207 research outputs found

    The mediating role of sleep quality in the relationship between negative emotional states and health-related quality of life among italian medical students

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    Sleep problems have been shown to be related to adverse outcomes concerning physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, mental health issues and sleep problems were reported to be highly prevalent among medical students and physicians, and were found to be associated with worse academic and clinical performance in these populations. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of poor sleep to examine the associations between sleep quality and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and to explore the possible mediating role of sleep in the relationship between psychological distress and HRQoL itself in a sample of medical and dental students attending a large Italian university. Participants (n = 407, mean age: 24.2 +/- 2.4) answered an online questionnaire comprising the 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Short Form-12 health survey. Up to 62% of the participants reported poor sleep quality. Controlling for psychological distress, sleep quality components were found to be associated with physical and mental HRQoL. Mediation analysis showed that overall sleep quality mediated all the single associations between anxiety, depression, and stress and HRQoL. These preliminary findings suggest that the quality of sleep is important for the well-being of medical students and that targeting sleep issues in this academic population may be beneficial

    Endoluminal calprotectin measurement in assessment of pouchitis and a new index of disease activity. A pilot study

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    Pouchitis is the most common complication following proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis (UC). To provide a standardized definition of pouchitis clinical, endoscopic and histological markers were grouped and weighted in the pouch disease activity index (PDAI). However, the delay in the assessment of the final score due to the time requested for histological analysis remains the main obstacle to the index implementation in clinical practice so that the use of modified-PDAI (mPDAI) with exclusion of histologic subscore has been proposed. We tested the ability of calprotectin measurement in the pouch endoluminal content to mimic the histologic score as defined in the PDAI, the index that we adopted as gold standard for pouchitis diagnosis. Calprotectin was measured by ELISA in the pouch endoluminal content collected during endoscopy in 40 consecutive patients with J-pouch. In each patient PDAI and mPDAI were calculated and 15% of patients were erroneously classified by mPDAI. ROC analysis of calprotectin values vs. acute histological subscore 3 identified different calprotectin cut-off values with corresponding sensitivity and specificity allowing the definition and scoring of different range of calprotectin subscores. We incorporated the calprotectin score in the mPDAI obtaining a new score that shows the same specificity as PDAI for diagnosis of pouchitis and higher sensitivity when compared with mPDAI. The use of the proposed new score, once validated in a larger series of patients, might be useful in the early management of patients with symptoms of pouchitis

    Taste and olfaction in middle ear surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess pre- and postoperative taste ability in patients undergoing middle ear surgery for otosclerosis or chronic otitis media. Olfactory function was also evaluated to rule out taste deficits due to concomitant nasal pathology. METHODS: All patients underwent ear, nose, and throat examination, otomicroscopy, nasal endoscopy, anterior rhinomanometry, taste testing, and olfactory testing. Patients were evaluated at 1 to 5 days preoperatively (T0), and at 1 (T1), 6 (T6), and 12 (T12) months postoperatively. RESULTS: Both groups of patients experienced worsening of the mean taste threshold postoperatively. This phenomenon was more serious in poststapedotomy patients. Follow-up showed progressive improvement in both groups. All values of olfactory testing were within the normal range for otosclerosis patients. Patients with chronic otitis media showed variable postoperative findings. CONCLUSION: Chorda tympani function can be negatively affected by middle ear surgery. Deficits may be more marked in stapedotomy patients than in those undergoing tympanoplasty. Postoperative recovery of taste is satisfactory, although with different timelines for the 2 types of patholog

