6,434 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions and Their Interaction with Dislocations in Silicon

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    In this paper, phase transformations (PTs) in silicon were investigated through molecular dynamics (MD) using Tersoff potential. In the first step, simulations of PTs in single crystal silicon under various stress-controlled loading were carried out. Results shows that all instability points under various stress states are described by criteria, which are linear in the space of normal stresses. There is a region in the stress space in which conditions for direct and reverse PTs coincide and a unique homogeneous phase transition (without nucleation) can be realized. Finally, phase transition in bi-crystalline silicon with a dislocation pileup along the grain boundary (GB) was carried out. Results showed that the phase transition pressure first decreases linearly with the number of dislocation pileups and then reaches a plateau with the accumulation of dislocations in the pileup. The maximum reduction of phase transition pressure is 30% compared to that for perfect single crystalline silicon

    Extremes of Gaussian random fields with regularly varying dependence structure

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    Let be a centered Gaussian random field with variance function sigma (2)(ai...) that attains its maximum at the unique point , and let . For a compact subset of a"e, the current literature explains the asymptotic tail behaviour of under some regularity conditions including that 1 - sigma(t) has a polynomial decrease to 0 as t -> t (0). In this contribution we consider more general case that 1 - sigma(t) is regularly varying at t (0). We extend our analysis to Gaussian random fields defined on some compact set , deriving the exact tail asymptotics of for the class of Gaussian random fields with variance and correlation functions being regularly varying at t (0). A crucial novel element is the analysis of families of Gaussian random fields that do not possess locally additive dependence structures, which leads to qualitatively new types of asymptotics

    Characterizing Operations Preserving Separability Measures via Linear Preserver Problems

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    We use classical results from the theory of linear preserver problems to characterize operators that send the set of pure states with Schmidt rank no greater than k back into itself, extending known results characterizing operators that send separable pure states to separable pure states. We also provide a new proof of an analogous statement in the multipartite setting. We use these results to develop a bipartite version of a classical result about the structure of maps that preserve rank-1 operators and then characterize the isometries for two families of norms that have recently been studied in quantum information theory. We see in particular that for k at least 2 the operator norms induced by states with Schmidt rank k are invariant only under local unitaries, the swap operator and the transpose map. However, in the k = 1 case there is an additional isometry: the partial transpose map.Comment: 16 pages, typos corrected, references added, proof of Theorem 4.3 simplified and clarifie

    Rap1 up-regulation and activation on plasma membrane regulates T cell adhesion

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    Rap1 and Ras are closely related GTPases that share some effectors but have distinct functions. We studied the subcellular localization of Rap1 and its sites of activation in living cells. Both GFP-tagged Rap1 and endogenous Rap1 were localized to the plasma membrane (PM) and endosomes. The PM association of GFP-Rap1 was dependent on GTP binding, and GFP-Rap1 was rapidly up-regulated on this compartment in response to mitogens, a process blocked by inhibitors of endosome recycling. A novel fluorescent probe for GTP-bound Rap1 revealed that this GTPase was transiently activated only on the PM of both fibroblasts and T cells. Activation on the PM was blocked by inhibitors of endosome recycling. Moreover, inhibition of endosome recycling blocked the ability of Rap1 to promote integrin-mediated adhesion of T cells. Thus, unlike Ras, the membrane localizations of Rap1 are dynamically regulated, and the PM is the principle platform from which Rap1 signaling emanates. These observations may explain some of the biological differences between these GTPases

    Coral mucus rapidly induces chemokinesis and genome-wide transcriptional shifts toward early pathogenesis in a bacterial coral pathogen.

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    Elevated seawater temperatures have contributed to the rise of coral disease mediated by bacterial pathogens, such as the globally distributed Vibrio coralliilyticus, which utilizes coral mucus as a chemical cue to locate stressed corals. However, the physiological events in the pathogens that follow their entry into the coral host environment remain unknown. Here, we present simultaneous measurements of the behavioral and transcriptional responses of V. coralliilyticus BAA-450 incubated in coral mucus. Video microscopy revealed a strong and rapid chemokinetic behavioral response by the pathogen, characterized by a two-fold increase in average swimming speed within 6 min of coral mucus exposure. RNA sequencing showed that this bacterial behavior was accompanied by an equally rapid differential expression of 53% of the genes in the V. coralliilyticus genome. Specifically, transcript abundance 10 min after mucus exposure showed upregulation of genes involved in quorum sensing, biofilm formation, and nutrient metabolism, and downregulation of flagella synthesis and chemotaxis genes. After 60 min, we observed upregulation of genes associated with virulence, including zinc metalloproteases responsible for causing coral tissue damage and algal symbiont photoinactivation, and secretion systems that may export toxins. Together, our results suggest that V. coralliilyticus employs a suite of behavioral and transcriptional responses to rapidly shift into a distinct infection mode within minutes of exposure to the coral microenvironment

    Fifty years of spellchecking

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    A short history of spellchecking from the late 1950s to the present day, describing its development through dictionary lookup, affix stripping, correction, confusion sets, and edit distance to the use of gigantic databases

    Griffiths singularities in the two dimensional diluted Ising model

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    We study numerically the probability distribution of the Yang-Lee zeroes inside the Griffiths phase for the two dimensional site diluted Ising model and we check that the shape of this distribution is that predicted in previous analytical works. By studying the finite size scaling of the averaged smallest zero at the phase transition we extract, for two values of the dilution, the anomalous dimension, η\eta, which agrees very well with the previous estimated values.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, some minor changes in Fig. 4, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Global-Vector Representation of the Angular Motion of Few-Particle Systems II

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    The angular motion of a few-body system is described with global vectors which depend on the positions of the particles. The previous study using a single global vector is extended to make it possible to describe both natural and unnatural parity states. Numerical examples include three- and four-nucleon systems interacting via nucleon-nucleon potentials of AV8 type and a 3α\alpha system with a nonlocal αα\alpha\alpha potential. The results using the explicitly correlated Gaussian basis with the global vectors are shown to be in good agreement with those of other methods. A unique role of the unnatural parity component, caused by the tensor force, is clarified in the 010^-_1 state of 4^4He. Two-particle correlation function is calculated in the coordinate and momentum spaces to show different characteristics of the interactions employed.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Qubit portrait of the photon-number tomogram and separability of two-mode light states

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    In view of the photon-number tomograms of two-mode light states, using the qubit-portrait method for studying the probability distributions with infinite outputs, the separability and entanglement detection of the states are studied. Examples of entangled Gaussian state and Schr\"{o}dinger cat state are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, TeX file, to appear in Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measure and probability representation of quantum mechanics

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    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measures (SIC-POVMs) are studied within the framework of the probability representation of quantum mechanics. A SIC-POVM is shown to be a special case of the probability representation. The problem of SIC-POVM existence is formulated in terms of symbols of operators associated with a star-product quantization scheme. We show that SIC-POVMs (if they do exist) must obey general rules of the star product, and, starting from this fact, we derive new relations on SIC-projectors. The case of qubits is considered in detail, in particular, the relation between the SIC probability representation and other probability representations is established, the connection with mutually unbiased bases is discussed, and comments to the Lie algebraic structure of SIC-POVMs are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, partially presented at the Workshop "Nonlinearity and Coherence in Classical and Quantum Systems" held at the University "Federico II" in Naples, Italy on December 4, 2009 in honor of Prof. Margarita A. Man'ko in connection with her 70th birthday, minor misprints are corrected in the second versio