72 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of the study was the analysis of key labor market request content for the secondary education system, the level of employers' expectations compliance and actual learning outcomes, the research of resources and partnership interaction limitations of all interesting subjects in the process of an educational order development. Methodology: The main method was the questionnaire survey of experts (individual entrepreneurs, the heads of industrial and structural divisions) of Moscow (N = 316). The results of the expert survey showed the interest of employers in close cooperation with school in order to reflect the interests of the labor market in the educational order adequately. Results: The most motivated group is a small business, the leaders of the lowest level in the sphere of trade and service, who directly interact with the school graduates in the process of their early start of labor activity. The experts noted the problems in the development of the social competencies among schoolchildren: excessive self-esteem, an excessive level of claims, low level of willingness to work in a team, the lack of such qualities as responsiveness and responsibility. The cooperation between school and employers is limited to traditional sponsorship practices. The interaction of employers and educational institutions is quite fragmentary, it depends on a variety of random factors (personal and situational motives), which does not ensure the stability and the effectiveness of social partnership. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of Reflection of Labor Market Interests and Expectations in Educational Order for Contemporary School is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Prediction of outcomes of cytomegalovirus infection of the initial few months of life

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    The research was based on the data of 155 newborns with manifestations of cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) appeared in the initial few months of life and on the results of the 7-years follow-up of this group of patients. While studying the courses and outcomes of CMV appeared in the initial few months of life in 155 patients of the tender age the disability is set for 22 (14,2 %) children. On the basis of discriminant analysis with the use of the most significant factors the model of prognosis of the outcomes of the carried infection was created in severe residual-organic disorders, dictating the necessity of determination of disability for children. This model can predict development of severe organ pathology in children of tender age after citomegalovirus infection appeared in the initial few months that will allow to select patients with high probability of disability and to realize for them individual rehabilitation measures to save their health in proper time

    Журнальный клуб на английском языке в медицинском университете как перспективный инструмент обучения

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    Introduction. Despite widespread implementation of journal club in medical universities around the world, this activity is lacking in Russia. Currently, there are no publications about the evaluation of journal club at the Russian medical education system as an learning tool and its efficacy.The objective of this work was to describe the experience of participation in the journal club in order to assess participant’s satisfaction and preliminary efficacy of the meetings as well as to identify opportunities to improve and implement journal club rounds.Methods and materials. In February–May 2020, we conducted voluntary and anonymous online survey with 14 participants of journal club at Pavlov University. We used semi-structured questionnaire developed by the authors specifically to meet the objectives of the study.Results. We conducted 7 journal club meetings, of which 6 were online. The total number of completed questionnaires was 10 (out of 66 send by email). We identified several barriers among participants: 1) lack of English knowledge; 2) lack of presentation skills; 3) not sufficient theoretical background. The suggestions for improvement were following: 1) to adapt the debate format and 2) to use the incentives to increase active participation, for example, to provide the extra educational credits which increased student’s rating.Conclusions. The efficacy of journal club as a learning tool might be increased by providing an additional educational training focused on the research methods, and by the developing the guidelines for helping critically analyzed the scientific paper.Введение. Формат журнального клуба активно применяется в структуре медицинского образования по всему миру, однако мало распространен в России. В настоящее время нет публикаций о перспективах и эффективности внедрения журнального клуба как метода обучения в рамках медицинского образования в России.Цель – описание опыта участия в журнальном клубе для оценки удовлетворенности и эффективности проведения заседаний, а также выявления возможностей для усовершенствования и внедрения данного формата обучения.Методы и материалы. В добровольном и анонимном онлайн-опросе приняли участие 14 участников журнального клуба, проводимого в ПСПбГМУ им. И. П. Павлова с февраля по май 2020 г. Был использовал полуструктурированный опросник, разработанный в соответствии с целями исследования.Результаты. Было проведено семь заседаний журнального клуба, из них шесть проведены онлайн. Общее число заполненных анкет составило 10 (из 66 высланных на электронную почту). Среди участников были выявлены следующие барьеры: 1) недостаточный уровень владения английским языком; 2) отсутствие навыков презентации; 3) дефицит теоретической подготовки. Высказаны предложения по улучшению организации журнального клуба, включая проведение заседаний в формате дебатов и применение мер для стимуляции интереса к участию в журнальном клубе в виде дополнительных баллов для повышения рейтинга студента.Заключение. Для эффективного применения формата журнального клуба в медицинском образовании необходимо проведение дополнительных образовательных семинаров, а также разработка рекомендаций по подготовке к журнальному клубу и критическому анализу статьи

    Factors to affect inbred beet plants while developing material for linear selection