    Delayed Effect of Active Pressure Treatment on Endolymphatic Hydrops

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify eventual correlations between the effect of low-pressure treatment and endolymphatic hydrops in Ménière patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study group consisted of subjects affected by definite Ménière disease (2015) and a severe degree of disability, who received a ventilation tube with or without a low-pressure treatment before undergoing a surgical procedure (vestibular neurectomy). After the placement of the ventilation tube, the subjects were either left alone with the tube or received 1 month of self-administered low-pressure therapy with a portable device. In all subjects, an electrocochleography (ECochG) was performed and specific questionnaires - Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and Functional Scale Level (FSL) - were completed before starting either arm of treatment, at the end of treatment, and then 3 and 6 months later. RESULTS: All selected subjects presented with an ECochG pattern that was indicative of endolymphatic hydrops before starting either treatment. At the end of pressure treatment, 80% showed symptomatic improvement while maintaining the hydropic ECochG pattern. At the 3-month control stage, the hydropic pattern resulted normalized (<0.5) in all the improved subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Although 1 month of low-pressure treatment provided a positive symptomatological outcome, normalization of the hydropic ECochG parameters occurred only at a later time. Therefore, it is possible to assume that endolymphatic hydrops could be concurrent with a non-symptomatic stage of Ménière disease, and that the anti-hydropic effect of the low-pressure treatment, if any, would present with a certain delay after its completion

    Spider surgical system versus multiport laparoscopic surgery. Performance comparison on a surgical simulator

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    BACKGROUND: The rising interest towards minimally invasive surgery has led to the introduction of laparo-endoscopic single site (LESS) surgery as the natural evolution of conventional multiport laparoscopy. However, this new surgical approach is hampered with peculiar technical difficulties. The SPIDER surgical system has been developed in the attempt to overcome some of these challenges. Our study aimed to compare standard laparoscopy and SPIDER technical performance on a surgical simulator, using standardized tasks from the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS). METHODS: Twenty participants were divided into two groups based on their surgical laparoscopic experience: 10 PGY1 residents were included in the inexperienced group and 10 laparoscopists in the experienced group. Participants performed the FLS pegboard transfers task and pattern cutting task on a laparoscopic box trainer. Objective task scores and subjective questionnaire rating scales were used to compare conventional laparoscopy and SPIDER surgical system. RESULTS: Both groups performed significantly better in the FLS scores on the standard laparoscopic simulator compared to the SPIDER. Inexperienced group: Task 1 scores (median 252.5 vs. 228.5; p = 0.007); Task 2 scores (median 270.5 vs. 219.0; p = 0.005). Experienced group: Task 1 scores (median 411.5 vs. 309.5; p = 0.005); Task 2 scores (median 418.0 vs. 331.5; p = 0.007). Same aspects were highlighted for the subjective evaluations, except for the inexperienced surgeons who found both devices equivalent in terms of ease of use only in the peg transfer task. CONCLUSIONS: Even though the SPIDER is an innovative and promising device, our study proved that it is more challenging than conventional laparoscopy in a population with different degrees of surgical experience. We presume that a possible way to overcome such challenges could be the development of tailored training programs through simulation methods. This may represent an effective way to deliver training, achieve mastery and skills and prepare surgeons for their future clinical experience

    Mammographic breast density in infertile and parous women

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    BACKGROUND: Mammographic breast density is a useful marker for breast cancer risk, as breast density is considered one of the strongest breast cancer risk factors. The study objective was to evaluate and compare mammographic breast density in infertile and parous women, as infertility may be associated with high breast density and cancer occurrence. METHODS: This study evaluated mammographic breast density using two different systems, BIRADS and Boyd. A selected patient population of 151 women with primary infertility (case group) was compared to 154 parous women who had at least one previous pregnancy (control group). Both groups were premenopausal women aged ≥ 35. RESULTS: Evaluation of mammographic features showed that 66.9% of case group patients and 53.9% of control group patients were classified BIRADS-3/BIRADS-4; p < 0.05. Adjusted Odds ratio for the case group in the categories BIRADS-3/BIRADS-4 was 1.78 (95% CI: 1.10-2.89). Using the Boyd classification system, 53.6% of case group patients and 31.8% of control group patients were classified E/F; p < 0.05. Adjusted Odds ratio for case group patients in Boyd categories E/F was 2.05 (95 % CI: 1.07-3.93). CONCLUSIONS: Both systems yielded a higher percentage of increased breast density in the case group. Boyd and BIRADS classification systems indicate to what extend breast cancer lesions may be missed on mammography due to masking by dense tissue. Therefore, patients with a high BIRADS or Boyd score should undergo further investigation

