollow sites of the Au{111} lattice and aligned along its lattice vectors. The self-assembled monolayer (SAM) contains many nonuniformities such as pinholes, domain boundaries, and monatomic depressions which are present in the Au surface prior to SAM adsorption. The detailed observations demonstrate limitations to the application of 1-nonanethiol as a resist in atomic nanolithography experiments to feature sizes of ∼20 nm

    Writing self-assembled monolayers with Cs: Optimization of atomic nanolithography imaging using self-assembled monolayers on gold substrates

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    We report the results of a study into the factors controlling the quality of nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent postetch pattern definition, and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in material mask atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find that sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111}-oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. Phase imaging with an atomic force microscope shows that the quality and percentage coverage of SAM adsorption are much greater for sputtered Au surfaces. Exposure of the self-assembled monolayer to an optically cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks mounted a few microns above the self-assembled monolayer surface allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per self-assembled monolayer molecule) to write the monolayer. Suitable wet etching, with etch rates of 2.2 nm min-1, results in optimized pattern definition. Utilizing these optimizations, material mask features as small as 230 nm in diameter with a fractional depth gradient of 0.820 nm were realized

    Optical response of nanostructured surfaces: experimental investigation of the composite diffracted evanescent wave model

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    The past decade has seen a rapidly developing interest in the response of subwavelength-structured surfaces to optical excitation. Many studies have interpreted the optical coupling to the surface in terms of surface plasmon polaritons, but recently another approach involving diffraction of surface evanescent waves, the Composite Diffractive Evanescent Wave (CDEW) model has been proposed. We present here a series of measurements on very simple one-dimensional (1-D) subwavelength structures with the aim of testing key properties of the surface waves predicted by the CDEW model

    The optical response of nanostructured surfaces and the composite diffracted evanescent wave model

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    Investigations of the optical response of subwavelength-structure arrays milled into thin metal films have revealed surprising phenomena, including reports of unexpectedly high transmission of light. Many studies have interpreted the optical coupling to the surface in terms of the resonant excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), but other approaches involving composite diffraction of surface evanescent waves (CDEW) have also been proposed. Here we present a series of measurements on very simple one-dimensional subwavelength structures to test the key properties of the surface waves, and compare them to the CDEW and SPP models. We find that the optical response of the silver metal surface proceeds in two steps: a diffractive perturbation in the immediate vicinity (2–3 mu m) of the structure, followed by excitation of a persistent surface wave that propagates over tens of micrometres. The measured wavelength and phase of this persistent wave are significantly shifted from those expected for resonance excitation of a conventional SPP on a pure silver surface

    Surface wave generation and propagation on metallic subwavelength structures measured by far-field interferometry

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    Transmission spectra of metallic films or membranes perforated by arrays of subwavelength slits or holes have been widely interpreted as resonance absorption by surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Alternative interpretations involving evanescent waves diffracted on the surface have also been proposed. These two approaches lead to divergent predictions for some surface wave properties. Using far-field interferometry, we have carried out a series of measurements on elementary one-dimensional (1-D) subwavelength structures with the aim of testing key properties of the surface waves and comparing them to predictions of these two points of view

    Atomic nanolithography patterning of submicron features: writing an organic self-assembled monolayer with cold bright Cs atom beams

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    Cs atom beams, transversely collimated and cooled, passing through material masks in the form of arrays of reactive-ion-etched hollow Si pyramidal tips and optical masks formed by intense standing light waves, write submicron features on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Features with widths as narrow as 43 ± 6 nm and spatial resolution limited only by the grain boundaries of the substrate have been realized in SAMs of alkanethiols. The material masks write two-dimensional arrays of submicron holes; the optical masks result in parallel lines spaced by half the optical wavelength. Both types of feature are written to the substrate by exposure of the masked SAM to the Cs flux and a subsequent wet chemical etch. For the arrays of pyramidal tips, acting as passive shadow masks, the resolution and size of the resultant feature depends on the distance of the mask array from the SAM, an effect caused by the residual divergence of the Cs atom beam. The standing wave optical mask acts as an array of microlenses focusing the atom flux onto the substrate. Atom 'pencils' writing on SAMs have the potential to create arbitrary submicron figures in massively parallel arrays. The smallest features and highest resolutions were realized with SAMs grown on smooth, sputtered gold substrates

    Advancing atomic nanolithography: cold atomic Cs beam exposure of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers

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    We report the results of a study into the quality of functionalized surfaces for nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent post-etch pattern definition and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111} oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. A detailed study of the self-assembly mechanism using molecular resolution AFM and STM has shown that the monolayer is composed of domains with sizes typically of 5-25 nm, and multiple molecular domains can exist within one Au grain. Exposure of the SAM to an optically-cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks ans also standing wave optical masks allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per SAM molecule) and the realization of < 50 nm structures. The SAM monolayer contains many non-uniformities such as pin-holes, domain boundaries and monoatomic depressions which are present in the Au surface prior to SAM adsorption. These imperfections limit the use of alkanethiols as a resist in atomic nanolithography experiments. These studies have allowed us to realize an Atom Pencil suitable for deposition of precision quantities of material at the microand nanoscale to an active surface

    Bose-Einstein condensation in dark power-law laser traps

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    We investigate theoretically an original route to achieve Bose-Einstein condensation using dark power-law laser traps. We propose to create such traps with two crossing blue-detuned Laguerre-Gaussian optical beams. Controlling their azimuthal order â„“\ell allows for the exploration of a multitude of power-law trapping situations in one, two and three dimensions, ranging from the usual harmonic trap to an almost square-well potential, in which a quasi-homogeneous Bose gas can be formed. The usual cigar-shaped and disk-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates obtained in a 1D or 2D harmonic trap take the generic form of a "finger" or of a "hockey puck" in such Laguerre-Gaussian traps. In addition, for a fixed atom number, higher transition temperatures are obtained in such configurations when compared with a harmonic trap of same volume. This effect, which results in a substantial acceleration of the condensation dynamics, requires a better but still reasonable focusing of the Laguerre-Gaussian beams

    The atom pencil: serial writing in the sub-micrometre domain

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    The atom pencil we describe here is a versatile tool that writes arbitrary structures by atomic deposition in a serial lithographic process. This device consists of a transversely laser-cooled and collimated cesium atomic beam that passes through a 4-pole atom-flux concentrator and impinges on to micron- and sub-micron-sized apertures. The aperture translates above a fixed substrate and enables the writing of sharp features with sizes down to 280 nm. We have investigated the writing and clogging properties of an atom pencil tip fabricated from silicon oxide pyramids perforated at the tip apex with a sub-micron aperture