128 research outputs found

    Uloga polinezasićenih masnih kiselina u inflamaciji

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    Low-grade systemic inflammation is at the base of the most chronic non-communicable diseases, which are reaching epidemic proportions worldwide. Key players in the regulation of inflammation are n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), in particular arachidonic acid (n-6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (n-3). They are precursors of eicosanoids - signaling molecules involved in modulating the intensity and duration of inflammatory responses. Eicosanoids derived from n-6 PUFAs have proinflammatory actions, while those derived from n-3 PUFAs act anti-inflammatory. Therefore, dietary intake of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs, as well as their ratio, could markedly affect the pathogenesis and manifestation of many chronic diseases associated with low-grade inflammation. This review will focus on the relationship between dietary PUFAs and inflammation, with reference to PUFAs status in plasma phospholipids in Serbian population.U osnovi većine hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti, koje širom sveta dostižu epidemijske razmere, leži 'tiha' inflamacija. Ključni igrač u regulaciji inflamacije su polinezasićene masne kiseline (PNMK) n-6 i n-3 familije, posebno arahidonska (n-6) i eikozapentaenska kiselina (n-3). One su prekursori eikozanoida - signalnih molekula koji su uključeni u intenzitet i trajanje inflamatornog odgovora. Eikozanoidi poreklom od n-6 PNMK deluju proinflamatorno, dok oni poreklom od n-3 PNMK imaju anti-inflamatorno dejstvo. Zbog toga dijetarni unos n-6 i n-3 PNMK, kao i njihov odnos, može značajno da utiče na patogenezu i manifestaciju mnogih hroničnih oboljenja koja su povezana sa 'tihom' inflamacijom. Ovaj pregledni rad se bavi vezom između unosa PNMK i inflamacije, sa osvrtom na status n-3 i n-6 masnih kiselina u fosfolipidima plazme u populaciji u Srbiji

    The Impact of Physical Activity and Sports on Academic Achievement of Students in Primary and Secondary Schools in Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    Introduction: The study aimed to examine the prevalence of sports outside of regular school classes among primary and secondary school students. The secondary aim was to study the correlation of physical activity, students’ socioeconomic status and parents’ level of education with students’ educational outcomes. Material and Methods: Data were collected from medical records of the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance in the Osijek-Baranja County and through regular physical examination of students in the fifth and eighth grade of primary school and the first grade of secondary school. Results: Over a 5-year period, 120 boys and 141 girls were examined; 66.28% of the students were involved in sports activities in the fifth grade, 49.04% were involved in sports in the eighth grade, and in the first grade, 43.68% of students were involved in sports. No statistically significant differences were observed in the seventh and eighth grade of primary school (p = 0.076) and in the first grade of secondary school (p = 0.057). Students in the seventh and eighth grade who played sports had slightly higher grades (4.45 ± 0.68) compared to those who did not participate in sports activities (4.3 ± 0.69). Similar results were obtained for students who were involved in sports in the first grade of secondary school, who had achieved slightly better results in the seventh grade (4.41 ± 0.69) compared to those who did not participate in sports activities (4.41 ± 0,69). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that physical activity in children could be associated with better school performance, which may have implications for sports having positive health benefits in both childhood and adulthood. (Vučić A, Bilić-Kirin V. The Impact of Physical Activity and Sports on Academic Achievement of Students in Primary and Secondary Schools in Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 97-107

    Osteosarcopenic adiposity - Implications for cardiometabolic disorders

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    Crosstalk between dietary patterns, obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is rising worldwide, paralleling the epidemic of obesity. The liver is a key organ for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Various types of fats and carbohydrates in isocaloric diets differently influence fat accumulation in the liver parenchyma. Therefore, nutrition can manage hepatic and cardiometabolic complications of NAFLD. Even moderately reduced caloric intake, which leads to a weight loss of 5%-10% of initial body weight, is effective in improving liver steatosis and surrogate markers of liver disease status. Among dietary patterns, the Mediterranean diet mostly prevents the onset of NAFLD. Furthermore, this diet is also the most recommended for the treatment of NAFLD patients. However, clinical trials based on the dietary interventions in NAFLD patients are sparse. Since there are only a few studies examining dietary interventions in clinically advanced stages of NAFLD, such as active and fibrotic steatohepatitis, the optimal diet for patients in these stages of the disease must still be determined. In this narrative review, we aimed to critically summarize the associations between different dietary patterns, obesity and prevention/risk for NAFLD, to describe specific dietary interventions’ impacts on liver steatosis in adults with NAFLD and to provide an updated overview of dietary recommendations that clinicians potentially need to apply in their daily practice

