34 research outputs found

    ‘No memory, no desire’: psychoanalysis in Brazil during repressive times

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    Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in histories of psychoanalysis. Not only is this history long and rich in its professional and cultural dimensions, but there was an especially important ‘event’ – the so-called ‘Cabernite-Lobo affair’ – that took place during the period of the military dictatorship, which can be seen as dramatising some of the issues concerning the erasure of memory in psychoanalysis, especially in connection with political difficulties. In this paper, we provide an outline of the origins and dissemination of psychoanalysis in Brazil before looking again at the Cabernite-Lobo affair in order to examine in a situated way how psychoanalysis engages with political extremism, and particularly to explore the consequences of an unthinking generalisation of the idea of ‘neutrality’ from the consulting room to the institutional setting. We draw especially on Brazilian papers in Portuguese, which have not been accessible in the English-language psychoanalytic literature

    Initial Phase Modelling In Numerical Explosion Applied To Process Safety

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    The utilisation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in process safety has increased significantly in recent years. The modelling of accidental explosion via CFD has in many cases replaced the classical Multi Energy and Brake Strehlow methods. The benefits obtained with CFD modelling can be diminished if proper modelling of the initial phase of explosion is neglected. In the early stages of an explosion, the flame propagates in a quasi-laminar regime. Proper modelling of the initial laminar phase is a key aspect in order to predict the peak pressure and the time to peak pressure. The present work suggests a modelling approach for the initial laminar phase in explosion scenarios. Findings are compared with experimental data for two classical explosion test cases which resemble the common features in chemical process areas (confinement and congestion). A detailed analysis of the threshold for the transition from laminar to turbulent regime is also carried out. The modelling is implemented in a fully 3D Navier-Stokes compressible formulation. Combustion is treated using a laminar flamelet approach based on the Bray, Moss and Libby (BML) formulation. A novel modified porosity approach developed for the unstructured solver is also considered. Results agree satisfactorily with experiments and the modelling is found to be robust.926590597Abu-Orf, G.M.O., (1996) Laminar Flamelet Reaction Rate Modelling for Spark Ignition Enginges, , UMIST, UK, Ph.D. ThesisArntzen, B.J., (1998) Modelling of Turbulence and Combustion for Simulation of Gas Explosions in Complex Geometries, , The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Division of Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics, Norway, Ph.D. ThesisAtkinson, G., Cusco, L., Buncefield. A violent, episodic vapour cloud explosion (2011) Process Saf. Environ. Prot., 89, pp. 360-370Bakke, J.R., Hjertager, B.H., The effect of explosion venting in empty volumes (1987) Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp. 129-140Bakke, J.R., Hjertager, B.H., The effect of explosion venting in obstructed channels (1986) Modell. Simul. Eng., pp. 237-241Bimson, S.J., Bull, D.C., Cresswell, T.M., Narks, P.R., Masters, A.P., Prothero, A., Puttock, J.S., Samuel, B., An experimental study of the physics of gaseous deflagration in a very large vented enclosure (1993) 14th Int. Colloq. on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, pp. 237-241. , 1-6, August 1993, Coimbra.PortugalBray, K.N.C., Libby, P.A., Moss, J.B., Flamelet crossing frequencies and mean reaction rates in premixed turbulent combustion (1984) Combust. Sci. Technol., 41, pp. 143-172Bray, K.N.C., Libby, P.A., Moss, J.B., Unified modelling approach for premixed turbulent combustion - Part I: General formulation (1985) Combust. Flame, 61, pp. 87-102Cant, R.S., Dawes, W.N., Savill, A.M., Advanced CFD modelling of accidental explosions (2004) Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 36, pp. 97-119Ciccarelli, G., Dorofeev, S., Flame acceleration and transition to detonation in ducts (2008) Prog. Energy Combust. Sci., 34, pp. 499-550Dawes, W.N., The practical application of solution-adaption to the numerical simulation of complex turbomachinery problems (1992) Prog. Aerospace Sci, 29, pp. 221-269Heidari, A., Ferraris, S., Wen, J.X., Tam, V.H.Y., Numerical simulation of hydrogen detonation (2011) Int. J. Hydrogen Energy., 36, pp. 2538-2544Ibrahim, S.S., Gubba, S.R., Malalasekera, W., Calculation of explosion deflagrating flames using a dynamics flame surface density model (2009) J. Loss Prey. Proc. Ind., 22, pp. 258-264Jameson, A., Baker, T., Improvements to the aircraft Euler method (1997) AIAA Paper, pp. 87-0452Johansen, C., Ciccarelli, G., Modelling the initial flame acceleration in an obstructured channel using large Eddy simulation (2013) J. Loss Prey. Ind., 26, pp. 571-585Lowesmith, B.J., Hankison, G., Johnson, D.M., Vapour cloud explosions in a long congested region involving methane/hydrogen mixtures (2011) Process Saf. Environ. Prot, 89, pp. 234-247Mercx, W.P.M., Van Den Berg, A.C., (1994) Mouilleau Y. Modelling and Experimental Research Into Gas Explosions, pp. 234-247. , TNO Report PML 1993-C137Ogawa, T., Gamezo, V.N., Oran, E.S., Flame acceleration and transition to detonation in an array of square obstacles (2013) J. Loss Prey. Proc. Ind., 26, pp. 355-362Rahide, M., Aubry, N., Sivashinsky, G.I., Lima, R., Formation of wrinkles in outwardly propagating flames (1995) Phy. Rev., 52, pp. 3675-3686Saeter, O., (1998) Modelling and Simulation of Gas Explosion in Complex Geometries, pp. 3675-3686. , Telemark College. Department of Technology. Institute of Process Technology, Norway, Ph.D. ThesisSarli, V.D., Benedetto, A.D., Russo, G., Sub-grid scale combustion models for large Eddy simulation of unsteady premixed propagation around obstacles (2010) J. Hazardous Mater., 180, pp. 71-78Shepherd, J.E., Detonation in gases (2009) Proc. Combust. Inst., 32, pp. 83-98Venart, J.E.S., Flixborough: The explosion and its aftermath (2004) Process Saf. Environ. Prot., 82 (2), pp. 105-127Vianna, S.S.V., Cant, R.S., Explosion pressure prediction via polynomial mathematical correlation based on advanced CFD Modelling (2012) J. Loss Prey. Proc. Ind., 25, pp. 81-89Vianna, S.S.V., Cant, R.S., Modified porosity approach and laminar flamelet model for advanced numerical explosion (2010) J. Loss Prey. Proc. Ind., 23, pp. 3-14Wada, Y., Kuwana, K., A numerical method to predict flame fractal dimension during gas explosion (2013) J. Loss Prey. Ind., 26, pp. 392-39

