17 research outputs found

    Necessity and effects of dynamic systems for railway wheel defect detection

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects

    Potreba i efekti dinamičkih sustava za detekciju defekata točkova željezničkih vozila

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects.Stanje željezničkih vozila bitno utječe na sigurnost prometa zbog rizika iskliznuća i istovremeno smanjuje kvalitet prevoza robe i putnika. Jedan od bitnijih čimbenika koji utječu na stanje željezničkih vozila jeste stanje točkova. Defekti točkova su česta pojava u željezničkom prometu. Iz tog razloga, veoma bitno je pravovremeno otkrivanje defekata. U ovom radu su prezentirani načini i učinci pravovremenog detektiranja defekata točkova

    Model za predikciju broja prsnuća tračnica

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    Broken rails can cause train delays, trains cancelations and, unfortunately, they are common causes of accidents. This affects planning of a resources, budget and organization of railway track maintenance. Planning of railway track maintenance cannot be done without an estimation of number of rails that will be replaced due to the broken rail incidents. There are many factors that influence broken rails and the most common are: rail age, annual gross tonnage, degree of curve and temperature in the time of breakage. The fuzzy logic model uses acquired data as input variables to predict the frequency of broken rails for the certain rail types on some Sections.Prsnuća tračnica mogu prouzrokovati kašnjenje vlakova i jedan su od najčešćih uzroka izvanrednih događaja. Zbog toga utiču i na planiranje resursa, budžeta i održavanja željezničkih pruga. Planiranje održavanja pruga ne može se uraditi bez procjene broja tračnica koje će se zamijeniti zbog prsnuća. Postoji mnogo faktora koji utiču na prsnuće tračnica, a najčešći su: strarost tračnica, godišnje bruto tone, radijus krivine i temperatura u vrijeme prsnuća. Model fuzzy logike koristi prikupljene podatke kao ulazne promjenljive da bi proračunao broj prsnuća tračnica za određeni tip tračnice na nekim sekcijama pruga

    Vorschlag und Anwendung der Methode Revitalisierung regionale Bahnstrecke in der Slowakei und Serbien. Teil 2: Situation des Regionalverkehrs in der Slowakei und Serbien und Anwendungsmöglichkeit revitalisierung Methode

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    This paper discusses a proposal of methodology of revitalisation of regional railway tracks and regional railway traffic, liberalization and competition in railway transport, quality requirements in regional traffic, principles of the contract on transport services in the public interest and with the current state of regional passenger transport in Slovakia and Serbia. This is Part 2 which is dedicated to study the current situation of regional railway transport in Slovakia and Serbia, the investment plans, the potential changes on the railway transport market and the quality of transport service provided in these countries.Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Vorschlag der Methodik der Wiederbelebung der regionalen Eisenbahnlinien und regionalen Bahnverkehr, Liberalisierung und Wettbewerb im Eisenbahnverkehr, Qualitätsanforderungen im Regionalverkehr, Grundsätze des Vertrags auf Verkehrsleistungen im öffentlichen Interesse und mit dem Stand der regionalen Personenverkehr in der Slowakei und Serbien. Zweiter Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich die Situation der regionalen Eisenbahnverkehr und Änderung auf dem Eisenbahnverkehrsmarkt in der Slowakei und Serbien und mit der Möglichkeit der Anwendung der Methodik und Revitalisierung dieser Staaten

    Model for predicting the frequency of broken rails

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    Broken rails can cause train delays, trains cancelations and, unfortunately, they are common causes of accidents. This affects planning of a resources, budget and organization of railway track maintenance. Planning of railway track maintenance cannot be done without an estimation of number of rails that will be replaced due to the broken rail incidents. There are many factors that influence broken rails and the most common are: rail age, annual gross tonnage, degree of curve and temperature in the time of breakage. The fuzzy logic model uses acquired data as input variables to predict the frequency of broken rails for the certain rail types on some Sections

    Vorschlag und Anwendung der Methode Revitalisierung regionale Bahnstrecke in der Slowakei und Serbien, Teil 1: Theoretischer Ansatz and Vorschlags der Methode zur Revitalisierung Regionalbahnen

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    The paper presents a proposal of methodology for revitalisation of regional railway tracks and regional railway traffic, liberalization and competition in railway transport, quality requirements in regional traffic, principles of the contract on transport services in the public interest and with the current state of regional passenger transport in Slovakia and Serbia. First part of the paper deals with a theoretical approach of transport policy, transport regulation, suburban transport and introduces a methodology for revitalisation of regional railway tracks.Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Vorschlag der Methodik der Wiederbelebung der regionalen Eisenbahnlinien und regionalen Bahnverkehr, Liberalisierung und Wettbewerb im Eisenbahnverkehr, Qualitätsanforderungen im Regionalverkehr, Grundsätze des Vertrags auf Verkehrsleistungen im öffentlichen Interesse und mit dem aktuellen Stand der regionalen Personenverkehr in der Slowakei und Serbien. Ersten Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Ansatz der Verkehrspolitik, Verkehrsregelung, Vorortverkehr und die Vorbereitung Methodik der Wiederbelebung der regionalen Eisenbahnlinien

    Conventional and unconventional extraction methods applied to the plant, Thymus serpyllum L

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This study deals with the application of two conventional and three non-conventional extraction approaches for isolation of bioactive compounds from the plant Thymus serpyllum L. The extracts obtained were tested regarding their chemical profile (content of phenolics, flavonoids, condensed tannins, gallotannins and anthocyanins) and antioxidant activities. Subcritical water extract of Thymus serpyllum L. generally had the highest concentrations of the chemical bioactive compounds examined and the best antioxidant properties

    Równowaga 238U-234Th w próbkach gleby

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    Pierwsza mapa radonowa Wojwodiny

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