    Probiotic administration in patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis is associated with expansion of mucosal regulatory cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Probiotics have anti-inflammatory effects in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and appear to regulate mucosal immune response through reductions in proinflammatory cytokines. The probiotic VSL#3 prevents pouchitis if started within a week of ileostomy closure and maintains remission following antibacterial treatment in patients with refractory or recurrent pouchitis. However, the efficacy of probiotics and their effects on regulatory cells if started at a greater time after surgery in patients undergoing ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) for ulcerative colitis are unknown. METHODS: We conducted an open-label study in which 31 patients at different periods from surgery without signs and symptoms of pouchitis were randomized to 2 sachets of VSL#3 once daily or no treatment for 12 months. Pouchitis disease activity index (PDAI) was evaluated at baseline and after 3, 6, and 12 months. The percentage of CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing CD25 and the inactive form of transforming growth factor-beta [latency-associated peptide (LAP)] were evaluated at baseline and after 3 and 6 months in peripheral-blood mononuclear cells and mucosal biopsies. Variation in tissue interleukin-1beta and Foxp3 mRNA expression was also evaluated. RESULTS: During the study period, VSL#3-treated patients showed a significant reduction in PDAI score and a significant increase in the percentage of mucosal CD4+CD25(high) and CD4+ LAP-positive cells compared with baseline values. Tissue samples at different points showed a significant reduction in IL-1beta mRNA expression, and a significant increase in Foxp3 mRNA expression. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that VSL#3 administration in patients with IPAA modulates the PDAI and expands the number of mucosal regulatory T cells

    Epstein-Barr virus lytic infection promotes activation of Toll-like receptor 8 innate immune response in systemic sclerosis monocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Monocytes/macrophages are activated in several autoimmune diseases, including systemic sclerosis (scleroderma; SSc), with increased expression of interferon (IFN)-regulatory genes and inflammatory cytokines, suggesting dysregulation of the innate immune response in autoimmunity. In this study, we investigated whether the lytic form of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection (infectious EBV) is present in scleroderma monocytes and contributes to their activation in SSc. METHODS: Monocytes were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) depleted of the CD19+ cell fraction, using CD14/CD16 negative-depletion. Circulating monocytes from SSc and healthy donors (HDs) were infected with EBV. Gene expression of innate immune mediators were evaluated in EBV-infected monocytes from SSc and HDs. Involvement of Toll-like receptor (TLR)8 in viral-mediated TLR8 response was investigated by comparing the TLR8 expression induced by infectious EBV to the expression stimulated by CL075/TLR8/agonist-ligand in the presence of TLR8 inhibitor in THP-1 cells. RESULTS: Infectious EBV strongly induced TLR8 expression in infected SSc and HD monocytes in vitro. Markers of activated monocytes, such as IFN-regulated genes and chemokines, were upregulated in SSc- and HD-EBV-infected monocytes. Inhibiting TLR8 expression reduced virally induced TLR8 in THP-1 infected cells, demonstrating that innate immune activation by infectious EBV is partially dependent on TLR8. Viral mRNA and proteins were detected in freshly isolated SSc monocytes. Microarray analysis substantiated the evidence of an increased IFN signature and altered level of TLR8 expression in SSc monocytes carrying infectious EBV compared to HD monocytes. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first evidence of infectious EBV in monocytes from patients with SSc and links EBV to the activation of TLR8 and IFN innate immune response in freshly isolated SSc monocytes. This study provides the first evidence of EBV replication activating the TLR8 molecular pathway in primary monocytes. Immunogenicity of infectious EBV suggests a novel mechanism mediating monocyte inflammation in SSc, by which EBV triggers the innate immune response in infected cells
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