20 research outputs found

    In honour of Asclepius and Orpheus - ten years of activities on the popularization of connections between medicine and music

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    Umjetnost se definira kao ekspresija ili primjena ljudske kreativne vjeÅ”tine ili maÅ”te u stvaranju djela koja se cijene ponajprije zbog svoje ljepote i emocionalne snage. Ars medica i ars musica dva su pojma koja se međusobno isprepleću joÅ” od antičkih vremena. Mnogi su vrhunski liječnici tijekom povijest pokazivali sklonosti prema stvaranju i izvođenju glazbe. Vođeni straŔću prema medicini i glazbi, skupina studenata Medicinskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Rijeci okuplja se od 2006. u okrilju Hrvatskoga znanstvenog druÅ”tva za povijest zdravstvene kulture u neformalnu skupinu pod nazivom Asklepiju i Orfeju u čast u sklopu koje provode brojna zapažena glazbena događanja poput koncerata, prigodnih glazbenih izričaja i događanja, među kojima su najvažniji tradicionalni koncert hrvatskih studenata medicine i projekt Europski zbor i orkestar studenata medicine. Osim u Rijeci, nastupali su viÅ”e puta u Ljubljani, Zagrebu, Puli, Karlovcu, Krku, Opatiji i Crikvenici. Skupina nastavlja svoj rad vođena motivom koji pokreće svakog liječnika-glazbenika ā€“ umjetnost.Art is defined as the expression or application of the human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. ā€žArs medicaā€œ and ā€žArs musicaā€œ represent two concepts which have been mutually intertwined since the ancient times. Through history, many extraordinary physicians have shown talent towards making and performing music. Guided by the passion for medicine and music, since 2006 the students from the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine have founded an informal group named ā€žIn honour of Asclepius and Orpheusā€œ under the aegis of the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture. The group organizes many musical activities such as concerts, musical recitals and events, among which are the most important - the traditional annual concert of Croatian medical students and the European Medical Students Orchestra and Choir project. Apart from Rijeka, they performed several times in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Pula, Karlovac, Krk, Opatija and Crikvenica. The members of this group plan their future work guided by the principles that motivate every physician-musician ā€“ art

    Care for health of foreign tourists in case of medical emergency

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    Područje Primorsko-goranske županije jedno je od turistički razvijenijih dijelova naÅ”e zemlje. Zbog zemljopisnog položaja i dobrih međudržavnih odnosa najbrojniji su gosti iz susjednih zemalja. Svrha rada bila je ispitati zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu i morbiditet turista iz Austrije, Njemačke i Italije koji su na području Rijeke boravili u razdoblju od 1987. do 1990. godine, a medicinsku pomoć su zatražili na osnovi potvrde matičnog osiguranja - konvencije. Prilikom obrade koristili smo zdravstvenu i ostalu dokumentaciju na temelju koje Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje vrÅ”i nadoknadu troÅ”kova liječenja. U ispitivanom razdoblju liječeno je ukupno 3884 turista, iz Austrije 400 (10%), Njemačke 2796 (72%) i Italije 688 (18). Djece do devet godina života bilo je 9%, a osoba starijih od 60 godina 19%. U 519 slučajeva (13%) koriÅ”teno je bolničko liječenje, sa ukupno 5734 bolesnička dana. Veći dio bolesnika liječen je ambulantno 3365 (87%). U morbiditetu bolesnika najviÅ”e su zastupljene povrede 868 (22%). Medicinsku pomoć zbog kroničnih bolesti kardiovaskularnog, nervnog, lokomotomog i respiratornog sustava zatražilo je između 6-11% bolesnika. U razdoblju od 1990. do 1995. godine liječeno je 4509 turista. Rezultati ispitivanja biti će prezentirani po zavrÅ”enoj obradi i uspoređeni sa sličnim istraživanjima. IzvrÅ”ena analiza egzaktno pokazuje da se među turistima na naÅ”em području nalazi značajan broj osoba oboljelih od kroničnih bolesti kojima pored iznimno blage mediteranske klime valja ponuditi i visokostručne medicinske usluge u okviru programa zdravstvenog turizma, a s ciljem prevencije, liječenja i rehabilitacije bolesti.The county of Primorje and Gorski kotar is one of the most developed tourist regions in Croatia. The majority of tourists come from the neighbouring countries because of the geographical position of this region and because of good relations that Republic of Croatia has with its neighbours. The objective of our research was to examine health care and morbidity of Austrian, German and Italian tourists who stayed in the Rijeka area from 1987 to 1990 and who asked-for medical help on the basis of insurance certificate-convention. Our research is based on the health and other documentation used by Croatian Institute of Health Insurance for the compensation of the expense of medical treatment. In the examined period the total of 3884 tourists were treated, out of which 400 from Austria (10%), 2796 from Germany (72%) and 688 from Italy (18%). There was 9% of children under the age of 9 and 19% of people over 60. In 519 cases (13%) hospital treatment was needed with the total of 5734 days spent in hospital. The majority of patients needed ambulatory treatment, 3365 (87%). As to morbidity of patients injuries were most represented 868 (22%). To patients who needed help because of chronic diseases of cardiovascular system, of nervous system,of locomotor system and respiratory system belongs 6- 11 %. During the period from 1990 to 1995, 4509 tourists were cured. The results of the research will be shown when the analysis is completed. The results will also be compared with the results of other similar researches. The performed analysis shows that among tourists in our region there is a considerable number of persons who suffer from chronic diseases, and who should be offered a highly professional medical treatment as a part of health - tourism programme, aimed at the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of a disease

