8 research outputs found

    Pesticidi u hrani

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    Pesticidi su kemijska i mikrobiološka sredstva koja se upotrebljavaju za suzbijanje uzročnika biljnih bolesti, štetnih insekata, grinja, stonoga, puževa, nematoida i glodavaca, za suzbijanje korova ili za reguliranje rasta biljaka. Osim u zaštiti bilja upotrebljavaju se i za uništavanje insekata i drugih organizama koji prenose uzročnike zaraznih bolesti na ljude i životinje te raznih molestanata i parazita ljudi i životinja. Prema tome ovisno o namjeni pesticide dijelimo u podgrupe od kojih su najviše zastupljeni insekticidi (insekti), herbicidi (korov) i fungicidi (gljive)

    Biogeni amini u trajnim kobasicama inokuliranima bakteriocinogenom kulturom Enterococcus faecalis eF-101 iz mlijeka

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    In this study, the dairy-originated bacteriocinogenic Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 strain was implemented in traditionally smoked Croatian home-made dry fermented sausages. During ripening, microbiological and physico- chemical changes were observed, and the biogenic amines were monitored. The Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 count remained constant during the sausage ripening (105 CFU/g). There was no positive correlation of enterococci counts with cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, biogenic amines index, or total biogenic amines content in the sausages with added E. faecalis. The histamine and tyramine content correlated moderately with the lactic acid bacteria count in the control sausages. The total biogenic amines content was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the experimental sausages, however only on day 14 of ripening. The bacteriocinogenic strain of E. faecalis EF-101 reduced the histamine and cadaverine content, probably by reducing the aminogenic lactic acid bacteria population.U ovom je istraživanju primijenjena bakteriocinogena kultura Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 iz mlijeka u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica u domaćinstvu. Tijekom zrenja praćene su mikrobiološke i fizikalno-kemijske promjene u nadjevu te sastav i količina biogenih amina. Broj E. faecalis ostao je stalan tijekom zrenja kobasica (105 CFU/g). Nije zabilježena povezanost broja enterokoka i količine kadaverina, histamina, tiramina, indeksa biogenih amina i ukupnih amina. U kontrolnim je kobasicama količina histamina i tiramina umjereno korelirala s brojem bakterija mliječne kiseline. Ukupna količina biogenih amina u pokusnim je kobasicama bila znakovito veća (P<0,05) tek 14. dan zrenja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da bakteriocinogena kultura E. faecalis EF-101 reducira količinu histamina i kadaverina, vjerojatno sistiranjem aminogene mikroflore

    Nitrozobenzenska biblioteka: Model za proučavanje selektivnosti dimerizacije nitrozo-azodioksida u čvrstom stan

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    Cross-linking of nitroso benzenes to heterodimers (azodioxides), in the case when they are not sterically crowded with large groups in ortho-position, was studied by NMR, UV-VIS, and Raman spectroscopy as well as by powder X-ray crystallography. Dimerization of nitroso compounds to azodioxides can, in principle, be used for the construction of novel supramolecular structures. As a preliminary investigation, the selectivity of nitrosobenzenes to form dimers in the solid state was studied. Observations by NMR and vibrational spectroscopy show that selectivity for cross-linking is quite different in the solid state from that in solution. This is explained by a considerable influence of packing factors in the former. Selectivities for cross- -linking in the solid state in a complex chemical library of monomers were formulated and measured using simple spectroscopic and diffraction methods. For every member of such a nitrosobenzene chemical library it is possible to measure and, using the Tanimoto similarity coefficients, calculate two selectivity parameters, chemical selectivity and packing selectivity. While packing selectivity is correlated with total dipole moments of nitroso monomer molecules, chemical selectivity is in correlation with the x-component of the molecular dipole, i.e., the axis that is nearly collinear with the C-N bond in nitroso group. The method developed in this work could, in principle, be proposed for more general use in investigations of similar chemical libraries with binary combined components.Dimerizacija različito supstituiranih nitrozobenzena, do koje dolazi kristalizacijom, rabljena je kao model za kvantificiranje reaktivnosti i selektivnosti u čvrstome stanju. Predloženi parametri selektivnosti dobiveni su na temelju IR spektroskopije i difrakcije X-zraka na prahu za kemijsku biblioteku nitrozobenzena supstituiranih u m- i p- položaju

    Macro‐ and microelements in pumpkin seed oils: Effect of processing, crop season, and country of origin

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    Abstract Macro‐ and microelements in the samples of virgin and cold pressed pumpkin seed oils produced in Croatia through two consecutive crop seasons were determined by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP‐OES). Croatian oils were also compared to oils from Slovenia and Austria in order to assess differences in the element content. Magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, selenium, and iron were the dominant elements in all pumpkin seed oils. Their amounts together with barium, strontium, manganese, copper were up to ninefold higher (p ≤ 0.05) in virgin compared to cold pressed pumpkin seed oils. These differences occur due to the different processing conditions which include salt addition, heat treatment, and higher degree of equipment ware out during virgin pumpkin seed oil production. As the sodium level increases with the addition of salt, virgin pumpkin seed oil could be considered its hidden source and producers should pay attention to the amount added. Contents of cobalt, copper, selenium, and thallium significantly differed (p ≤ 0.05) between the two crop seasons. Principal component analysis revealed clear differences between samples with different origin that can be explained by the specifics in the production processes of each country. In comparison with Austrian and Slovenian, Croatian pumpkin seed oils had significantly lower contents of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and tin while bismuth and selenium were higher

    Water for all : proceedings 8th International Conference Water for all

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    The 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was held on the 21th and 22th March 2019 in Osijek, on Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek on the occasion of World Water Day and with the aim of gathering and exchanging experiences of scientists and experts in the field of water management, environmental protection and preservation of water resources. The Conference included plenary lectures, oral lectures, poster presentations, and the presentations of sponsoring companies. 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was organized by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Water - VGO, Croatian Chamber of Health Professionals, Croatian Water Pollution Control Society, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Department of Biology of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, University of Bihać, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology University of Mostar, Faculty of Health Studies University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, Faculty of Technology University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy University of Skopje, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Ljubljana, Nature Park “Kopački rit”, Public Institution for nature protection in Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek-Baranja County, Health Center Osijek, Vodovod-Osijek d.o.o. and Alumni Association of former students and friends of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek - TehnOS. The international co- organizers of the Conference were International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) and Danube Parks. The theme of World Water Day 2019 and 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was "Water for all – Leaving no one behind!". At the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL participated 359 authors from 10 countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Republic of Kosovo, Turkey, Norway, Mexico and Brazil) with presentation of in total 112 paper, from which of them 41 were presented orally, and were presented 71 as poster presentation. Abstract of the mentioned papers were published in the Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL. The Scientific Committee of 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL received 35 full papers for publication and 17 of them became the part of the this Proceedings, while 18 papers were accepted and publicated in following international scientific journals: Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS, Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, Technologica Acta, The Holistic Approach to Environment and Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo Okoliša. Special contributions to the quality of this Proceedings of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL were given by 49 reviewers, mostly university professors and professionals, from 10 countries and over twenty international universities, faculties and institutions. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL we cordially thank all the authors, participants, reviewers and sponsors for their contribution to the quality of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL