11 research outputs found

    The San Carlo Colossus: An Insight into the Mild Galvanic Coupling between Wrought Iron and Copper

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    : The San Carlo Colossus, known as San Carlone, is a monument constituted by an internal stone pillar support to which a wrought iron structure is attached. Embossed copper sheets are fixed to the iron structure to give the final shape to the monument. After more than 300 years of outdoor exposure, this statue represents an opportunity for an in-depth investigation of long-term galvanic coupling between wrought iron and copper. Most iron elements of the San Carlone appeared in good conservation conditions with scarce evidence of galvanic corrosion. In some cases, the same iron bars presented some portions in good conservation conditions and other nearby portions with active corrosion. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible factors correlated with such mild galvanic corrosion of wrought iron elements despite the widespread direct contact with copper for more than 300 years. Optical and electronic microscopy and compositional analyses were carried out on representative samples. Furthermore, polarisation resistance measurements were performed both on-site and in a laboratory. The results revealed that the iron bulk composition showed a ferritic microstructure with coarse grains. On the other hand, the surface corrosion products were mainly composed of goethite and lepidocrocite. Electrochemical analyses showed good corrosion resistance of both the bulk and surface of the wrought iron, and galvanic corrosion is not occurring probably due to the iron's relatively noble corrosion potential. The few areas where iron corrosion was observed are apparently related to environmental factors, such as the presence of thick deposits and to the presence of hygroscopic deposits that create localized microclimatic conditions on the surface of the monument

    Automated deployment and scaling of automotive safety services in 5G-Transformer

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    There is a growing interest of verticals (in this case, the automotive industry) to reap the benefits of 5G networks. At the same time, there is a clear trend of the telco industry to under-stand their needs. These are also some of the main goals of the EU 5G-TRANSFORMER (5GT) project. This demo focuses on the need of verticals to dynamically deploy services at the edge and to adapt the vertical service to network operational conditions. In particular, it is presented the extended virtual sensing (EVS) service, which deployed on demand at the distributed computing infrastructure (i.e. in the network), complements sensing and processing functions running in the car to detect the risk of collisions and take appropriate action, even if there is no direct communication between cars. The stringent latency constraints imposed by the EVS network service leave a limited processing budget at the vertical service level. Since such processing time is correlated with the CPU consumption of a virtual machine running a VNF of the EVS network service, in this demo we also show how the vertical service exploits the automated scaling capabilities offered by the 5GT service orchestrator to deploy a new instance of the EVS VNF upon reception of a CPU consumption alert generated by the available 5GT monitoring platform.Grant numbers : grant TEC2017-88373-R (5G-REFINE) and Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2017 SGR 1195.© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Maximum recoverable work in the ionosphere

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    A general closed expression is derived in the frequency domain for the minimum free energy, related to a state of a linear electromagnetic conductor with memory effects in the constitutive equation of the current density, by evaluating the maximum recoverable work obtainable from the given state. The constitutive equation with memory is given by a linear relation between the current density and the electric field, expressed by a linear functional of the history of this field and a term proportional to its actual value. Another equivalent formulation is also given and used to derive explicit formulae for the particular case of a discrete spectrum model

    Maximum recoverable work for a rigid heat conductor with memory

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    In this paper we study the problem of giving an explicit formula for the minimum free energy for a rigid heat conductor, with memory both in the expression of the heat flux and in the one of the internal energy. Two equivalent expressions are derived in terms of Fourier-transformed quantities; one of them is used to obtain the results related to the particular case of a discrete spectrum model

    "Disturbed immagination" e "true political econony". Aspirazioni e sfide tra Architettura e Politica in John Ruskin

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    Nella sua riflessione sulla politica Ruskin indaga il rapporto tra la libert\ue0 individuale e i meccanismi legati ai processi di industrializzazione. In questa prospettiva solleva questioni e dilemmi di larga portata culturale che pongono l'uomo di fronte al problema della Tecnica, al dinamismo "senza sedimenti memoria" che segna la sua esistenza, alla questione cruciale del limite della sua azione di fronte alla natura e al costruito. Nella medesima prospettiva richiama la necessit\ue0 della cura in luogo del dominio delle cose del mondo, della parsimonia in luogo di un consumo non rispendente alle reali esigenze dell\u2019uomo. Per contro richiama la necessit\ue0 di un impegno attivo verso l'affermazione di quelle spinte vitali - come l\u2019Amore, la Bellezza, Immaginazione \u2013 fonti di inventiva ,che spingono l\u2019azione e la ricerca dell\u2019Umanit\ue0. Queste sono solo alcune delle aspettative e delle sfide, ingenue e necessarie, che Ruskin lascia in eredit\ue0 alla contemporaneit\ue0, su cui si \ue8 inteso riflettere

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services