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    Considering its capacities, the generative system of Beta vulgaris L. is regarded as highly productive. While inbreeding, the reproductive potential of cross-pollinated beet plants with gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) changes significantly and is determined by a joint effect of multiple factors including the level of inbred depression. In the present study, original data have been obtained revealing relationships between inbred beet seed productivity, its self-incompatibility and microgametophyte parameters, which is crucial for developing and maintaining constant fertile beet lines. It has been discovered that inbred depression increases the number of sterile microgametes and anomalous pollen grains, reduces pollen fertility and the length of pollen tubes. As a result, the seed yield in inbred beet progeny, including SI ones, reduces significantly just after the third inbreeding. At the same time, highly productive inbred beet is characterized by a lower rate of pollen tube growth in vitro. In inbred plants, there is no close relationship between pollen viability and seed productivity, because the elimination of germinated male gametes and degeneration of seed embryos may go over the entire period of fertilization starting its progamic phase. The SI plants have more degenerating embryos than self-fertile ones, but seed vessel outgrowth in the seeds with abortive embryos makes them morphologically similar to fertile seeds. For that reason, when assessing inbred beet plants based on their self-incompatibility/self-fertility, one should consider the qualitative characteristics of the seeds. Using the method of recurrent selection based on such factors as seed productivity, pollen tube length and field germination rate increase the output of plant forms with a potentially high self-compatibility in their progeny. To support such genotypes in the progeny, one has to, starting from the third inbreeding, perform sib crossing to reduce the negative effect of inbred depression and self-incompatibility

    Architecture of composite multilayer semiconductor nanostructures

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    The problem of ensuring the operational parameters of composite multilayer semiconductor nanoscale structures at the design technology stages is solved. A mathematical model based on the physics of processes occurring in the structure during operation is developed. The problem is solved for the resonant-tunnelling AlGaAs nanoheterostructures


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    Nine red beet varieties of the VNIISSOK’s breeding are described in the article. The methods of its development, maintenance, utilization in the breeding programs are presented. The cultivars «Bordo odnosemyanaya», «Nezhnosty», «Lyubava», «Gaspadinya» are the sources of the separately fruiting. The breeding of red beet based on fertility and cytoplasmic male sterility is conducted. The best sources for heterosis are cv. «Nezhnosty», «Odnorostkovaya», «Lyubava», «Gaspadinya». The best sources for early-ripening are cv. «Nesravnennaya A-463», «Gribovskaya ploskaya», «Podzimnyaya A-474». Because of the high adaptability, the cv. «Bordo 237» can be recommended for breeding programs in all regions of Russia. The volume of sales and seed production of these varieties are shown.Приведены питательные и целебные свойства свеклы столовой. Дано описание девяти сортов свеклы столовой селекции ВНИИССОК, представлены методы их создания и поддержания, использование в селекционных программах при выведении новых сортопопуляций и гибридов. Сорта Бордо односемянная, Нежность, Любава, Гаспадыня выделены как источники перспективного направления для селекции на раздельноплодность. Селекционная работа во ВНИИССОК продолжается по селекции сортов на фертильной основе и созданию гетерозисных гибридов на основе ЦМС. Источниками для создания новых высокопродуктивных сортов и линий для селекции на гетерозис лучшими являются Нежность, Одноростковая, Любава и Гаспадыня; на скороспелость - Несравненная А-463, Грибовская плоская и Подзимняя А-474. Сорт Бордо237 характеризуется высокой адаптивностью, который можно использовать в селекционных программах во всех зонах РФ. Показаны объемы продаж и производства семян этих сортов, в том числе семян высших категорий


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    The long period of time needed for production of homozygous ms-and mf-lines in biennial crop is a problem in development of heterotic hybrids in red beet. The use of steckling culture and protected cultivation technology are the  suitable methods  to  speed  up  the  development  of breeding lines. However, the relationship between exhibition of CMS trait in seed plants and horticulturally valuable traits of steckling is very important aim of the study to be considered. The study was performed in 2012-2014. The red  beet  inbreeding  lines (I2-I5), obtained  through steckling culture in low-volume technology under protected cultivation condition were used as a plant material for the study. The generations that were obtained were from cultivar population ‘Nezhnost’ and a hybrid population of foreign origin. As a result, it was shown that one of criterions of indirect selection of ms-form in inbreeding generation may be the fast-maturity of stecklings that determined their yield weight at harvesting. The average weight of steckling belonging to sterile plants in progenies of different inbreeding generations, not depending on the time of harvesting was higher than in fertile plants. Therefore, probability to select the valuable ms-forms among groups of fast-maturing  plants with  greater weight  of steckling was higher. The selection of stecklings from smaller size groups of middle maturing and late maturing inbreeding progenies is required to  develop valuable mf-lines with high ability for fertility maintaining.Проблемой при создании гетерозисных гибридов свеклы столовой как двулетней овощной культуры, является длительность получения гомозиготных ms- и mf-линий.   Для ускорения создания линейного материала  перспективно использование культуры штеклингов и защищенного грунта.  Однако  при  использовании  данного способа  важен характер взаимосвязи между проявлением признака ЦМС семенных растений и селекционно значимыми признаками штеклингов,  что и явилось целью данных исследований. Исследования  проводили  в  2012-2014  годах. Материал для исследований  – инбредные потомства  (I2-I5)  свёклы столовой, полученные  через  культуру штеклингов, с использованием малообъемной технологии  в  защищенном грунте. Потомства получены на основе сортопопуляции Нежность и гибридных популяций иностранного происхождения. В результате исследований установлено, что одним  из  критериев косвенного  отбора ms-форм  в инбредных  потомствах  может являться скороспелость штеклингов, которая определяет их массу к моменту уборки.  Средняя  масса  штеклингов  стерильных  растений в потомствах разных поколений инбридинга больше, чем у фертильных, не зависимо от срока уборки. Поэтому, вероятность отбора ценных ms-форм выше в группе скороспелых растений с большей массой штеклинга. Для создания перспективных  mf-линий  с высокой  закрепляющей способностью,  наоборот, целесообразно вести отбор штеклингов в более мелкой фракции среди среднеспелых и позднеспелых инбредных потомств