    Epidemiological Study of Visual Functions ā€“ Refractive Errors, Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma in Children in the Karst Area of Opatija

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    Authors of earlier studies examined the epidemiological characteristics of certain eye diseases: age-related macular degeneration (AMD), refractive errors and glaucoma in the area of Primorsko-goranska County (the island of Rab, Novi Vinodolski and Delnice). It was found that the occurrence of AMD is most common on the island of Rab, followed by Novi Vinodolski and it is least common in Gorski Kotar. This fact is associated with the intensity of solar radiation in the UV-A and UV-B fi elds. The highest percentage of the occurrence of glaucoma was also identifi ed on the island of Rab. In comparison to this study, it was found that in the karst area of Opatija (Mune, Brgud, Žejane, BreÅ”ca, Zvoneće, Pasjak, Å apjane and Zaluki) there is a very high incidence of glaucoma (27% suspected and 7% diagnosed glaucoma) within the indigenous population. Glaucoma does not appear among children whose parents migrated to the karst area of Opatija. Refractive errors are far less common among children of indigenous population than among the children whose parents migrated to this area. The occurrence of AMD was not found in any child that was born and lives in this area, regardless of whether their parents are indigenous or not. This statement is very important because it confi rms authorā€™s earlier statement which claims that at low exposure to solar UV-A and UV-B there is no occurrence of AMD

    Perception of Arterial Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction in hypertensive and Normotensive Men and Women

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    The research aims were to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction in hypertensive and normotensive men and women as well as to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction as predictors of blood pressure control in hypertensives. In the research 470 subjects of 4 general practices from Rijeka, Croatia participated, hypertensive group from the list of hypertensive patients without cardiovasular complications and other major chronic conditions, normotensive group from the list of patients without chronic conditions. Each group had 235 subjects, 128 men and 107 women. Perception of hypertension and myocardial infarction was measured as the result on semantic differential questionnaire. Factor analysis extracted evaluation, potency and activity factor. Blood pressure control was interpreteted on the five degrees scale. Statistical significance was defined under 5% (p<0.05). Hypertensive subjects perceived hypertension as less negative and more active, while myocardial infarction was percieved as more potent term than by normotensives. Women perceived myocardial infarction as less negative, and less potent term than men. Both groups perceived myocardial infarction as more negative, potent and active term than hypertension. Normotensive women evaluated hypertension as more negative, and percieved myocardial infarction as less potent than other subjects. Well-controlled hypertension was correlated with a lower potency of hypertension and lower activity of myocardial infarction. Both conditions are perceived as more Ā»maleĀ« diseases. As perception of hypertnsion and myocardial infarction is correlated with blood pressure regulation in hypertensives, and hypertension is major risk factor for myocardial infarction, family doctors should put additional effort in changing perception of cardiovascular diseases in their patients, especially in women

    Inequalities in Health Related Quality of Life in Primorsko-Goranska County, Croatia. How Healthy are People Using Primary Health Care?

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    We present a cross sectional study on health related quality of life and EQ5D questionnaire practical use in Primorsko- goranska County in Croatia and inequalities in health between its sub regions with a potential application in regional policies social and healthcare organisation. Of 1066 participants that were patients at 42 family health physicianā€™s waiting room, women stood for 636 (59.7%) and men for 430 (40.3%). The most commonly reported problem was Ā»Pain/discomfortĀ« with 634 (59.5%) of all respondents and Ā»Anxiety/depressionĀ« with 496 (46.6%). The worst health was reported within older age group and in a group with the lowest socio-economic status. Sub regional differences were found. The best health was reported in the suburbs of the town Rijeka and on the Islands, while the worst was reported in the Mountains. EQ5D is a simple and cost-effective instrument for measuring health related quality of life and recognising subgroups for identification of inequalities in the population

    Inequalities in Health Related Quality of Life in Primorsko-Goranska County, Croatia. How Healthy are People Using Primary Health Care?