    Ne-melanomski tumori i predtumorske promjene u periodu od 1996. - 2002. Godine

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    Non-melanoma skin cancers and precancerous skin lesions have a significant morbidity although with relatively low mortality rates in geriatric population. These lesions developed especially on every day sun exposed skin regions. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, age and sex distribution of non-melanoma skin cancers and precancerous skin lesions among biopsy specimens collected during seven years (1996-2002) in the University Department of Pathology "Ljudevit Jurak". Also is analyzed their relationship with sun exposure on different body regions. During observed period there were2486 basal cell carcinoma, 419 squamous cell carcinoma and 468 precancerous skin lesions. Basal cell carcinoma was more common in males then in females with ratio 1:0,9 as well as squamous cell carcinoma with male to female ratio 1:0,8. Precancerous skin lesions were more frequent in the female population with male to female ratio 1:1,3. Maximal incidence for booth types of non-melanoma tumours was between 7and 79 years in both sexes while precancerous skin lesions appeared one-decade earlier. Also is found that analyzed skin lesions appear in 60-70% on skin of the head, which is almost permanently sun exposed body region.Nemelanomski tumori kože i predtumorske kožne promjene imaju značajan pobol iako uz nisku smrtnost u pacijenata treće životne dobi. Ove promjene se posebno razvijaju na dijelovima kože koji su svakodnevno izloženi suncu. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati učestalost, razdiobu po spolu i dobi nemelanomskih kožnih tumora i predtumorskih kožnih promjena u bioptičkom materijalu sedmogodišnjeg razdoblja (1996-2002) na Zavodu za Patologiju "Ljudevit Jurak". Također je proučavan odnos kožnih promjena i izloženosti različitih dijelova tijela suncu. U proučavanom periodu bilo je 2486 karcinoma bazalnih stanica, 419 karcinoma pločastih stanica i 468 predtumorskih kožnih promjena. Karcinom bazalnih stanica češće je bio prisutan u muškaraca nego u žena s omjerom 1:0.9 kao i karcinom pločastih stanica s omjerom 1:0,8. Predtumorske kožne lezije bile su češće prisutne kod žena, omjer muškaraca prema ženama bio je 1:1,3. Najveća učestalost za oba nemelanomska kožna tumora bila je između 70 i 79godina starosti u oba spola dok se predtumorske promjene nalaze desetljeće ranije. Proučavane kožne promjene u 60-70% nađene su na koži glave koja je skoro stalno suncu izloženo područje tijela

    Memorable Food: Fighting Age-Related Neurodegeneration by Precision Nutrition

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    Healthcare systems worldwide are seriously challenged by a rising prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), which mostly, but not exclusively, affect the ever-growing population of the elderly. The most known neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but some viral infections of the brain and traumatic brain injury may also cause NDD. Typical for NDD are the malfunctioning of neurons and their irreversible loss, which often progress irreversibly to dementia and ultimately to death. Numerous factors are involved in the pathogenesis of NDD: genetic variability, epigenetic changes, extent of oxidative/nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and DNA damage. The complex interplay of all the above-mentioned factors may be a fingerprint of neurodegeneration, with different diseases being affected to different extents by particular factors. There is a voluminous body of evidence showing the benefits of regular exercise to brain health and cognitive functions. Moreover, the importance of a healthy diet, balanced in macro- and micro-nutrients, in preventing neurodegeneration and slowing down a progression to full-blown disease is evident. Individuals affected by NDD almost inevitably have low-grade inflammation and anomalies in lipid metabolism. Metabolic and lipid profiles in NDD can be improved by the Mediterranean diet. Many studies have associated the Mediterranean diet with a decreased risk of dementia and AD, but a cause-and-effect relationship has not been deduced. Studies with caloric restriction showed neuroprotective effects in animal models, but the results in humans are inconsistent. The pathologies of NDD are complex and there is a great inter-individual (epi)genetic variance within any population. Furthermore, the gut microbiome, being deeply involved in nutrient uptake and lipid metabolism, also represents a pillar of the gut microbiome–brain axis and is linked with the pathogenesis of NDD. Numerous studies on the role of different micronutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, bioactive polyphenols from fruit and medicinal plants) in the prevention, prediction, and treatment of NDD have been conducted, but we are still far away from a personalized diet plan for individual NDD patients. For this to be realized, large-scale cohorts that would include the precise monitoring of food intake, mapping of genetic variants, epigenetic data, microbiome studies, and metabolome, lipidome, and transcriptome data are needed