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    Vegetable root plants are valuable, irreplaceable components of a rational food of the person. In the assortment structure of the vegetable market table roots occupy 24%. This article presents a new assortment of vegetable roots selection VNIISSOK over the past decade, the characteristics and advantages compared to foreign varieties and hybrids F1; new linear source material for breeding for heterosis carrots, beets, radishes; identified areas of selection in the future, taking into account market requirements. The maintenance of sitepopularity lines and F1 hybrids, carrot, beet, radish, turnip, parsnip: cassette technology of growing fallopian sheet material, turnip, improved scheme the primary seed of parsnip with a change in the winter, selected roots, individual and family selection beet to maintain razdelenata; the technology of breeding lines of radishtrack scheme for cultivation of seed plants in containers of small volume in the protected ground, which allows to obtain two generations per year. The possibility of using small-sized greenhouses for growing seed plants is shown, which increases seed productivity almost twice, compared to open ground, provides reliable spatial isolation. The substantiation of the use of new, more advanced machines and mechanisms for the improvement of seed heap and seed pretreatment is given, which significantly increases the sowing quality.Овощные корнеплодные растения являются ценными, незаменимыми компонентами рационального питания человека. В ассортиментной структуре рынка овощей столовые корнеплоды занимают 24%. В данной статье представлен новый сортимент овощных корнеплодов селекции ВНИИССОК за последнее десятилетие, приведены характеристики и преимущества их по сравнению с зарубежными сортами и гибридами F1; новый исходный линейный материал для селекции на гетерозис моркови, свеклы столовой, редиса; обозначены направления селекции в настоящее время и на перспективу с учетом требований рынка. Показаны возможности использования малогабаритных теплиц для выращивания семенных растений, что увеличивает урожайность семян почти в два раза по сравнению с открытым грунтом, обеспечивает надежную пространственную изоляцию и повышает качество семян. Применение новых ветрорешетных машин марки МР-80/200 позволяет существенно повысить всхожесть семян пастернака до 90%, пневмовибростола – провести отбор более плотных семян редиса для увеличения выхода элитных маточников. Усовершенствованны технологии поддержания сортопопуляций и линий гибридов F1, моркови, свеклы столовой, редиса, репы, пастернака: кассетная технология выращивания маточного материала листовой репы, схема первичного семеноводства пастернака с пересадкой под зиму отобранных корнеплодов, схема индивидуально-семейственного отбора свеклы столовой для поддержания раздельноплодности; разработана технология размножения линий редиса по ускоренной схеме выращивания семенных растений в емкостях малого объема в условиях защищенного грунта, которая позволяет получить два поколения в год.

    New V-shaped 2,4-di(hetero)arylpyrimidine push-pull systems: Synthesis, solvatochromism and sensitivity towards nitroaromatic compounds

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    Novel D–π–A–π–D type pyrimidine-based dyes, possessing (hetero)aryl electron-donating groups in 2,4-positions were synthesized, and their photophysical properties were investigated by using absorption and emission spectral analyses. All dyes proved to exhibit a strong emission solvatochromism with quantum yields up to 0.96, depending on their molecular structure and solvent polarity. The compounds have been established to undergo a reversible protonation, directed at nitrogen atoms of the pyrimidine ring, and these phenomena are associated with dramatic color changes. In addition, fluorophores 5a-d show a high sensitive response for nitroaromatic traces in solutions or real-time detection of their vapors in air. These findings indicate that the compounds obtained can be regarded as excellent fluorophores for fluorescent material applications. © 2018 Elsevier LtdRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 17-03-00011-AMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 4.6759.2017/BCThis work (synthetic part and sensory properties) was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Research Project No. 17-03-00011-A ). N.I. Makarova, E.V.V. and A.V.M. would like to acknowledge financial support for the absorption and fluorescence studies from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the State Assignment for Research (project No. 4.6759.2017/BC ). The authors are grateful to Mr. Grigory A. Kim for carrying out the DFT calculations which were performed by using « Uran » supercomputer of the Institute of mathematic and mechanics of the Ural Brach of the Russian Academy of Sciences. NMR experiments were carried out by using equipment of the Center for Joint Use “Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds” at the Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. VNC is grateful to the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project № 0398-2018-0054 )