24 research outputs found

    Kronične komplikacije Å”ećerne bolesti i kvaliteta života

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    The course of diabetes is marked by the development of chronic complications that, in addition to affecting health, also affect the quality of life of patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes based on their chronic complications. The study, which was conducted from March 2019 until March 2020, included 382 diabetic patients, specific data from medical records, and the application of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief questionnaire. There were more men than women included in the study, with the majority of respondents belonging to the age group of 61 to 70 years. In the quality-of-life assessment, the mean value of physical functioning was 57.14 (42.86-71.43), psychological functioning was 66.67 (54.17-79.17), social functioning 66.67 (50.00-75.00), and environmental functioning was 68.75 (50.00-75.00). The domains of social functioning were lowest in patients with diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, while the physical functioning domains were rated lowest in patients with diabetic nephropathy, diabetic foot ulcer, and multiple chronic complications. All domains were rated lowest by patients with multiple complications and highest by those without any complications. In conclusion, differences in the assessment of quality of life of diabetic patients depend on the type of chronic complication.Tijek Å”ećerne bolesti obilježen je razvojem kroničnih komplikacija bolesti koje, osim utjecaja na zdravlje, utječu i na kvalitetu života oboljelih. Cilj nam je bio istražiti kvalitetu života osoba sa Å”ećernom boleŔću tipa 2 s kroničnim komplikacijama te je usporediti ovisno o tipu komplikacija. U istraživanje, koje je trajalo od ožujka 2019. do ožujka 2020. godine, bile su uključene 382 osobe sa Å”ećernom boleŔću, a koriÅ”teni su podaci iz medicinske dokumentacije te standardizirani upitnik Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije o kvaliteti života (WHOQOL-BREF upitnik). Udio muÅ”karaca u istraživanju bio je veći od udjela žena, a najviÅ”e ispitanika je pripadalo dobnoj skupini od 61 do 70 godina. Kod ocjenjivanja kvalitete života, srednja vrijednost fizičkog funkcioniranja bila je 57,14 (42,86 -71,43), psiholoÅ”kog funkcioniranja 66,67 (54,17ā€“ 79,17), socijalnog funkcioniranja 66,67 (50,00ā€“75,00), a funkcioniranja u okolini 68,75 (50,00 - 75,00). Kod bolesnika s dijabetičkom retinopatijom i neuropatijom, najniže ocjene imale su komponente socijalnog funkcioniranja, dok su kod onih s dijabetičkom nefropatijom, dijabetičkim stopalom i viÅ”estrukim kroničnim komplikacijama najloÅ”ije ocijenjene bile komponente fizičkog funkcioniranja. Sve komponente kvalitete života najloÅ”ije su ocijenjene kod bolesnika s viÅ”estrukim komplikacijama, a najbolje kod onih bez komplikacija. Zaključno, postoje razlike u ocjeni kvalitete života ovisno o vrsti kronične komplikacije Å”ećerne bolesti

    Pilot Study on the Responsiveness of Nurses to the Patientā€™s Request for complementary medicine

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    Introduction: When it comes to integrative medicine, the nurses are "caught in a trap" of their own views and developed competencies, as well as the views of the institution and the country where they work. The pilot studyā€™s objective was to explore what is the expected reaction of nurses to the patientā€™s request for complementary treatment with tea in hospitals where integrative nursing has not yet been normatively recognised. Methods: The quantitative research approach with a survey was used. Nonprobability sampling covered 506 persons from Southeast Slovenia, paticipating voluntarily: nurses, nursing students, patients and other persons. Respondents were to choose among the 11 previously prepared scenarios of possible responses of the nurse. Results: Significant differences regarding the expected reaction of nurses both within the groups, as well as between the groups of respondents were found. The most possible critical response of nurses was to offer the tea which is daily available on the ward. A fifth of respondents believe that the patientā€™s tea would be provided by the visiting relatives. Conclusion: Ā Due to the prepared scenarios, findings and given orientations for further research, the study can be further implemented in the international environment for empirical verification

    Raziskovanje na področju patronažne zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji v obdobju od 2007 do 2016

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    Uvod: Pomen patronažne zdravstvene nege naraŔča s pospeÅ”enim razvojem primarnega zdravstvenegaĀ varstva, preprečevanja bolezni in približevanja zdravstvene oskrbe integrirani podpori pacientom in njihovimĀ družinam znotraj lokalnih skupnosti. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti, kaj je predmet raziskovanja izvajalcevĀ zdravstvene nege ter katera so glavna vpraÅ”anja in problemi patronažne zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji. Metode: Uporabljen je bil sistematičen pregled literature. Zajemal je zbiranje znanstvene in strokovneĀ literature v Vzajemni bibliografsko-kataložni bazi podatkov COBIB.SI od januarja do maja 2017. LiteraturaĀ je bila iskana po korenu ključne besede patronaž*. Začetna merila za tematsko analizo vsebine je izpolnjevaloĀ 144 enot. V seznam za analizo empiričnih podatkov se jih je uvrstilo 45. Za prikaz pregleda in odločanja oĀ uporabnosti pregledanih enot je bila uporabljena metoda PRISMA. Rezultati: S pregledom literature so bila ugotovljena raziskovalna področja v patronažni zdravstveni negeĀ v Sloveniji; izboljÅ”anje kakovosti, varnost in pogoji dela, opolnomočenje pacienta in integrirana oziromaĀ celovita obravnava pacienta. Zaznan je problem dostopnosti do objav posameznih raziskav, kakovost načrtovĀ in metod raziskovanja. V zadnjih treh letih preučevanega obdobja so prevladujoči vir podatkov v raziskavahĀ patronažne medicinske sestre. Diskusija in zaključek: Nujno je ciljno ukrepanje s povečanjem interesa in znanja patronažnih medicinskihĀ sester za raziskovanje. Za boljÅ”e prepoznavanje njihove vloge v primarnem zdravstvenem varstvu ter krepitevĀ interdisciplinarnega raziskovanja na mikro-, mezo- in makroravni sistema zdravstvenega varstva je potrebnoĀ uvajanje kompleksnejÅ”ih raziskovalnih načrtov.