    Experiences of educational workers in the implementation of distance teaching in the system of vocational and adult education of the Republic of Croatia in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Okolnosti i utjecaj koje je uzrokovala epidemija Covid-19 ostavila je posljedice na sustave obrazovanja u svim zemljama i na svim razinama obrazovanja od predškolskog do visokog obrazovanja (Kim 2020). Nove okolnosti nisu omogućile laganu i sustavnu tranziciju sustava obrazovanja, nego je promjena u načinu poučavanja i provođenja nastave nastupila, može se promptno. Sama ta činjenica značila je i naglu promjenu kod svih dionika sustava koji sudjeluju ili si odgovorni za funkcioniranje obrazovnog sustava pojedine zemlje. U kolovozu i studenom 2020. godine Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih provela je istraživanje o iskustvu, stavovima i potrebama odgojno-obrazovnih radnika povezanih s izvođenjem nastave na daljinu u razdoblju ožujak – lipanj, tijekom školske godine 2019./2020. Provedeno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 1348 obrazovnih radnika iz srednjih strukovnih školama i ustanovama za obrazovanje odraslih, a više od 2/3 anketiranih su nastavnici koji direktno sudjeluju u provođenju nastavnog procesa s učenicima/polaznicima. Rezultati su pokazali kako su nastavnici u većoj mjeri uspješno provodili nastavu na daljinu i kako, prema samoprocjeni, posjeduju odgovarajuće digitalne kompetencije za provođenje ovog oblika nastave, kao i da imaju visok stupanj zadovoljstva podrškom koju su dobili od nadležnog ministarstva i agencije. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao izvrsna podloga za daljnje planiranje razvojnih strategija, a posebice za kreiranje stručnih usavršavanja i drugih oblika podrške nastavnicima u provedbi nastave na daljinu. Poseban naglasak treba staviti na digitalnu pedagogiju u radu s učenicima i polaznicima.The circumstances and impact caused by the Covid-19 epidemic have had an impact on education systems in all countries and at all levels of education from pre-school to higher education (Kim 2020). The new circumstances did not allow for an easy and systematic transition of the education system, but a change in the way of teaching and teaching took place, it can be seen promptly. This fact itself meant a sudden change in all stakeholders in the system who participate in or are responsible for the functioning of the education system of a particular country. In August and November 2020, the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education conducted a survey on the experience, attitudes and needs of educators related to distance learning in the period March - June, during the school year 2019/2020. The research included 1348 educators from secondary vocational schools and adult education institutions, and more than 2/3 of the respondents are teachers who directly participate in the implementation of the teaching process with students / trainees. The results showed that teachers were more successful in distance learning and that, according to self-assessment, they have the appropriate digital competencies to implement this form of teaching, as well as have a high degree of satisfaction with the support they received from the ministry and agency. The obtained results can serve as an excellent basis for further planning of development strategies, and especially for the creation of professional development and other forms of support to teachers in the implementation of distance learning. Special emphasis should be placed on digital pedagogy in working with students and trainees

    Adjuvant antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect of aloin in irradiated HeLaS3 cells