    Achados ultrassonográficos da glândula mamária de cabras naturalmente infectadas com o vírus da artrite encefalite caprina

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    RESUMO A artrite encefalite caprina é uma virose que está distribuída mundialmente nos rebanhos. Na forma mamária, é predominante a mastite crônica, que pode causar assimetria e endurecimento do úbere, mais conhecida como mastite endurativa crônica, levando à redução na produção leiteira. A ultrassonografia é um bom método de avaliação da glândula mamária, pois consiste em uma técnica não invasiva, rápida e de fácil aplicação. Este estudo objetivou avaliar as características ultrassonográficas (escala de cinza, ecogenicidade e homogeneidade) do parênquima mamário de 20 cabras sororreagentes e 20 não sororreagentes para o vírus da artrite encefalite caprina. Observou-se que o diâmetro médio dos linfonodos retromamários de animais sororreagentes (0,72cm) para o vírus da artrite encefalite caprina foi menor (P=0,02) que o dos animais não sororreagentes (0,93cm). Na análise entre as porções do úbere, os valores da escala de cinza do terço distal da porção caudal do parênquima mamário foram maiores nos animais sororreagentes (P0,05), exibindo em sua maioria padrões hipoecoicos e heterogêneos. Diante dos resultados, o presente estudo aponta indícios de que a artrite encefalite caprina pode causar alterações na escala de cinza mensuráveis pela ultrassonografia, a qual pode ser utilizada como método auxiliar eficiente e não invasivo no monitoramento e diagnóstico precoce da mastite endurativa