7 research outputs found


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    Rozaceja je česta bolest kože, nedovoljno razjaÅ”njene etiologije. S obzirom na to da je dokazano da se bolest pogorÅ”ava izlaganjem UV svjetlu, cilj je ovog rada pojasniti ulogu oksidacijskog stresa potaknutog UV svjetlom i metabolizma željeza u patofiziologiji bolesti. Nedavno je u bioptatima kože bolesnika s rozacejom utvrđen značajno veći broj feritin-pozitivnih stanica u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorcima zdrave kože. Feritin značajno jače očituju stanice uznapredovalijeg stadija bolesti. Bolesnici s rozacejom imaju poviÅ”ene vrijednosti koncentracije peroksida u serumu te snižen antioksidacijski potencijal u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu zdravih ispitanika. Jače očitovanje feritina u bioptatima kože, povećana koncentracija peroksida i snižen antioksidacijski kapacitet u serumu bolesnika s rozacejom, upućuju na ulogu oksidacijskog stresa i promijenjen metabolizam željeza u tih bolesnika. ViÅ”e feritina u stanicama kože bolesnika s rozacejom objaÅ”njava mehanizam pogorÅ”anja bolesti prilikom izlaganja UV svjetlu, koje iz feritina oslobađa slobodno željezo, koje je ključni čimbenik u generiranju oksidacijskog stresa.Rosacea is a common skin disease of unknown etiology. The aim of the present paper is to explain the role of oxidative stress triggered by UV light and iron metabolism in the pathophysiology of rosacea. It was recently described that the number of ferritin positive cells was significantly higher in skin samples of rosacea patients compared to controls of healthy skin samples. The presence of ferritin was significantly higher in patients with the severe stage of disease. In addition, serum peroxide levels were significantly higher and serum total antioxidative potential levels were significantly lower in rosacea patients than in healthy controls. These results support the role of oxidative stress and affected metabolism of iron in etiology of rosacea. The higher presence of ferritin in skin cells of rosacea patients explains the exacerbation of symptoms by exposure to UV light, that releases ferritin free iron, which is fundamental in the generation of oxidative stress

    Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura with late-onset necrotising glomerulonephritis - a case report

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    Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura (HSP) najučestaliji je oblik sistemskog vaskulitisa u djece, dok je u odraslih rijedak. Klinički se HSP očituje palpabilnom purpurom bez trombocitopenije i/ili koagulopatije, artritisom/artralgijama, bolovima u trbuhu i/ili oÅ”tećenjem bubrega. U odraslih bolesnika u usporedbi s pedijatrijskim bubrežna bolest općenito je težeg tijeka, a manifestacije bubrežnog oÅ”tećenja najčeŔće se javljaju u razdoblju od nekoliko dana do mjesec dana od pojave prvih znakova bolesti. U radu smo prikazali 22-godiÅ”nju bolesnicu s kožnim vaskulitičnim promjenama i artralgijama u koje je nakon osam tjedana od prvih simptoma prvi put u nalazu urina zabilježena eritrociturija i proteinurija, a biopsijom bubrega utvrđen je nekrotizirajući glomerulonefritis s IgA depozitima. Započeto je liječenje visokim dozama glukokortikoida uz postupno snižavanje doze i postignuta je potpuna remisija bubrežne bolesti. Iz prikaza ove bolesnice zaključujemo da je u bolesnika s HSP-om potrebno praćenje funkcije unutarnjih organa zbog mogućnosti razvoja teÅ”kog bubrežnog oÅ”tećenja koje se može očitovati i nekoliko mjeseci nakon pojave prvih simptoma bolesti.Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura (HSP) is the most common systemic vasculitis in children, while it is rare in adults. Typical clinical manifestations include palpable purpura without thrombocytopenia and/or coagulopathy, arthritis/arthralgia, abdominal pain, and/or renal involvement. In adulthood the disease tends to be more serious than in children, with renal manifestations developing over a period of several days to one month after initial symptoms. In this article we present a 22-year-old female patient with cutaneous vasculitis and arthralgia, in whom renal disease developed 8 weeks after disease onset with microscopic hematuria and proteinuria in urinalysis. Renal biopsy subsequently performed revealed focal necrotising glomerulonephritis with IgA deposits. The patient was treated with high dose methylprednisolone followed by gradual tapering, which induced complete remission of the disease. In conclusion, patients with HSP should be carefully monitored for systemic involvement, since serious renal disease can develop even as late as two months after disease onset

    Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura with late-onset necrotising glomerulonephritis - a case report

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    Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura (HSP) najučestaliji je oblik sistemskog vaskulitisa u djece, dok je u odraslih rijedak. Klinički se HSP očituje palpabilnom purpurom bez trombocitopenije i/ili koagulopatije, artritisom/artralgijama, bolovima u trbuhu i/ili oÅ”tećenjem bubrega. U odraslih bolesnika u usporedbi s pedijatrijskim bubrežna bolest općenito je težeg tijeka, a manifestacije bubrežnog oÅ”tećenja najčeŔće se javljaju u razdoblju od nekoliko dana do mjesec dana od pojave prvih znakova bolesti. U radu smo prikazali 22-godiÅ”nju bolesnicu s kožnim vaskulitičnim promjenama i artralgijama u koje je nakon osam tjedana od prvih simptoma prvi put u nalazu urina zabilježena eritrociturija i proteinurija, a biopsijom bubrega utvrđen je nekrotizirajući glomerulonefritis s IgA depozitima. Započeto je liječenje visokim dozama glukokortikoida uz postupno snižavanje doze i postignuta je potpuna remisija bubrežne bolesti. Iz prikaza ove bolesnice zaključujemo da je u bolesnika s HSP-om potrebno praćenje funkcije unutarnjih organa zbog mogućnosti razvoja teÅ”kog bubrežnog oÅ”tećenja koje se može očitovati i nekoliko mjeseci nakon pojave prvih simptoma bolesti.Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura (HSP) is the most common systemic vasculitis in children, while it is rare in adults. Typical clinical manifestations include palpable purpura without thrombocytopenia and/or coagulopathy, arthritis/arthralgia, abdominal pain, and/or renal involvement. In adulthood the disease tends to be more serious than in children, with renal manifestations developing over a period of several days to one month after initial symptoms. In this article we present a 22-year-old female patient with cutaneous vasculitis and arthralgia, in whom renal disease developed 8 weeks after disease onset with microscopic hematuria and proteinuria in urinalysis. Renal biopsy subsequently performed revealed focal necrotising glomerulonephritis with IgA deposits. The patient was treated with high dose methylprednisolone followed by gradual tapering, which induced complete remission of the disease. In conclusion, patients with HSP should be carefully monitored for systemic involvement, since serious renal disease can develop even as late as two months after disease onset

    The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach in a Patient with Long-term Multisystemic Manifestations of Unrecognized Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

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    ABSTRACT Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also called Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, is a rare autosomal dominant multisystemic vascular disorder, characterized by widespread mucocutaneous teleangiectasias, frequent visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVM) and a tendency for bleeding. This diagnosis should be suspected in all dermatological patients with generalized mucocutane-ous vascular lesions at sites of predilection, associated frequent epistaxis and a positive family history. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, the role and timely cooperation of dermatologists and otorhinolaryngologists in the early clinical recognition and diagnosis of the disease. We present a family case of a 63-year - old patient with typical clinical features of HHT and long-standing multisystemic complications of unrecognized disease

    The Onset of Systemic Oxidative Stress Associated with the Accumulation of Lipid Peroxidation Product Acrolein in the Skin of Patients with Small-Vessel Vasculitis

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    Small-vessel vasculitis (SVV) is the inflammation of the vessel wall that can result in hemorrhage and/or ischemia. Among the histological findings in SVV are increased infiltrating neutrophils, which, due to their oxidative burst and myeloperoxidase activity, release excessive reactive oxygen species, triggering a chain reaction of lipid peroxidation and yielding reactive aldehydes such as acrolein. The implication of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of SVV was studied, focusing on acrolein immunohistochemistry in the affected skin vessels and systemic stress response. Samples from SVV patients and healthy subjects were collected and analyzed for total serum peroxides, total antioxidant capacity, inflammatory and immunological parameters, as well as for the presence of acroleinā€“protein adducts in the skin tissue specimens. The obtained data showed that systemic redox homeostasis and iron metabolism are altered in SVV patients. Possible biomarkers in the evaluation of oxidative status, disease activity and prevalence were indicated. Furthermore, a strong correlation between the accumulation of acroleinā€“protein adducts in the skin and the progression of the disease was revealed. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate that SVV is not only associated with systemic oxidative stress but also with tissue-specific oxidative stress that promotes acrolein formation and protein modification correlating with the severity of cutaneous vasculitis