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    Naturally occurring phytoanthracycline, aloin, was used to radiosensitize HeLaS3 human cervix carcinoma cells. The results indicated that the cytotoxic adjuvant effect of aloin was synergistic with IR at all drug concentrations and comparable to the cytotoxicity of 5-10Gy IR alone. Radiosensitization of HeLaS3 cells was achieved by 60µM aloin which reduced IC50 dose of IR from 3.4- to 2Gy. The cell damage by both agents compromised cell capacity to conduct programmed cell death by apoptosis, and led to the synergic cytotoxic cell death by necrosis.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Experiences of educational workers in the implementation of distance teaching in the system of vocational and adult education of the Republic of Croatia in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Okolnosti i utjecaj koje je uzrokovala epidemija Covid-19 ostavila je posljedice na sustave obrazovanja u svim zemljama i na svim razinama obrazovanja od predškolskog do visokog obrazovanja (Kim 2020). Nove okolnosti nisu omogućile laganu i sustavnu tranziciju sustava obrazovanja, nego je promjena u načinu poučavanja i provođenja nastave nastupila, može se promptno. Sama ta činjenica značila je i naglu promjenu kod svih dionika sustava koji sudjeluju ili si odgovorni za funkcioniranje obrazovnog sustava pojedine zemlje. U kolovozu i studenom 2020. godine Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih provela je istraživanje o iskustvu, stavovima i potrebama odgojno-obrazovnih radnika povezanih s izvođenjem nastave na daljinu u razdoblju ožujak – lipanj, tijekom školske godine 2019./2020. Provedeno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 1348 obrazovnih radnika iz srednjih strukovnih školama i ustanovama za obrazovanje odraslih, a više od 2/3 anketiranih su nastavnici koji direktno sudjeluju u provođenju nastavnog procesa s učenicima/polaznicima. Rezultati su pokazali kako su nastavnici u većoj mjeri uspješno provodili nastavu na daljinu i kako, prema samoprocjeni, posjeduju odgovarajuće digitalne kompetencije za provođenje ovog oblika nastave, kao i da imaju visok stupanj zadovoljstva podrškom koju su dobili od nadležnog ministarstva i agencije. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao izvrsna podloga za daljnje planiranje razvojnih strategija, a posebice za kreiranje stručnih usavršavanja i drugih oblika podrške nastavnicima u provedbi nastave na daljinu. Poseban naglasak treba staviti na digitalnu pedagogiju u radu s učenicima i polaznicima.The circumstances and impact caused by the Covid-19 epidemic have had an impact on education systems in all countries and at all levels of education from pre-school to higher education (Kim 2020). The new circumstances did not allow for an easy and systematic transition of the education system, but a change in the way of teaching and teaching took place, it can be seen promptly. This fact itself meant a sudden change in all stakeholders in the system who participate in or are responsible for the functioning of the education system of a particular country. In August and November 2020, the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education conducted a survey on the experience, attitudes and needs of educators related to distance learning in the period March - June, during the school year 2019/2020. The research included 1348 educators from secondary vocational schools and adult education institutions, and more than 2/3 of the respondents are teachers who directly participate in the implementation of the teaching process with students / trainees. The results showed that teachers were more successful in distance learning and that, according to self-assessment, they have the appropriate digital competencies to implement this form of teaching, as well as have a high degree of satisfaction with the support they received from the ministry and agency. The obtained results can serve as an excellent basis for further planning of development strategies, and especially for the creation of professional development and other forms of support to teachers in the implementation of distance learning. Special emphasis should be placed on digital pedagogy in working with students and trainees

    Role of Corticosteroids in Drug-Induced Liver Injury. A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Apart from cessation of the implicated agent leading to drug-induced liver injury (DILI), there is no standard therapy for DILI. Corticosteroids have been used in DILI, although their efficacy is unclear. Published data showed either beneficial effects or no improvement associated with steroid therapy. The aim of the current study was to perform a systematic review of the role of corticosteroids in the treatment of DILI. Methods: A search was performed in PubMed, searching for the terms: “corticosteroids” and “drug-induced liver injury”. Observation studies were included, but case reports excluded. Results: A total of 24 papers were retrieved. Most of these were observational studies on the effects of corticosteroids in moderate/severe DILI (n = 8), reports on the corticosteroid treatment in patients with drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis (DI-AIH) (n = 5), and effects of corticosteroids in drug-induced fulminant acute liver failure (ALF, n = 2). Furthermore, treatment of corticosteroids in patients with liver injury due to check point inhibitors (CPIs) was addressed in nine studies. In moderate/severe DILI, six out of eight studies suggested steroid treatment to be beneficial, whereas two studies showed negative results. All five observational studies on the effects of corticosteroids in DI-AIH showed good therapeutic response with rapid and long lasting effects after discontinuation of corticosteroids and without evidence of relapse. Steroid therapy was not associated with improved overall survival in patients with drug-induced fulminant ALF. CPIs-induced liver injury was found to improve spontaneously in 33–50% without corticosteroids, and the rate of patients who were treated responded to steroids in 33–100% (mean 72%). Conclusions: The majority of studies analyzing the effects of corticosteroids in moderate/severe DILI have demonstrated beneficial effects. However, this was not the case in drug-induced fulminant ALF. Patients with DI-AIH had an excellent response to corticosteroids. The majority of those with CPIs-induced liver injury responded to corticosteroids; however, patients without treatment usually recovered spontaneously. The observational design and comparison with historical controls in these studies makes it very difficult to draw conclusions on the efficacy of corticosteroids in DILI. Therefore, there is a strong need for a randomized controlled trial to properly assess the role of corticosteroids in DILI