    Hotel-type nursing and ethical dilemmas due to business interests

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    Introduction: In the age of neoliberalism, there are differences in the implementation of nursing activities due to business interests being integrated into nurse-patient relationships. An example of this is hotel-type nursing, which involves fulfilling patientsā€™ needs by charging for nursing services (or by charging an additional fee for extra services). Whether this constitutes a contemporary nursing development or a danger is an important question. Ā This paper explores an approach to resolving ethical dilemmas, which often emerge when the interests of businesses, nurses, and patients are integrated, as contemporary nursing is implemented according to community care principles. Methods: In a case study of nursesā€™ activities conducted in June 2013 and 2014 in three different institutions, the methods of observation and interviews were used. The collected data were analyzed using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) methodology, and then verified and updated with a power diagram qualitative interpretation and the Decide, Establish, Consider, Identify, Develop, and Implement (DECIDE) decision-making model. Results: Based on my study of hotel-type nursing, an approach to resolving ethical dilemmas which arise with the integration of business interests into nurse-patient relationships is explained. Discussion: Hotel-type nursing involves an adaptation by nurses to a change in their relationship with the patient. This adaptation must ensure that the nurseā€™s professionalism is recognized as being significantly more beneficial to the patient than a reduction of the nurseā€™s role to one of simply fulfilling a patientā€™s wishes. Conclusion: Hotel-type nursing can be advantageous in the development of contemporary nursing if nurses adhere to high ethical standards and practice self-control

    Hotel-type nursing and ethical dilemmas due to business interests

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    Introduction: In the age of neoliberalism, there are differences in the implementation of nursing activities due to business interests being integrated into nurse-patient relationships. An example of this is hotel-type nursing, which involves fulfilling patientsā€™ needs by charging for nursing services (or by charging an additional fee for extra services). Whether this constitutes a contemporary nursing development or a danger is an important question. Ā This paper explores an approach to resolving ethical dilemmas, which often emerge when the interests of businesses, nurses, and patients are integrated, as contemporary nursing is implemented according to community care principles.Methods: In a case study of nursesā€™ activities conducted in June 2013 and 2014 in three different institutions, the methods of observation and interviews were used. The collected data were analyzed using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) methodology, and then verified and updated with a power diagram qualitative interpretation and the Decide, Establish, Consider, Identify, Develop, and Implement (DECIDE) decision-making model.Results: Based on my study of hotel-type nursing, an approach to resolving ethical dilemmas which arise with the integration of business interests into nurse-patient relationships is explained.Discussion: Hotel-type nursing involves an adaptation by nurses to a change in their relationship with the patient. This adaptation must ensure that the nurseā€™s professionalism is recognized as being significantly more beneficial to the patient than a reduction of the nurseā€™s role to one of simply fulfilling a patientā€™s wishes.Conclusion: Hotel-type nursing can be advantageous in the development of contemporary nursing if nurses adhere to high ethical standards and practice self-control

    Slovenski dijaki o politiki in ženskah v politiki

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    Anketna raziskava na neslučajnem kvotnem vzorcu med mladimi srednjeŔolci v Sloveniji (n = 460, zajetje okrog leta 2000) je nakazala, da se mladina, glede na pripadnost spolu, različno zanima za politiko, različno spremlja politiko in temu primerno tudi statistično različno ocenjuje politike in samo politično dejavnost. Mladi večinoma menijo, da se sami premalo ukvarjajo s politiko, obenem pa se zavedajo, da je v Sloveniji v politiki izrazito premaložensk. Pokaže pa se, da je odnos mladih do vpraŔanja prisotnosti žensk v politiki toliko bliže tradicionalnim staliŔčem (velja zlasti za moŔke), kolikor stvarnejŔa in manj načelno so postavljena tovrstna vpraŔanja (zlasti vpraŔanja o razlogih za drugačno vedenje žensk v politiki). To pomeni, da je tradicionalizem do žensk v politiki, kljub enakopravni načelni drži, zasidran tudi med mladimi (zlasti moŔkimi).The inquiring research on non-random quota sample among secondary-school youthin Slovenia (n = 460) indicated gender-related differences with respect to their interest in politics: they differently pay attention to it, and according to this, they differently judge politicians and political activity. The youth mostly have the opinion that they are not enough engaged with politics, and are clearly aware of the fact the that number of women in (Slovenian) politics is undersized. However, the research revealed that in terms of questioning women positions in politics, the youth also exhibit more traditionalist point of view (what is more valid for men), when more factual and less principle-based questions are asked (especially questions concerning determinants of different behaviour of women in politics). It means that traditionalism towards women in politics is still firm among youth (particulary among men) despite their attitude of equal principle