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    We present a cross sectional study on health related quality of life and EQ5D questionnaire practical use in Primorsko- goranska County in Croatia and inequalities in health between its sub regions with a potential application in regional policies social and healthcare organisation. Of 1066 participants that were patients at 42 family health physicianā€™s waiting room, women stood for 636 (59.7%) and men for 430 (40.3%). The most commonly reported problem was Ā»Pain/discomfortĀ« with 634 (59.5%) of all respondents and Ā»Anxiety/depressionĀ« with 496 (46.6%). The worst health was reported within older age group and in a group with the lowest socio-economic status. Sub regional differences were found. The best health was reported in the suburbs of the town Rijeka and on the Islands, while the worst was reported in the Mountains. EQ5D is a simple and cost-effective instrument for measuring health related quality of life and recognising subgroups for identification of inequalities in the population

    Diet Quality of Middle Age and Older Women from Primorsko-Goranska County Evaluated by Healthy Eating Index and Association with Body Mass Index

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    Accorded dietary habits provide adequate nutrient intakes, especially important for quality aging. Adequate nutrition for older persons has vital influence on maintaining good health and social functioning. Therefore, using simple tool for evaluation of diet of older population in relation to overweight and obesity is of public health importance. Among many factor that influence quality of aging has obesity, where in Croatia the prevalence of obesity is greater in older women than men. Our aim was to evaluate diet quality of middle age and older women from Primorsko-Goranska County by Healthy Eating Index (HEI) and to see the association of HEI to overweight and obesity. Diet quality of 124 women with average age 59.91Ā±5.31 years was graded with 10 component HEI score, ranging from 0 to 100, where HEI score less than 51 implies Ā»poorĀ« diet. Overweight and obesity was classified according to WHO classification. The majority of women had diet that Ā»needs improvementĀ« (66.1%), and only 3.2% had Ā»goodĀ« diet. Older women had better HEI score than middle-aged women, while overweight was statistically significant positively related to better HEI score (b=0.26, p=0.048). Older women better scored for meat, dairy, cholesterol and dietary variety. Ā»PoorĀ« diet mostly had women with normal weight and middle-aged. Age did not influenced overall HEI score, neither its components. Obese women had lower achievements for almost all recommended HEI components. Women having Ā»poorĀ« diet quality could raise a chance for overweight and obesity for almost two times ([OR]=1.67, 95%[CI]=1.072ā€“2.59, p=0.023; [OR]=1.51, 95%[CI]= 1.08ā€“2.10, p=0.015, respectively). The provided results showed that with age, women tended to have better diet. These could be because of that with aging are higher disease incidences that essentially need diet improvements; so older women tended to improve their diet to reduce disease discomforts. Being obese influenced the diet quality of our sample of women, therefore, for quality aging, the importance of public health nutrition programs are strongly needed. HEI score is a good assessment for diet quality, but further investigation of influence on other sociodemographic and health characteristics is required

    Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Intake of Medical Students

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    The aims of this study were to determine medical studentsā€™ knowledge regarding the association between dietary factors and the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases and to investigate if this knowledge has an impact on their dietary intakes. Three hundred and ninety medical students (males and females) were included in a study and grouped according to their daily fibre and fat intakes. For diet ā€“ disease knowledge, questions from the General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults were used and dietary assessment was done with Food Frequency Questionnaire. The obtained results showed that the studentsā€™ diet-disease knowledge was generally inadequate. Higher level of diet-disease knowledge was among those with high dietary fibre intake, with slightly better scores for dietary factors and risk for cardiovascular diseases than the risk for cancer. Better diet-disease knowledge positively correlated with higher intake of fish (p=0.027, p=0.001) and vegetables (p=0.019, p=0.001) in high fibre groups of both gender, and in females additionally with fruit intake (p=0.038, p=0.007). A higher dietary fibre intake among studied students seems to be a factor that ensures lower obesity rates, lower intake of energy and lower consumption of coffee, sweets and alcoholic drinks. On the basis of the results of this study, it is clear that medical schools should provide in their nutrition programs the opportunity for students to learn about their own dietary and lifestyle behaviours, in order to more knowledgably and convincingly counsel their future patients