44 research outputs found

    N-acetylcysteine protects against motor, optomotor and morphological deficits induced by 6-OHDA in zebrafish larvae

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. In addition to its highly debilitating motor symptoms, non-motor symptoms may precede their motor counterparts by many years, which may characterize a prodromal phase of PD. A potential pharmacological strategy is to introduce neuroprotective agents at an earlier stage in order to prevent further neuronal death. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been used against paracetamol overdose hepatotoxicity by restoring hepatic concentrations of glutathione (GSH), and as a mucolytic in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by reducing disulfide bonds in mucoproteins. It has been shown to be safe for humans at high doses. More recently, several studies have evidenced that NAC has a multifaceted mechanism of action, presenting indirect antioxidant effect by acting as a GSH precursor, besides its anti-inflammatory and neurotrophic effects. Moreover, NAC modulates glutamate release through activation of the cystine-glutamate antiporter in extrasynaptic astrocytes. Its therapeutic benefits have been demonstrated in clinical trials for several neuropsychiatric conditions but has not been tested in PD models yet. Methods: In this study, we evaluated the potential of NAC to prevent the damage induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on motor, optomotor and morphological parameters in a PD model in larval zebrafish. Results: NAC was able to prevent the motor deficits (total distance, mean speed, maximum acceleration, absolute turn angle and immobility time), optomotor response impairment and morphological alterations (total length and head length) caused by exposure to 6-OHDA, which reinforce and broaden the relevance of its neuroprotective effects. Discussion: NAC acts in different targets relevant to PD pathophysiology. Further studies and clinical trials are needed to assess this agent as a candidate for prevention and adjunctive treatment of PD

    Increased training prevents the impairing effect of intra-amygdala infusion of the non-NMDA receptor antagonist CNQX on inhibitory avoidance expression

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    Intra-amygdala infusion of the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) prior to testing impairs inhibitory avoidance retention test performance. Increased training attenuates the impairing effects of amygdala lesions and intra-amygdala infusions of CNQX. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of additional training on the impairing effects of intra-amygdala CNQX on expression of the inhibitory avoidance task. Adult female Wistar rats bilaterally implanted with cannulae into the border between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were submitted to a single session or to three training sessions (0.2 mA, 24-h interval between sessions) in a step-down inhibitory avoidance task. A retention test session was held 48 h after the last training. Ten minutes prior to the retention test session, the animals received a 0.5-µl infusion of CNQX (0.5 µg) or its vehicle (25% dimethylsulfoxide in saline). The CNQX infusion impaired, but did not block, retention test performance in animals submitted to a single training session. Additional training prevented the impairing effect of CNQX. The results suggest that amygdaloid non-NMDA receptors may not be critical for memory expression in animals given increased training

    Memory deficits in adult rats following postnatal iron administration

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    Two experiments investigated the effects of Fe2+, administered postnatally to rat pups on days 10–12, upon tests of memory performance and motor behaviour. In experiment I, Wistar rat pups were administered Fe2+ at doses of either 2.5, 7.5, 15.0 or 30.0 mg/kg, or vehicle, postnatally, and tested in the open-field at 3 months of age, followed 6 weeks later by testing in the radial arm maze. In the open-field test, only the 30.0 mg/kg Fe2+ group showed a significantly decreased number of ambulations, but not rearings. In the radial arm maze, all four dose groups, demonstrated deficits in acquisition performance from test days 3 to 5. Retention quotients confirmed the cognitive deficits over all four Fe2+ groups. In experiment II, rats were administered either 2.5, 7.5 or 22.5 mg Fe2+ per kg, or vehicle, postnatally, and tested in the inhibitory avoidance (IA) conditioning and retention test at 3 months of age. In the IA conditioning test, groups were either given five 10-min preexposures to the test chamber (preexposed) or simply moved to another cage (non-preexposed). IA retention was blocked in non-preexposed rats administered 7.5 and 22.5 mg Fe2+ per kg whereas in preexposed rats the 7.5 mg/kg group did not differ from the control (vehicle) group, although the preexposed control group showed significantly better retention than the non-preexposed control group. Postnatal iron administration appears to induce long-lasting detrimental effects upon performance of both appetitively and negatively reinforced tests of memory. Analysis of iron content indicated significant increases in the substantia nigra of the 7.5, 15.0 and 30.0 mg/kg dose groups, but not in the 2.5 mg/kg dose group. Postnatal iron administration appears to induce far-reaching effects upon the performance of certain learned behaviours

    Separate mechanisms for short- and long-term memory

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    It has been assumed for over a century that short-term memory (STM) processes are in charge of cognition while long-term memory (LTM) is being formed, a process that takes hours. A major question is whether STM is merely a step towards LTM, or a separate entity. Recent experiments have shown that many treatments with specific molecular actions given into the hippocampus, entorhinal or parietal cortex immediately after one-trial avoidance training can effectively block STM without affecting LTM formation. This shows that STM and LTM involve separate mechanisms. Some treatments even affect STM and LTM in opposite directions. Others, however, influence both memory types similarly, suggesting links between the two both at the receptor and at the post-receptor level. Drug effects on working memory (WM) were also studied. In some brain regions WM is affected by receptor blockers that alter either STM or LTM; in others it is not. This suggests links between the three memory types at the receptor level. The anterolateral prefrontal cortex is crucial for WM and LTM but is not involved in STM. The hippocampus, entorhinal and parietal cortex are crucial for the three types of memory, in some cases using different receptors for each. The amygdala is not involved in WM or STM, but it plays a key role in the modulation of the early phase of LTM